The Dirty Mistress Syndrome

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ScorpGirl83 on Sunday, April 1, 2007 and has 119 replies.
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As bad as this sounds... I tend to get myself into situations where guys want to cheat on or leave their girlfriends for me. Do any other scorps have this problem? And do you guys allow it to happen?
Happened once with a sag guy...
he's divorced now, but it wasnt my fault.
Yes,so many girlfriends cheat on their boyfriends for me..
That was the cooky me..the humble me will post later a serious post.
first of all I would not deal with a man thats in a relationship..period... I CANNOT be the other woman. And I think we as woman should have respect for what belongs to someone else.
"Yes,so many girlfriends cheat on their boyfriends for me"
Nor me...
::holds head high as twins::
I have no respect for women who are..And I don't think anyones completely innocent when it comes to ruining relationships...Both parties are guilty in some way..
Its never by chance..first time maybe, but even then if I found out the guy was attached, I'd be gone..but for it happen over and over again..hmmm..smells fishy!..
I've had a shit day today..really...Gaurav isn't around for me to have a tiff...
LOL..Hello young man..
I just got a text from a friend (Aries), he's turned 30 and is drowning his sorrows at some club, preparing yippee!..thats saturday night sorted..
LOL @ twin..
No hun..Its my own doing...just one of them days..its all ok now though
Archie for that matter ...I do body massage.
I tend to get myself into situations where guys want to cheat on or leave their girlfriends for me. Do any other scorps have this problem?
OH please...this is not because you are a is because you have 'seduced' weak willed men who don't like their girlfriends in the first place and rather roam around. You can't men cheat if they don't want to.
Now...if you were a Virgo...this would be alot different. smile
Hoebags = Homewrecker
oh yeah i get that all the time. boyfriends saying look i'll dump her tomorrow and husbands just wanting to leave their wives all willy nilly. and i bet they're being 100% earnest and genuine too!
What is this O.P.?
neither would i roxijam, which is why i think any man who would leave his wife for a hot young prospect doesn't deserve a place in hell.
but that's just my opinion.
If they did it to them ...they can do it to you...
"If they did it to them ...they can do it to you..."
exactly. i think it's HILARIOUS when a girl steals someone's man and then gets her panties in a bunch when she finds out he's cheating on her. chances are she's cheating or would cheat on him anyway! you have to laugh at situations as ridiculous as that.
i was being sarcastic with the first post, btw...i mean there have been a couple assholes, but i would never fall for their bullshit. girls are stupid when they can't comprehend where they stand.
wow, I thought it takes longer for guys anti.
hahaha...20/21 why should they even get that long? i'm 18. i can tell right from wrong, thankyouverymuch. i HATE it when people use age as an excuse (although i can see some cases where it applies).
" least these women are in a minority."
let's kill them. no, that would be mean.
I dont wanna be a stoopid girl!
oh please @ antibling can do that for life...
i really was being sarcastic with the killing thing. i'm not that ignorant (no really). i am feeling a bit apathetic though.
haha...jinx eelho!
they should atleast be sterilized Tongue
well those women dont usually do it by choice...
Prison breaks on!
tsk tsk
ooooh...what was the topic Sadsmile...
most of those women are stupid and insecure...hence not their choice TongueTongue
its more of a physical thing with men...and ego...

BUT ITS ALWAYS WRONG ::wags finger:: wrong I say!
o seriously, what were you talking about bling ??
:shrug:..I cant help it...
(mr pisces kkeeps singing the age of aquarius song to me...Im suspicious...)

look over there bling...SHINY object TongueTonguesmile
Yes Bling...BUY them. Support the economy ya darn pirate. Arrrgh!
*Hugs Bling*
It will be can survive.
Who said I was aplogizing !?!!?!!! smilesmile

I usually d/l the episodes of my shows too, if I ant catch reruns.
"you wouldn't catch a Scorpio doing that
maybe but your a libra smile
*Takes Bling to a prison and gives him the means of escape so he can tape his own shows.*
Jealous....the proper term would be envious...and no...I rather not have a 'spinning ring'...
*ahem* Libprio!
::Big Otis sneaks up behind Bling::
And Big Otis Bling? I thought that Scorps were suppose to be the sex sign and sometimes you all like to experiment...heheheh...
I don't love man on man action...unless it is all on me! smile

Pfft, look how the Scorpios are effecting me!