Reason why Capricorns and Scorpio's get on so well is because they are so alike. Both want security, to be loved unconditionally and both afraid to express how they truely feel. (Probably why they say its a slow relationship to progress). While Scorpio is afraid to be emotionaly hurt, Caps afraid of rejection and not being good enough. I know deep down the Scorpio I met did have feelings for me (how much I dont know). I know this person hunted me out, continually stood around outside etc waiting for me (at first acted surprised but after a while we both knew inside we both wanted him to be there). Became brillant friends who cheered each other up, laughed, joked and genuinely cared about the other. These feelings turned into intense wanting (this went on for weeks) just standing there wanting to rip each others clothes off but afraid to make that move - eventually we did end up in each others arms (no sex) and yes it is true what they say about scorpio's passion but do remember that Capricorns are the earth sign that can make the earth move (but only with the right partner). What can I say but yes that intense passion left both of us shaking in each others arms (every touch had him trembling with the expression "look what you do to me" - he done the same to me). We never wanted to leave each other it was like getting ripped apart when we had to go home - like you were missing something - in the end we texted each other night and day when not together. I know he made me really happy and he seemed really happy too. He used to walk around singing and smiling all the time - care free - not like he was before we were together. Funny thing about all this was we never put anything in words when things came up we both hid away from it - made a joke about things etc (both of us were previously married and deeply hurt). We seemed to both put our feelings into actions. To cut this story short he had to leave due to his work and the week before he left I avoided him - knew that when he left I would be deeply hurt and lonely - when we passed each other he looked at me so intensely I felt he must see into my soul but I just smiled and pretended everything was great - I wanted him to grab me tell me he cared for me but instead he just looked really sad and hurt. The day he left he came to see me and surprise! we ended up holding each other he kept asking would I miss him and again I joked - he asked me to met him to keep in touch. I asked him what did he feel and he said he didnt want to go but he had finsihed his job here and had no choice. See this is the point I know if he was here now we would still be together because we seemed not to be able to stay away from each other - still just strolling along never saying anything but being so happy being together that words wouldnt matter. But we live apart and with never having said the things we should have now we our not together and probably never will be. I know I hurt him by the things I done and maybe more to the point the things I didnt do or say - but then he done the same. It so sad that grown up people cant express how they feel. So many times I have picked up the phone to dial his number but am afraid he will say go away dont want to know - after everything else I dont think I could handle that and so have decided that I will go on wondering what could have been instead of risking rejection. My point to all, if you are in someones arms and feel really good there TELL them dont leave it because you may find that one day it will be to late and like me you may never know what could have been!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
I always thought that chatting & posting messages on the net were rather silly, but reading the message about Capricorn & Scorpio changed my mind. I, Scoprio female, met Capricorn male through my work 2 years ago. He is the clients of my company and his office was just a block away from mine so that we run into each other sometimes on the street. He always dressed very nice and I thought of him as professional, self-assured person. We had just exchanged "hi" until one day he stopped by my desk and I assisted his business issue. Next day he sent me an e-mail saying just "hi" and "thank you". Since then he sent me e-mail every morning (sometimes 2-3 times a day) and after 3 months of communication I finally asked him out to the symphony concert. We became involved seriously after that, and it is already for a year passed. I feel his affection & desire through his eyes and so does he, I believe. He is very typical Cap (hard-working, serious, intellectual, having high standards to himself) and I respect & admire him very much. Under his tough appearance he has very warm & romantic heart that makes me feel very secured and comfortable. When we are together we don't reveal our feelings in words so much, but we exchange deep thoughts in writings. I felt as if I finally found a person who understands me... However, last weekend I said "good-bye" to him. It doesn't mean I stopped loving him but my moral commanded not to see him anymore, because he is a married man. He confessed his marital status when I asked him out for the first time, but I accepted it. He said his wife (Libra) is nice but sexually not attractive anymore. He said we all want to have better relationship... I think he feels that he has responsibility to his own race and the religion so that he wouldn't divorce his wife. (Though I am in the process of divorce with Aries that will be settled in May after 2 years of separation.) Now I am at work thinking what could have been and what may have been, and wishing to run into him again on the street. It is only for 5 days since I said good-bye but I feel as if I have been lost for a long time. He wanted us to be friends but my feelings to him are more than that, and I need time to heal my heart before becoming friends. I was reading the horoscopes and all of them said that April would be the time for the endings of old and the beginnings of new. I am so sad that I have to end my relationship with him, but maybe this is our fate. I am usually good at cheering up myself and others but this time I am down so badly. I know he is also suffering & in pain now... I miss my Cap a lot but we are old enough (early 30's) to know what we should do and what we shouldn't...
Wish you all Scorpio the best.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
You seem to have been through the same experience as me - what can I say to you but that I hope it works out which ever way is for the best - let me know what happens it keeps me from worrying about me all the time. Best Wishes.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 16126 · Topics: 1726
Umm good for you to tell the married man to take a hike. Its a trap, and a pretty stupid one at that.
There is a reason these men don't leave their wives to pursue the "new" relationship. It wrongs both women.