Ok I'm posting this here even though it's not a Scorpio thing BUT because I have Scorp drama I am checking the Scorp boards sooooo here it is:
Has anybody seen the latest "Biggest Loser" show? I don't watch a lot of TV because I work a lot BUT I caught this show and it is crazy! I have to know because the people on the show are beyond huge-- how on earth do they get an unfit person to do 3-6 hours of excersise A DAY???
I am in fairly good shape and I work out 3-4 times a week 45 minutes cardio and 30 minutes weights-- and I cannot imagine doing 2-3 hours of cardio a day plus weights-- even with a trainer! 2-3 HOURS OF CARDIO A DAY-- being well over 100 pounds overweight???!!! I don't even know if Marines do that!
I don't get it.
Oh, but don't get me wrong I think they all look so great and happy and I'm so glad for them that they've change for the better-- but I just don't understand how they can do it. Drive? The will?
2-3 hours of cardio is killer-- and according to the website they do this 7 days a week!!! I think I would pass out.
Ok so I have to type this --lol--
I had the day off today and I decided to try 5 hours of working out-- throughout the day as I suspect that the contestants do on this show. I went jogging for 35 minutes when I work up that was normal, then about 3 hours later I went to the gym and did the eliptical(?did I spell that right--lol--?) for 45 minutes and weights for 30 minutes. Then at home after my kids got home from school I did a 45 minute "hip-hop abs" DVD and just now before bed I did another round of DVD working out with "abs of steel" I am now sitting at my computer and I think my legs may fall off.
I am sorry but to lose 100 - 200 pounds in 10 weeks with a radical diet and 3-6 hours a day of excersise? I could not keep this up. Maybe if this was the only thing I had to do and that was it, but still. To be that heavy and to turn into robowoman? It would take at least a month.
Oh if anybody cares-- abs of steel is FANTASTIC!!! My abs are killing me. I bought it last year and never really used it. I am going to be adding it in after my am run from now on-- it really is amazing. I can't even cough with out it hurting --lol--.