Thank You Scorpios

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by jlibra on Thursday, March 9, 2006 and has 4 replies.
i'm a libra that's been in a nowhere relationship with a scorpio for almost 5 years. we've finally decided to break up & it's been GREAT for us. not only is he the most adult man i've ever broken up with, but it seems like we're closer friends now than we've been in about 3 years. everything is cool, doors are left open, we still love each other - just can't make it work right now. i want to say thank you to the scorpios out there that know how to handle themselves like adults. i can't even begin to describe how hard it is for me to hurt someone's feelings or deal with nasty confrontational scenes & my scorpio has not only made it easy for me, but has been sensitive to my fears. he's still a little jealous & clingy, but i don't blame him one bit since i initiated the breakup.
thanks scorpios, you guys get a bad rap & i've really reevaluated my opinion since this experiance !!!!!!!
Ameen! win some you lose some..its the name of the game...
YAY the sorpios bad rep is slow clearing up!!!!!!!!!!!!WoOt!!!!!!!
Haha you had better hope you're right. Tongue

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