The Real Stars

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by missmorals on Thursday, March 23, 2006 and has 55 replies.
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I thought this was hillarious:
Aquarius: - You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid. Everyone thinks you are a jerk. You enjoy getting screwed by large inanmiate objects.
Pisces: - You have a vivid imagination and often think you are being followed by FBI or Aliens. You have a minor influence on your friends and people resent you for flaunting what you confuse as powr. You lack confidence and you smell funny.
Aries:- You are a pioneer type and think most people are dickheads. You are quick to reprimand, impatient and scornful of advice. You do nothing but piss off everyone you come into contact with. Basically your a pr*ck.
Taurus: - You are practical and persistent. You have a dogged determination and stick-to-it-ivness because you never do anything right the first time. Most people think you are stubborn and bull-headed. You are nothing but an a*s hole.
Gemini:- You are quick and intelligent thinker. People like you because you are bisexual. You are inclined to expect to much for too little. This means you are a cheap b*stard. Geminis are notorious for hitting on their siblings.
Cancer: - You are sympathetic and understanding to other people's problems, which makes you a nosey pr*ck. You always keep putting things off. This is why you will always be on welfare, and won't be worth a turd. Everybody in prison is a cancer.
Leo: - You consider yourself a born leader. Everyone thinks you are an idiot. Most Leo's are bullies. You are vain and cannot tolerate honest criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo's are thieving dipsh*ts and enjoy masturbating more than sex.
Virgo: - You are a logical type and hate disorder. Your nit-picking attitude is sickening to your coworkers. you are cold and unemotional and often fall asleep during intercourse. Virgo's make good bus drivers and pimps.
Libra: - You are the artistic type and have difficult time with reality. If you are male, you are probably gay. Chances are employment and monetary gain are nil. Most Libra women are sluts. All Libra's have one form of a veneral disease.
Sagittarius: - You are optismistic and enthusiastic. You have a reckless tendency to rely on luck, since you have no talent. The majority of Sagittarius' are drunks. Nixon was a sagittarius. You are indeed a worthless piece of crap.
Scorpio: - The worst of the lot!!!. You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted. You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics. You are a perfect son-of-a-bitch. Most Scorpios are murdered!!
Capricorn: - You are a conservative type and are afraid of takings risks. You are basically a chicken-sh*t. there has never been a Capricorn of any importance. You should just kill yourself.
lol. i like this a lot.. haaaaaaa
DB's got you there, brahn.
Dear oh dear Branh..what shall we do with you...
i thought branh's comment was funny
Sure Branh's comment was funny but DB's sarcasm was well pointed.. LOL
missmorals.. What do we do without Branh..? There's no fun without Branh, I just love Branh lol smile
"... but DB's sarcasm was well pointed.. LOL"
yep! all's good then? smile
oh yeshh, couldn't be better! smile
I just gotta comment on this, of course as sweet and sour as possible Winking :
- You are a conservative type (you'd be surprised if you knew me better, probably would take your words back.. hehe)
and are afraid of takings risks (never afraid especially when it comes to business.. again you'd be surprised if you knew better..)
You are basically a chicken-b*tter. (I know this butter should be s/h/i/t... I have always been defending others and that's why people trust on me in difficult situations.. but this smells better than dog's defecation.. hahaha.. so it's fine for me)
there has never been a Capricorn of any importance (how about ME? hahahaha)
You should just kill yourself (I bet you'd do it first smile )

God, I love these generalizations, coz they are so wrong. What about Scorpio then? That wasn't even funny.
Personally I thought Capricorn is funny, that's the one archetype generalization of the Zodiac Signs.. Good one.
Also I liked "Aquarius: ..You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid." LOL! That was a great statement, maybe not true but sounds great.. hahaha
How about this "Virgo: ..Your nit-picking attitude is sickening to your coworkers" How about then "sickening to DXPnet Chatters?" LOL smile smile
cool. i'm a bit tense right now. can't wait for the weekend to begin to find an hour or two to relax...
"Also I liked "Aquarius: ..You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid." LOL! That was a great statement, maybe not true but sounds great.. hahaha"

hahaha... somewhere i read a statement about making the same mistakes over again. i can't quote it exactly, but it was something in the lines of: a person who made each mistake only once would be the perfect human. nobody's perfect therefore such person doesn't exist. lol how true!
"a person who made each mistake only once would be the perfect human. nobody's perfect therefore such person doesn't exist. lol how true!"
you got it right there! smile
coservative, as in believing in certain values, but still openminded. yes! not regressive or trying to stop progress at any cost, afraid of trying new ways.
"Nixon was a sagittarius"
I gotta make a correction since I thought Nixon was born January 9th, I think he would be a chicken-s/h/i/t too.. lol
"As much as I like Aquas LS, the following statement is unfortunately very true."
you mean it's true that they make the same mistakes over again or that the perfect human doesn't exist????
"Conservative just means you have common sense, you're practical, prudent, and you basically get butter done."
i'm ok with that definition smile
"Aquas make the same mistake over and over."
hahahahahaha... yeah, but they still look so damn cool even when they fcuk up... Winking
sir, yes sir! filters off!
"Yo fuck face, stupid cunt sucking, shit eater."
what you mean for a test? that's how you always address people. muowaaaaahahahahaaaaa.....
where's s&s gone? we need a girl to lighten things up!
what's Eureka? i've heard the word before, but never new what it means. wait, i think it's a person, female, mythological(?) but what's the story behind Eureka! in what sense do you use that term. explain and i'll tell you the equivalent in bulgarian. deal?
here I am smile
I was dreaming and fantasizing a lil.. That you need sometimes too.. lol
"Sweet and Sour had to take a cold shower because I showed up. Women aren't exactly dry when they are in my presence."
You just wish, Branh Winking lol
"what's Eureka? i've heard the word before, but never new what it means. wait, i think it's a person, female, mythological(?) but what's the story behind Eureka! in what sense do you use that term. explain and i'll tell you the equivalent in bulgarian. deal?"
So, Heureka or Eureka, means "I have found". Archimedes said that when he had an invention.. So that's commonly used when someone figured out something or had a good idea etc..
is it illegal to send money back to your home country?
"So, Heureka or Eureka, means "I have found". Archimedes said that when he had an invention.. So that's commonly used when someone figured out something or had a good idea etc.."
cool. thanks smile
branh, you need to see the illegal immigrants issue from different perspectives. they work, probably do jobs no us-citizen wants to do anyway, they pay tax and that way contribute to society. if people start selling drugs and weapons and beating up others, then that's a whole different issue. imagine if you were born in a situation were you didn't have the slightest chance of making a living in your home country, wouldn't you do anything possible to support your family? i hope you would... smile
as for the swear words in bulgarian, i could tell you only things that are similarly grave and insulting, hehe:
ebi si maikata, putka takava, i si yash waynata!
eby sy maikata ? fcuk your mother
putka takava ? such a cunt (meaning: you cunt)
i si yash waynata ? and eat your (own) siht
?i? = 'ee' (si like the spanish ?si?)
"i si yash waynata ? and eat your (own) siht"
That made me laugh so hard.. God, that made me in really good mood laughing like that.. smile I can't believe such thing than eating your own siht would sound so funny.. ROFLMAO!
smile LOL LOL
say a few bad things in finish smile
I can't.. I only know the good words Winking Believed me, right? smile
"say a few bad things in finNish"
I might come back to this later if I have anything good to post. Next time I'll get mad I'll write down all the swearing and post it here.. smile
how is it possible, an illegal can get a job? why don't they get americans for the jobs?
how come contractors are paying Mexican immigrants $ 12 hour to do shitty construction work? why don't they get americans for the jobs?
why does mc d employ illegals? why not americans?
we have similar problems in germany. but it's not illegals, it's even german citizens of different ethnic origins, that have come to germany in the 70's with their families, legaly(!), to work here. their children are now german citizens. the problem is that they don't give a shit about democracy, live in their own ways(sometimes against german laws) and refuse to learn the language of the country they live in. but still wanna live here. i mean, if they wanna live their way and don't give a damn about our constitution, then why don't they leave? i came to germany as a refugee and i certainly don't deny my bulgarian origin and culture, in fact i'm proud of it. but still i didn't even give it a thought whether i should learn german and respect german culture and way of life, it was the obvious and natural thing to do.
but branh, to try and solve this problem we have to first adjust the laws in our countries. it should be made impossible for anyone to employ an illegal in the first place. because, when you don't get served properly at mc d it's not really the illegal's fault. why did they get the job in the first place. slap the manager!
there has to be adjustments from the person who visit the country. just like i'd adjust if i even visited an arabic country, let alone went to work and live there. this doesn't have to mean that we can't have multiculturalism, though. i believe that multiculturalism is good, it just needs rules. otherwise it wouldn't be multiculturalism but plain anarchy.
let's change the topic. you know any good jokes?
i liked the bermuda one better. no i didn't already know it. and yes i got it smile
Oh, Liz.. Please, don't ask Branh to tell jokes.. Pleasssseeee.. lol
kiddin' Branh smile Tell us more smile
two blondes drive in a car past a field. in that cornfield they see another blond in a canoe, paddling like crazy.
the one blond in the car says to the other one: look at this bimbo trying to paddle in a cornfield.
the other one replies: these few brainless blondes are the reason why everyone thinks we're all stupid. if i could swim, i'd swim over and smack her real hard.
s&s, you tell us a joke!
Oh my Godness.. I was trying to find jokes using google.. This is scary.. I found this site and damn I thought it was my pic in this site. Definitely my identical twin..

Christ.. I wonder who she is/was? That's a pic from USA and during the World War 2.
that's what you look like? probably a more modern version of her?
it's ok db, tell a joke and we won't kill you Tongue
lol branh =D
""Women aren't exactly dry when they are in my presence."
You sneak up on them, while they're in the shower?! That's pretty gutsy branh..."

MUOWAAAAA.... best joke so far! come on guys, entertain me! Tongue
Oh yes of course, Liz, modern version of her, just the features are so similar.. I have seen a few times before some people (celebrities) who look much like me, but this was a knock-out. Even though 4 people said I look like Demi but this was a much better twin for me. I'm still recovering from the shock.. smile
Anyway.. I remember I once translated a joke which was hilarious (I was ROFLMAO), but I can't remember where I found it.. I never tell jokes just randomly, only if they make me laugh. But I'm happy to read yours if you are good joker.. smile
Well it has been a long time since I have been exposed to that much hate and intolerance. All I can say is wow!
"Well it has been a long time since I have been exposed to that much hate and intolerance. All I can say is wow!"
Branh's girl heard the sound and immediately asked, " DB is that you?"
HAHAHA! I could imagine that happen, based on these posts in here.. lol
Marriage is not a word. It is a sentence--a life sentence.
Married life is full of excitement and frustration:
* In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
* In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.
* In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.