To My Scorp..

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by TAURUSbelle on Friday, February 15, 2013 and has 39 replies.
I MISS YOU...Like EVERYDAY...wanna be with you, but you're away..
I MISS YOU...Missin' you INSANE!

< width="420" height="315" ="http:

NO matter who you love,
It is SO simple
A feeling...
You are so funny, lol.

Love that song, btw.
I didn't think anything happened. I thought they were in a LDR, but I could be mistaken.
Yeah, it looks like she has extra-strength abs in that dress.
Posted by ScorpSuperior
You are so funny, lol.

Love that song, btw.

Thanks..Me too.
The dress, not so much. lol

Posted by ScorpSuperior
I didn't think anything happened. I thought they were in a LDR, but I could be mistaken.
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@Nemesis & SS: alot, in a span of 3 days. Scorps the KING of EXTREMES..
I do too. smile
Posted by Nemesis
taurusbelle, i know it can be frustrating. hang in there. smile you??re a stubborn bull - piece of cake no?

I LOVE chocolate cake..but its so much sweeter when shared.
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Yeah, it looks like she has extra-strength abs in that dress.

it looks like an alien wants to come out.....:/


Posted by Nemesis
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Yeah, it looks like she has extra-strength abs in that dress.

ahhh it??s LDR....Sad those can suck but they are my favourite form of relationship smile
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Really? Your favorite? That's interesting- why?
Guys, I don't think it's the dress. I think it's the way she's posing.
^^ Yes its the way she's posing, shoulders slightly off the wall and stomach SUCKED in, makes the ribs say "Hello"
::gasp:: @ "not a Beyonce fan". IMPOSSIBLE!
@MsMarilyn: Thanks Doll
@XDimplez: The physical isn't a priority for me I'm ok
@Nemesis: hahah!!! Thank you love.. I'll take a nice SLICE of the 3-layered chocolate cake w/ ganash frosting...simply gorgeous. I'll leave the hairy one Big Grin
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Yeah, it looks like she has extra-strength abs in that dress.

very funny! true though :p
Posted by NovemberSun
Hugs to TB. smile

*HUGS* ..Many Thanks again NovemberSun!!

Posted by robyn808
Man, I??ve been feeling for ya, all week. I??m sorry you miss him, but I??m kinda glad you??re not thinking about how to kill em Big Grin
*web hug*

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*HUGS* Robyn808..thank you... it definitely was a rough week, and strangling really crossed my mind a few Thank God for the long weekend. smile
Posted by Ellybean
Posted by NovemberSun
Posted by Ellybean
Partial LDR is amazing.

Please elaborate.

Well me and my scorpy are partial long distance. He normally lives two hours away. Too far to see him during the week. So we see each other on weekends. Sometimes every weekend. Sometime only once or twice a month. Depends on how busy we are.
There's always a sense of longing and appreciation. A sense of solid freedom and trust too. No one feels crowded, the relationship develops pretty naturally. Not in each others space too much.
It's just really great. Took some adjustment at first, not seeing someone whenever you want. Was hard when I used to work weekends all the time. But we've been doing it this way for a year and a half of two years by the end of this month. And I love it because it cut WAY back on my own personal insecurities and prevents either of us from rushing the relationship which scorps can do sometimes on emotional whims.

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I know EXACTLY how you feel. I REALLY love my personal space and time too. You are in complete control of your environment, no one "intruding"..until you allow them..No suffocating or involuntary claustrophobia Sometimes I wonder how I would be once married with kids...because I need my OWN space,for QUIET to think, sleep & to just BE.
Call me selfish, I really don't care.. but trust me,after a while of not being left alone, pple will start to feel my frustration. I'm just so much nicer when I'm able to recharge. I'll have much more of myself to give them. I agree with Ellybean. To be loyal and faithful doesn't require someone to be stuck on you like glue, go on and do your own thing, but when I need you, they should be able to accomodate. the same goes for me.
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by TAURUSbelle
I MISS YOU...Like EVERYDAY...wanna be with you, but you're away..
I MISS YOU...Missin' you INSANE!

< width="420" height="315" ="http:

NO matter who you love,
It is SO simple
A feeling...

what happened?
btw: that dress is not doing beyonce any favours...
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+1. She is a beautiful woman, but her beauty doesn't mean she can rock just any ol' thang.
Posted by TAURUSbelle
^^ Yes its
the way she's posing, shoulders slightly off the wall and stomach SUCKED in, makes the ribs say "Hello"

Who aims to accentuate their ribs? Fail....
Hang in there TAURUSb.
Posted by ScorpSuperior
::gasp:: @ "not a Beyonce fan". IMPOSSIBLE!

Oh, it be __ possible.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by TAURUSbelle
^^ Yes its
the way she's posing, shoulders slightly off the wall and stomach SUCKED in, makes the ribs say "Hello"

Who aims to accentuate their ribs? Fail....

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AhhhhhhhhhhhaHAHAHAHA! I just saw this. OMG, I'm DYING. That's too funny.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by ScorpSuperior
::gasp:: @ "not a Beyonce fan". IMPOSSIBLE!

Oh, it be __ possible.
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Posted by NovemberSun
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by ScorpSuperior
::gasp:: @ "not a Beyonce fan". IMPOSSIBLE!

Oh, it be __ possible.


I like some of her songs. I like her work ethic more.
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Agreed. I like many of her songs actually. I don't respect the blatant plagiarism.
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by TAURUSbelle
^^ Yes its
the way she's posing, shoulders slightly off the wall and stomach SUCKED in, makes the ribs say "Hello"

Who aims to accentuate their ribs? Fail....

AhhhhhhhhhhhaHAHAHAHA! I just saw this. OMG, I'm DYING. That's too funny.


Posted by NovemberSun
Apologies to TB for thread derailment...
How are you feeling? Any better?
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LOL..its ok,no worries at all you guys crack me up..more the merrier..

@Novsun: I'm feeling better, I'm definitely in the the "driver seat" (in control)of my emotions now, as opposed to last wk. Now shifting into 2nd-3rd gear...and just taking the days as they come...however they come.
It was my niece's birthday yesterday..I swear she adds so much joy to my days.
Children are such a blessing to be around especially when everything else around you seems a little tense.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by TAURUSbelle
^^ Yes its
the way she's posing, shoulders slightly off the wall and stomach SUCKED in, makes the ribs say "Hello"

Who aims to accentuate their ribs? Fail....
Hang in there TAURUSb.
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Thanks PhoenixRising! I definitely am!
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by NovemberSun
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by ScorpSuperior
::gasp:: @ "not a Beyonce fan". IMPOSSIBLE!

Oh, it be __ possible.


I like some of her songs. I like her work ethic more.

Agreed. I like many of her songs actually. I don't respect the blatant plagiarism.
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Oh, I know what you're talking about. A lot of them do that though. They actually purchase the rights from the original songwriter, so they get to say that they wrote the songs. More money for them in the long run. This girl I know who's in the industry broke it down for me once. She said there aren't very many vocalists who actually write their own songs, even though many claim to do so.
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by NovemberSun
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by ScorpSuperior
::gasp:: @ "not a Beyonce fan". IMPOSSIBLE!

Oh, it be __ possible.


I like some of her songs. I like her work ethic more.

Agreed. I like many of her songs actually. I don't respect the blatant plagiarism.

Oh, I know what you're talking about. A lot of them do that though. They actually purchase the rights from the original songwriter, so they get to say that they wrote the songs. More money for them in the long run. This girl I know who's in the industry broke it down for me once. She said there aren't very many vocalists who actually write their own songs, even though many claim to do so.

Yeap CORRECT!.. Ms. Knowles def ain't no fool,when she wants IN, she gets IN. Even if she has to add one line, to be a "Co-writer"..his song "I Miss You" was written by Frank Ocean. I used to intern at a -big Record Company in the Copyright department right when "Irreplaceable" from the B-Day Album needed confirmation and verification for Royalty splits..the song was divided several ways between Ne-yo, Beyonce and the producers from Stargate (since they rearranged the composition from country sound to an R&B tune that she could sing.)..Its all biz..
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I still like the 'Girls run the world' song by Diplo (a guy) lol Tongue
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yes Diplo, "The Dream", "Afrojack"..and a few others fab djs and writers I can't remember..
@Bling: What you know about Diplo??? DXP needs to sponsor a mixer for all members..that would be so much fun! ERRY'BODY on da DANCEFLOOR!

Posted by NovemberSun
This is true. Love kids.
There's this Brian Regan joke about how some adults get impatient when a child freaks out. Like when their balloon may fly away and they lose it. I'm paraphrasing, but he said, "Imagine if your wallet was attached to that balloon and lifted off." LOL!
We can learn much from kids.

absolutely..I've actually witnessed a similar incident like that at a restaurant. where a family seated next to my party had a few obnoxious kids with balloons.. when they were getting ready to leave, one of the balloons -POPPED-...startling some of the folks at the end of my party's table..we didn't see it coming.. and at the drop of a dime, the kid started crying.. Then one of the guests at the end of my table said:
"WELL that's LIFE kiddo..ya know?? we lose sometimes..what can ya do??"
So the parents scurried the kids off and away promising to get another balloon.. then after they were out of sight, I heard "Good Riddance"..haha..they were def happy to see the kids leave
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Posted by everevolvingepithet
I think if there were going to be a dxp party then definitely something like Major Lazer, it'd be good music and I think everyone would be proper shitfaced! Tongue

That would be SWEEEEEET. a lil sprinkle of MIA and gaawwwd. GOODTIMES.
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by NovemberSun
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by ScorpSuperior
::gasp:: @ "not a Beyonce fan". IMPOSSIBLE!

Oh, it be __ possible.


I like some of her songs. I like her work ethic more.

Agreed. I like many of her songs actually. I don't respect the blatant plagiarism.

Oh, I know what you're talking about. A lot of them do that though. They actually purchase the rights from the original songwriter, so they get to say that they wrote the songs. More money for them in the long run. This girl I know who's in the industry broke it down for me once. She said there aren't very many vocalists who actually write their own songs, even though many claim to do so.
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True, but I wasn't referring to her writing skills. Her choreography, which she tends to get more props for than her songs. Don't get me wrong, I think she's talented. I would just love it if she got props for work she sat down and created on her own. Being inspired by someone is very different from taking someone's creative idea and presenting it as your own (e.g Countdown, Single Ladies, MTV Awards presentation for Run the World).
Sorry TB, back to you OP.
Posted by PhoenixRising

True, but I wasn't referring to her writing skills. Her choreography, which she tends to get more props for than her songs. Don't get me wrong, I think she's talented. I would just love it if she got props for work she sat down and created on her own. Being inspired by someone is very different from taking someone's creative idea and presenting it as your own (e.g Countdown, Single Ladies, MTV Awards presentation for Run the World).

Ahhh yes!!! The Bob Fosse dance rip for Single
And we all know shes' going to use those dance move on her tour this Summer... lol
I watched a documentary of how she flew in these African dancers from Mozambique that she saw on a youtube video, she worked them HARD to teach her and her dancers their moves for "Run the World"....You would think these guys would have a chance to make a life for themselves here after working with Beyonce?? No. Shipped them all back home after mastering the moves...smh.
NO worries PhoenixRising!! Its all good smile
Posted by SweetLibra
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Posted by PhoenixRising

True, but I wasn't referring to her writing skills. Her choreography, which she tends to get more props for than her songs. Don't get me wrong, I think she's talented. I would just love it if she got props for work she sat down and created on her own. Being inspired by someone is very different from taking someone's creative idea and presenting it as your own (e.g Countdown, Single Ladies, MTV Awards presentation for Run the World).

Ahhh yes!!! The Bob Fosse dance rip for Single
And we all know shes' going to use those dance move on her tour this Summer... lol
I watched a documentary of how she flew in these African dancers from Mozambique that she saw on a youtube video, she worked them HARD to teach her and her dancers their moves for "Run the World"....You would think these guys would have a chance to make a life for themselves here after working with Beyonce?? No. Shipped them all back home after mastering the moves...smh.
NO worries PhoenixRising!! Its all good smile

I saw that documentary and thought the same thing. She at least could have taken them on tour with her. I'm sure they could have gotten a work visa. It would have been cool of her to have them in the show. I like Beyonce but sometimes she gets the side eye roll.
Anyway, hope you're feeling better TBelle. I hid my last post because I felt it was maybe a little insensitive to what you were going through. Although it was never meant to be. We're all sending you hugs and strength to get through this.
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Everytime I see that woman, I roll my she's everywhere (AGAIN!!)
Just wish she'd sit down and REALLY "BEY" a mom..and let KELLY shiiine!!
I didn't read anything insensitive.. its ok. I really appreciate the support you and everyone has given me here on DXP.
Where would I be without my DXP loves?? Love you all.
@QuietSTORM: MY Scorp & I had a bit of a "BUMP" now we're at a stubborn standoff..its been a solid week of silence. The classic Scorpio/Taurus tug-of-war dance of "Power, Strength & Stubborn Will."
Crazy thing is we both have Mars in Libra.. this should have been over a while ago.. But Scorp
But Scorps love to test. Its all good. The QUEEN Of Stubborn...LIVES!
Posted by QUlETstorm
Ah, the power struggle. Why not just submit and allow yourself to be vulnerable if you miss him? Being vulnerable is not so bad. Winking unless he did something terrible, then obviously he should be the one submitting. But if this is over something petty, it could e easily resolved and you won't have to miss him anymore. smile
My cancer moon makes me such a sap. Lol but I think a relationship btw an earth & water sign flows much more freely when we're not fighting to "trump" each other or mirror each others actions. One always has to submit and in most cases, I don't mind submitting. Especially if that means I can get rid of that achy "I miss you" feeling.

Not this time. I've made things too easy for him. He needs to watch what he says to me. Even if it were to "test me" I take things seriously and run with it. I wont let go until he lets go first.

While I may feel the "I miss you" feeling, WHAT good will it do to step forward and push things under the rug, & ignore what happened before?? Sometime lessons need to be learned. & Class is in session.
You gotta toughen up that cancer moon mama..wish I could throw some Earth your Tongue
JUST got off the phone with Scorp..
Quick summary: I called yesterday afternoon to put an END to the "Waiting game"
I gave myself an ultimatim that if he didn't give me a return call by the next day, that I'd be done.
It would hurt, but I would heal.
By MIDNIGHT..he called. We got off the phone about 6 this morning.. OMG...
In the beginnning, when I answered, He tried to sound "detached" and "unemotional"..but after the greetings and asking about my family and I asked about his..I went STRAIGHT to business and asked him what's up, what was the reason for the 2-week standoff even Thru Valentines Day??..Why did he defriend me on FB?? Why the drama & the games?? He said he wasn't playing a game, but said he wanted to "Teach me a Lesson"..What lesson exactly??..he didn't clearly state, but before he COULD..
I "lovingly", said:
ME: "Try that shit again, and see if I'll be around next time to knock the SENSE back into you"
HIM: "Ahhhh shaaadd-ap!..." (We Both laugh...)
Alll the smack talk and sarcasm started flowing again like normal... *Sigh* was surely & SORELY missed.
The feeling of rolling Avalanches and Icebergs melting from within me is just..ahhh..inexplicable.
I was seriously almost done with the guy. I was gonna go "COLD TURKEY"
Felt good to hear him laugh, talk smack again..and most importantly APOLOGIZE for acting stupid..he admitted that he defriended me on FB so that he wouldn't keep checking my page to look at all my pictures...then told me he has no intention of going ANYWHERE bcuz I'm his Forever.
I apologized too, for not being sensitive enough to check up on him while he was sick and for not sending him a Valentines day greeting anyway even through the stand off..(I can really turn the mean factor UP..I wanted him to hurt like I hurt too)
Scorpio/Taurus is the TRUE definition of YIN & YANG...
THANKS everyone for the support during the emotionally dryest few weeks ever.
THANKS NovemberSun and (now recently) XXnightbynight for reading my Inbox Novels!!lol
THANKS NEMESIS!! YOU were the one to suggest that I throw him a line..While I wanted to be stubborn, throwing earth all around hardening everything in sight, even if it meant my heart.

-Earth NEEDS Water for nourishment. Earth needs Water in order to be fruitful and Water can accomplish much more in a medium like Earth than by itself. Water is Driven by EMOTION, (inuition & heart), while Earth is driven by LOGIC, (reasoning
(Reasoning & The mind)..but When they come TOGETHER in compromise...its a balanced Bliss.
Posted by NovemberSun
Lol @ "Inbox Novels". It was a pleasure. There really should be a "dating a Scorpio male" hotline. Imagine the service it would do for women worldwide- for humanity! Haha....Hmmmm.
As I've already written, I'm SO happy you both are talking. I bet it feels freeing. The act of reaching out was a "surrender" in the most beautiful and sincerest of ways. That's why I'm happy it was well welcomed on both your ends.
Woo Hoo!

YES you are so right. There really should be hotline is definitely needed. But they can't take all the mystery away, that's what draws the women Its really trial and Error when it comes to these sensitive beings. I didn't realize HOW sensitive they could be until my Scorp held a mirror up & TOLD me how mean I was being, and how insensitive I can be. I can hold mirrors too cuz Scorps DEF aren't perfect
But yes, I had to "Surrender" so the journey could continue, whenever there is an arguement with a couple, the road goes from moving forward to moving in circles. Going no where. So I just had to put a stop to the madness.
The air is definitely lighter and free-er. NO lingering questions or worries.
Thanks again.
LOL @Nem & Nicrobliz.. I'm indifferent about her..carry on. smile