Hello everyone,
I write here today because I need some advice I think.
I'm a 23 year old man, the only woman I've ever liked in my life was a scorpio woman, I've really never liked anyone else that much.
So... we used to be friends, she had a boyfriend and I think she somehow knew i really liked her, even though I tried to hide it from her.
So once during a party she asked me who did I like, and I said none, she kept askin until I said I didn't like anyone. She didn't believe me but stopped askin.
So a few days later I felt so stupid for not tellin her and worked up my courage to tell her I really liked her.
She said she didn't know what to say since she had a boyfriend, but she "admired my courage" (and yes, it was amazingly hard for me to tell her "I like you", 'till this day I don't really know why though, maybe I was too stupid then or something)
Things got awkward tho, and she stopped talkin to me. We get separated because we got in different classrooms and stop seeing each other altogether.
Months later she sees my messages on FB trying tor each out for her, contacts me through FB and tells me that she thought I deserved and explanation and that she was in a "sick relationship" with her now ex-BF and she needed time, she didn't know what to do at the time and thats why she stopped talkin to me.
I just told her that she needed to forget about me, that I was sure she would find a good man.
She never replied again.
'till this day I haveen't forgotten her, I was... so tired fighting for her, I had other plans in my life (My career), this was interfering so much (at least that's what I thought at the time).
I never knew if she liked me anyway.
Thanks for actually reading my story if you reached this point lol
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Sep 07, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 497 · Topics: 31
I'm not a scorpio but y not reach out to her? I feel like you need closure. She can only accept you again or not but you living in a world of what if and doubt will keep torturing you.
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
"I just told her that she needed to forget about me, that I was sure she would find a good man."
This wallowing in romanticized self-pity is so 90's. "I'm sure she would find a good man..." What's that even mean? That you're a bad man and your dick would simply destroy her?!! That you care about her so deeply she's just better off without you.... for some unknown reason?
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Not romantic, romantacized. Emo. "You better of without me". Why exactly?! Have you even know her long and well enough to make that statement or are you just putting her on a pedestal?
Don't really know, but I know I've cancer almost everywhere