Signed Up: Mar 09, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3 · Topics: 1
hi first time poster! I have been involved intimately with a scorpio man since may of last year, it has not been easy ,and has been a very off and on relationship(there is a nutty ex girlfriend in the mix too its not fun). He is attached to her, but it seems to me that he is attached to me as well other than just sexual gratification . But who knows maybe im wrong, what are ways i can tell if a scorps affections are genuine,he claims he liked me since the moment he met me which was 2 years ago and was waiting for a sign from me that i liked him back(i had been in a relationship with someone else when he and I met initially). He is very sweet to me , and present frequently but when he i dont hear from him for a few days I start to question him. Sorry to ramble, any help is really appreciated
Signed Up: Mar 08, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 104 · Topics: 2
Hi Taurgal, check out "scorp men ur opinions please". I have been with a scorpio male for almost 4 years. What I wrote at the bottom and what phoenix wrote before me was right on. Give it a try.
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