This Scorpi is pissing me off

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by gia on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 and has 21 replies.
So a briefing - We study in the same university and share two classes together.His best friends are my classmates and are a bunch of assh**es. He showed intense interest in me last year from August. The interest level was so high that when I left for vacation to another country he traced my flight online even though he had an exam the next day. When I reached and turned on the WiFi,i was glutted with his messages of "So your flight has been delayed a bit", "wow now you're flying over the Carribean island" "Hey,shows that your flight has landed.Waiting to read from you" and more of so. He texted me the entire vacation.There have been times when he would call me with some lame excuse. He would sit next to me in one of our classes despite his friends not liking it. He would find reasons to be next to me. However,things have dramatically changed now from this semester. He still complimented me thrice when I looked pretty this sem. He still talks but he hardly initiates the way he used to. Now it's just him occassionally texting me sending some food pics(we both are big foodies) or share some joke. And that's it.

He pretends like he doesn't know me when in college now. He just stays glued to his friends and doesn't come by me anymore. We were going back home in bus 2 days ago and as soon as my co-passenger got up to deboard,he immediately left his seat and sat next to me.I removed my earphones as I thought he'd talk to me but he was just watching a movie on his phone throughout the ride. Later that day I texted him saying that he has been very quiet around me.He gave lame excuses of his projects and assignments but I told him this has been so since many many days now. Then he again gave a lame excuse saying he doesn't talk much to his friends either,which is a pure lie,as he comes to my class and happily talks to them. Then he said he'd talk more with me from now on. So today,he comes to my class and sits with one of the girls in his friend circle and they talk through the entire class. They were sitting right behind me. From what I could make out,she was dealing with some issues. But again,no hi,nothing. Like he just doesn't know me at all. He was passing by me today and I purposely ignored him. And just now he texted me a funny video ,which I haven't replied. He knows I have read his msg but haven't replied.

I don't understand what's with this guy. Like seriously WTF DOES HE WANT FROM ME?

Any advice/suggestion/input would help. Thank you!!
Also,he has a Scorpio Sun and a Saggi moon,mars and venus ,if that helps.
Sounds like he's playing mind games with you. I would say don't waste any more time on him, he's got some growing up to do first.

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Posted by gia
Also,he has a Scorpio Sun and a Saggi moon,mars and venus ,if that helps.
Oh yes, he's got some growing up to do. He's also not aware of how his actions and words impact a Water native like yourself, it's all fun and games to him. Also, what a lovely combination you have there- Pisces Sun and Aquarius Venus!
Posted by gia
So a briefing - We study in the same university and share two classes together.His best friends are my classmates and are a bunch of assh**es. He showed intense interest in me last year from August. The interest level was so high that when I left for vacation to another country he traced my flight online even though he had an exam the next day. When I reached and turned on the WiFi,i was glutted with his messages of "So your flight has been delayed a bit", "wow now you're flying over the Carribean island" "Hey,shows that your flight has landed.Waiting to read from you" and more of so. He texted me the entire vacation.There have been times when he would call me with some lame excuse. He would sit next to me in one of our classes despite his friends not liking it. He would find reasons to be next to me. However,things have dramatically changed now from this semester. He still complimented me thrice when I looked pretty this sem. He still talks but he hardly initiates the way he used to. Now it's just him occassionally texting me sending some food pics(we both are big foodies) or share some joke. And that's it.

He pretends like he doesn't know me when in college now. He just stays glued to his friends and doesn't come by me anymore. We were going back home in bus 2 days ago and as soon as my co-passenger got up to deboard,he immediately left his seat and sat next to me.I removed my earphones as I thought he'd talk to me but he was just watching a movie on his phone throughout the ride. Later that day I texted him saying that he has been very quiet around me.He gave lame excuses of his projects and assignments but I told him this has been so since many many days now. Then he again gave a lame excuse saying he doesn't talk much to his friends either,which is a pure lie,as he comes to my class and happily talks to them. Then he said he'd talk more with me from now on. So today,he comes to my class and sits with one of the girls in his friend circle and they talk through the entire class. They were sitting right behind me. From what I could make out,she was dealing with some issues. But again,no hi,nothing. Like he just doesn't know me at all. He was passing by me today and I purposely ignored him. And just now he texted me a funny video ,which I haven't replied. He knows I have read his msg but haven't replied.

I don't understand what's with this guy. Like seriously WTF DOES HE WANT FROM ME?

Any advice/suggestion/input would help. Thank you!!
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Typical Scorpio male behavior. Probably testing a new manipulation technique.

Thank you for reading and replying @AquaScorpio9, @UnusualVaginalDischarge and @SourPie.

He hasn't ever told me he has feelings for me or any such thing. In fact I have always wondered if he saw me as just a friend or more. I have read on so many blogs that Scorpio men love being upfront and clear without the games. I have always been so attracted and attached to Scorpio men. There's just something about them. My dad is a Scorpio and he understands me on the emotional aspect a lot more than my Taurus mom. Three of my best friends are Scorpios and we hit it off so darn well. They are so protective and make me feel so secure and happy. I love it when they get possessive lol.Just love them. This guy and I were taking it good too. We were hitting it off well. Just don't know why did it go downhill all of a sudden. Not that we don't talk at all. He still does text me food pics and jokes but that's it. It makes me mad when he pretends to not know me in college around people. However,on the contrary,last month he saw me standing alone near the library and he came to me and told me I was looking very pretty and asked me if I was free for a walk.He walked and talked for an hour and it was good. And then 99% of the time it's been where he's with his friends and pretends like he doesn't know me at all. He'll walk right by me and ignore.

What do ya'll suggest I do when he comes to me in college? For eg. We are free the first hour tomorrow and his class is right adjacent to mine so there are chances he might see me free in the class and his friends won't be there most likely so he might come to talk to me. Should I be friendly and sweet,the way I am with him and everyone, or should I be rigid and indifferent?
Posted by gia
Thank you for reading and replying @AquaScorpio9, @UnusualVaginalDischarge and @SourPie.

He hasn't ever told me he has feelings for me or any such thing. In fact I have always wondered if he saw me as just a friend or more. I have read on so many blogs that Scorpio men love being upfront and clear without the games. I have always been so attracted and attached to Scorpio men. There's just something about them. My dad is a Scorpio and he understands me on the emotional aspect a lot more than my Taurus mom. Three of my best friends are Scorpios and we hit it off so darn well. They are so protective and make me feel so secure and happy. I love it when they get possessive lol.Just love them. This guy and I were taking it good too. We were hitting it off well. Just don't know why did it go downhill all of a sudden. Not that we don't talk at all. He still does text me food pics and jokes but that's it. It makes me mad when he pretends to not know me in college around people. However,on the contrary,last month he saw me standing alone near the library and he came to me and told me I was looking very pretty and asked me if I was free for a walk.He walked and talked for an hour and it was good. And then 99% of the time it's been where he's with his friends and pretends like he doesn't know me at all. He'll walk right by me and ignore.

What do ya'll suggest I do when he comes to me in college? For eg. We are free the first hour tomorrow and his class is right adjacent to mine so there are chances he might see me free in the class and his friends won't be there most likely so he might come to talk to me. Should I be friendly and sweet,the way I am with him and everyone, or should I be rigid and indifferent?
In my opinion, he's testing you by playing the mind games that only Scorpio's understand. It's clear you're interested so all you need to do is hang on and be yourself until it comes to a conclusion, be it positive or negative.

As to the classroom situation, I think he wanted to get a reaction from you by completely ignoring your existence all the while talking to another girl. It's important to say that he won't stop at that. He will keep testing your limits until you can't take it no more. It will be draining and frustrating.

If i were you, i would go ice queen on him and move on because i'm not at all fond of mind games, plus he also sounds very immature, however, if you want to see where this goes, just be responsive to his advances but don't spend too much energy or thoughts on him.

Also, don't forget to call him on his BS when he becomes the king of double standards (which, of course, is bound to happen).

Posted by Reincarnation
He sounds a bit immature, but I don't think he's playing games per se.

He sounds very shy. He might be too shy to make a move. Who knows.
He was already making the moves but then went stone cold for no reason. He went to her classroom and started to talk to another girl while completely ignoring her and when she didn't react, he contacted her by cellphone when the class was done. That's why i think he's playing games.
Why don't his friends like you?
This is soooo typical, you have no idea.

That's what they do, they lure you in with a great amount of affection, attention, making sure you know they're really into you and then puff gone, ice cold, acts like he doesn't care and like he never did.

It's tests and mind games.

One thing you should know, and I'm talking from my own experience is that it never really stops, he'll go hot/cold, pull you then push you for as long as he wants.

He'll never let you move on because he'll keep on coming back. It's what they do and this is why so many women are obsessed with Scorpio men. They just know how to play their cards.

Posted by LadyNeptune
Why don't his friends like you?
Glad you asked. There are two main reasons reasons behind this

1) Like I said,his friend circle comprises of a bunch of assh**es who bully people,gossip around and play manipulative games. They don't like anyone from their group mingling up too much with an outsider. So it's obvious they wouldn't take it well to see he and I talk too much.

2) One of the guys in his friend circle,who is the group leader (lol),lured me in and I fell for his games. He told me he has feelings for me and with time I started feeling something for him too.He is a libra and he turned out to be the mother of emotional and mental manipulation.He played me so well that he turned my best friend against me(thankfully she realized the reality and equally hates him now too). He made up some BS story about how his family is against our 'relationship' and how painful it is for him to break up only to later find out that he told his entire friend circle that I am crazy head over heels in love with him and that he just wants to get rid of me. This Scorpio guy stood up for me that time and told him he was wrong for doing this to me and for spreading rumours about me. It was since then that this Scorpio started getting closer to me.

The Libra guy and I still share intense animosity.

Posted by Impulsv
Posted by Reincarnation
He sounds a bit immature, but I don't think he's playing games per se.

He sounds very shy. He might be too shy to make a move. Who knows.
When he came on strong did u reciprocate or just stayed same

If later why he changed his approach n scaling back
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I would never throw off attitude or any such thing whenever he came by me or texted me.

I would always respond to him and we'd always have a great time. So neither did I throw myself at him nor did I dissuade myself from getting close to him.
Thanks for reading and replying all.Really appreciate it smile

Nothing really happened today. I was waiting for the bus with my best friend and he came to me enquiring about the bus. Since the bus was getting too late he asked me to go to college with him in a cab so we could share. I told him the bus would arrive any minute and that it would be foolish to leave it. Just then a girl from his friend circle came and he left for the cab with her.He didn't even look behind to see if I am coming or not.

Just then the bus arrived and I left. He didn't get a cab so he took the next bus with her.

I had done my hair very differently today and I wore the top he had once complimented me for.Everyone in my class complimented me today but he said nothing. Maybe because he didn't get the chance to meet me in privacy or whatever but it just seems like he doesn't care at all.

I guess it's probably either of the two reasons:

1) He had an intense attraction then so he was very obviously very much into me but now that attraction has faded for some reason so he doesn't do much anymore.

2) He had a big tiff with his best friend(Libra guy who hates me and whom I hate) and he wasn't talking to anyone(including the girl) in his friend circle. So he got close to me at that point to the point of being infatuated. Now that he's all back and good with his best friend(that Libra guy) and with the girl,he isn't the same with me anymore and only hangs out with them.

Now,the only reason why he still probably texts me with food msgs or jokes is for some general entertainment and not out of any attachment or any such thing.
Posted by Nevermore
Its hard for you to loose a friend, but better off that high school mentality guy who behave and hangs out that asshole friends.

I mean. still in college behaving like this? jfc, who needs some drama where exams and graduating is important.

Just be really careful of who you're hanging out with.
yeah,it's mentally draining.

The thing is,he feels it's all normal because hey,he never told me he feels anything for me.
Posted by Reincarnation
Sounds like you had a thing with his friend. That probably disappointed him.

I can see how that would make him lukewarm towards you.
lol no no no. The thing with his friend is back last year during summer. It was only because of the egregious act of his best friend towards me that he stood up for me and confronted his friend. As I mentioned previously,it was only after this entire incident between his friend and I that he (this Scorpio guy) started getting closer to me to the point of getting infatuated. So the thing with his friend was last year's summer thing which lasted for 3 weeks and this Scorpio started getting all into me from October last year. It's now ,since 2-3 months, that he has been aloof and seemingly not attracted to me anymore.

Posted by gia
Posted by LadyNeptune
Why don't his friends like you?
Glad you asked. There are two main reasons reasons behind this

1) Like I said,his friend circle comprises of a bunch of assh**es who bully people,gossip around and play manipulative games. They don't like anyone from their group mingling up too much with an outsider. So it's obvious they wouldn't take it well to see he and I talk too much.

2) One of the guys in his friend circle,who is the group leader (lol),lured me in and I fell for his games. He told me he has feelings for me and with time I started feeling something for him too.He is a libra and he turned out to be the mother of emotional and mental manipulation.He played me so well that he turned my best friend against me(thankfully she realized the reality and equally hates him now too). He made up some BS story about how his family is against our 'relationship' and how painful it is for him to break up only to later find out that he told his entire friend circle that I am crazy head over heels in love with him and that he just wants to get rid of me. This Scorpio guy stood up for me that time and told him he was wrong for doing this to me and for spreading rumours about me. It was since then that this Scorpio started getting closer to me.

The Libra guy and I still share intense animosity.

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Did you fuck the libra?
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by gia
Just don't know why did it go downhill all of a sudden.
We dont always know either. Its not necessarily some intentional insidious plot to manipulate you as some are saying and people always assume. Half the things I do, I am not even aware of what I have done until upon later reflection. I realize then I was protecting myself instinctively, often in a way that was hurtful but didnt seem that way in the moment. Then I legitimately feel bad, realize now we have entered into the realm of games, which I hate, and sometimes will withdraw for that reason alone....bc I dont like now how I am acting. Then its assumed I am playing more games but really just healing or thinking etc. Its like once I lose that innocence of my unfiltered/unguarded emotion in the beginning, which is a rare and vulnerable/volatile state for me, it all goes to hell after that. Relationships are complicated and you never know what the other person is feeling unless that line of communication is really open between you two, which it isnt. With water signs its really easy to just mirror each other out of existence once the walls go up.
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hmmmm..this makes sense in a way that he does have this thing of saying "even i don't know why i did whatever i did." For eg. He was once telling me about his ex and how he reacted to her very aggressively. 3 yrs have passed and he said he still doesn't know why he did that and doesn't feel good about his behavior.

Latest example being that as I said I texted him 3 days ago asking why has he been so aloof and quiet around me these 2-3 months. He said "I am not talking much with anyone.I really don't know the reason. God knows what's going on".Also,he did mention some personal problem going on.It's personal so I didn't question him on that.

I made up 80% of my mind thinking it's just one of the guy things and excuses when they lose interest and attraction given that he talks enough to the girl in his friend circle.However,the talk about him aggressively reacting to his ex and not knowing the reason behind it is what has sort of held me back as he said he himself doesn't know why has he been so with me now.

I have two conflicting emotions right now..

1) Ignore him so he knows his behaviour is hurtful and that I won't crave for him to talk to me anymore and

that should be enough to get him back to me of his own if he really cared in the 1st place.

2) Make myself more available to him so we connect more and rebuild the lost attachment. For eg. He

doesn't talk to me when my bestfriend or his are around. So I was thinking what if I just ask my bestie to

vanish away for few minutes so he sees me alone and feels comfortable to approach me and talk.This

way we connect and probably re-establish the lost connection.

These are the two conflicting thoughts hitting my head.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by gia
Posted by LadyNeptune
Why don't his friends like you?
Glad you asked. There are two main reasons reasons behind this

1) Like I said,his friend circle comprises of a bunch of assh**es who bully people,gossip around and play manipulative games. They don't like anyone from their group mingling up too much with an outsider. So it's obvious they wouldn't take it well to see he and I talk too much.

2) One of the guys in his friend circle,who is the group leader (lol),lured me in and I fell for his games. He told me he has feelings for me and with time I started feeling something for him too.He is a libra and he turned out to be the mother of emotional and mental manipulation.He played me so well that he turned my best friend against me(thankfully she realized the reality and equally hates him now too). He made up some BS story about how his family is against our 'relationship' and how painful it is for him to break up only to later find out that he told his entire friend circle that I am crazy head over heels in love with him and that he just wants to get rid of me. This Scorpio guy stood up for me that time and told him he was wrong for doing this to me and for spreading rumours about me. It was since then that this Scorpio started getting closer to me.

The Libra guy and I still share intense animosity.

Did you fuck the libra?
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It's more than evident from my reply as to who treetrunked who. I don't want to talk about that egoistic manipulative prick.

Posted by gia
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by gia
Posted by LadyNeptune
Why don't his friends like you?
Glad you asked. There are two main reasons reasons behind this

1) Like I said,his friend circle comprises of a bunch of assh**es who bully people,gossip around and play manipulative games. They don't like anyone from their group mingling up too much with an outsider. So it's obvious they wouldn't take it well to see he and I talk too much.

2) One of the guys in his friend circle,who is the group leader (lol),lured me in and I fell for his games. He told me he has feelings for me and with time I started feeling something for him too.He is a libra and he turned out to be the mother of emotional and mental manipulation.He played me so well that he turned my best friend against me(thankfully she realized the reality and equally hates him now too). He made up some BS story about how his family is against our 'relationship' and how painful it is for him to break up only to later find out that he told his entire friend circle that I am crazy head over heels in love with him and that he just wants to get rid of me. This Scorpio guy stood up for me that time and told him he was wrong for doing this to me and for spreading rumours about me. It was since then that this Scorpio started getting closer to me.

The Libra guy and I still share intense animosity.

Did you fuck the libra?
It's more than evident from my reply as to who treetrunked who. I don't want to talk about that egoistic manipulative prick.

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Actually it wasn't clear.

To understand the Scorpio we need to get a clear picture of what went down between you and his friend.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by gia
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by gia
Posted by LadyNeptune
Why don't his friends like you?
Glad you asked. There are two main reasons reasons behind this

1) Like I said,his friend circle comprises of a bunch of assh**es who bully people,gossip around and play manipulative games. They don't like anyone from their group mingling up too much with an outsider. So it's obvious they wouldn't take it well to see he and I talk too much.

2) One of the guys in his friend circle,who is the group leader (lol),lured me in and I fell for his games. He told me he has feelings for me and with time I started feeling something for him too.He is a libra and he turned out to be the mother of emotional and mental manipulation.He played me so well that he turned my best friend against me(thankfully she realized the reality and equally hates him now too). He made up some BS story about how his family is against our 'relationship' and how painful it is for him to break up only to later find out that he told his entire friend circle that I am crazy head over heels in love with him and that he just wants to get rid of me. This Scorpio guy stood up for me that time and told him he was wrong for doing this to me and for spreading rumours about me. It was since then that this Scorpio started getting closer to me.

The Libra guy and I still share intense animosity.

Did you fuck the libra?
It's more than evident from my reply as to who treetrunked who. I don't want to talk about that egoistic manipulative prick.

Actually it wasn't clear.

To understand the Scorpio we need to get a clear picture of what went down between you and his friend.
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I understand that and so I wrote it down in my previous reply too :\ I wrote this

"One of the guys in his friend circle,who is the group leader (lol),lured me in and I fell for his games. He told me he has feelings for me and with time I started feeling something for him too.He is a libra and he turned out to be the mother of emotional and mental manipulation.He played me so well that he turned my best friend against me(thankfully she realized the reality and equally hates him now too). He made up some BS story about how his family is against our 'relationship' and how painful it is for him to break up only to later find out that he told his entire friend circle that I am crazy head over heels in love with him and that he just wants to get rid of me. This Scorpio guy stood up for me that time and told him he was wrong for doing this to me and for spreading rumours about me. It was since then that this Scorpio started getting closer to me.

The Libra guy and I still share intense animosity. "

Feel free to ask if you couldn't understand something or want to know more about something to do with it.
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by gia
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by gia
Just don't know why did it go downhill all of a sudden.
We dont always know either. Its not necessarily some intentional insidious plot to manipulate you as some are saying and people always assume. Half the things I do, I am not even aware of what I have done until upon later reflection. I realize then I was protecting myself instinctively, often in a way that was hurtful but didnt seem that way in the moment. Then I legitimately feel bad, realize now we have entered into the realm of games, which I hate, and sometimes will withdraw for that reason alone....bc I dont like now how I am acting. Then its assumed I am playing more games but really just healing or thinking etc. Its like once I lose that innocence of my unfiltered/unguarded emotion in the beginning, which is a rare and vulnerable/volatile state for me, it all goes to hell after that. Relationships are complicated and you never know what the other person is feeling unless that line of communication is really open between you two, which it isnt. With water signs its really easy to just mirror each other out of existence once the walls go up.
hmmmm..this makes sense in a way that he does have this thing of saying "even i don't know why i did whatever i did." For eg. He was once telling me about his ex and how he reacted to her very aggressively. 3 yrs have passed and he said he still doesn't know why he did that and doesn't feel good about his behavior.

Latest example being that as I said I texted him 3 days ago asking why has he been so aloof and quiet around me these 2-3 months. He said "I am not talking much with anyone.I really don't know the reason. God knows what's going on".Also,he did mention some personal problem going on.It's personal so I didn't question him on that.

I made up 80% of my mind thinking it's just one of the guy things and excuses when they lose interest and attraction given that he talks enough to the girl in his friend circle.However,the talk about him aggressively reacting to his ex and not knowing the reason behind it is what has sort of held me back as he said he himself doesn't know why has he been so with me now.

I have two conflicting emotions right now..

1) Ignore him so he knows his behaviour is hurtful and that I won't crave for him to talk to me anymore and

that should be enough to get him back to me of his own if he really cared in the 1st place.

2) Make myself more available to him so we connect more and rebuild the lost attachment. For eg. He

doesn't talk to me when my bestfriend or his are around. So I was thinking what if I just ask my bestie to

vanish away for few minutes so he sees me alone and feels comfortable to approach me and talk.This

way we connect and probably re-establish the lost connection.

These are the two conflicting thoughts hitting my head.
2) is much more likely to succeed IMO.

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But won't that make it appear like I'm the only one trying? Shouldn't it be mutual?

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