Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
To my scorpio brethren, release the detective in you...Please give me ideas on how to track someone down on minimal information. You know when you just know you have found the one? well this is about obsession!!!...and I won't rest until I found him..Something just feels right..I think I am losing my marbles..but I have to do this. It was meant to be. I was meant to meet him that night and go through this I think. I ended up there for a reason!
So far have tried:
Newspaper - those ads you get in the londonpaper and londonlite (message has still not been published, despite me texting every day)
Back to the club
My policeman friend
The information I have is first name, date of birth minus the year but I know he's 33 (he said), photo, town of residence. That's enough to go on..but London is a big place
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
If the tables were reversed and it was the man going through this much energy in finding a woman ... she would be thinking that she's being violating, being stalked.
MissMorals ... if he felt this way about you, then he would present himself to you.
In order for him to be The One, in order for two people to be ONE ... both parties have to feel this way. I've not read your entire story about this man, but, judging from just this one .. it sounds like he bounced on you, but, you like him too much to let him.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Oh you can read the story on the Taurus board P. He didnt bounce..It was an unfortunate turn of events..but I am not going to give up. I have to find him irrespective of what anyone I just want ideas..not anyone's opinion..
I know what you mean about the bloke putting in the same amount of energy..but this is something i have to do. Trust me if i thought there was nothing in our little encounter, I wouldn't be doing this. I have no idea what is driving me to be so obsessive..You should know that me of all people, would not waste even a second on most guys..
Scorpius...welcome back...Hope all is ok. Yes people do get bored, especially me..but all I can say is what I am feeling at present and it's a damn strong if I find him and it turns out he's a real bastard..then so be it..but i have to finish what I have started here..
I was talking to a friend she told me a story about a scorpio chick at her workpklace...who met this guy, same thing happened as it did to me....she never gave up, he left the country..she tracked him down after 2 years..they met, she found out he'd been looking for her as well, they got married..were married for 5 years and sadly he died...she was devastated..imagine that?!...she said he was her soulmate...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Oh and he was taurus too...Has anyone ever felt the scorpio/taurus chemistry....good all I can say..never knew anything like that existed.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Apparantly it works better with taurus man/scorpio female..not of my good friends is married to a scorpio chick..he's taurus..they have been married 7 years, 2 children..
Anyways, ideas people..ideas!!! thinking caps on please..and no negative energy from anyone must all be with me on this and rooting for me..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Ideas on how to find someone with minimal information...what else could I try? Consensus? electrol roll? put his picture up on the world wide web because somebody will know him? what...
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
So, I went to Taurus board and only read the OP ..... you had said that YOUR friend told you his name and that he was a Taurus ..... how would she know these things?
I guess you are going to have to spend forever, hanging out in this bar ... waiting.
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
Scorps are hardcore. I had a g/f who was a scorp that tapped an FBI friend to track down someone. I laughed at her craziness.
Do you have a place of birth or general idea where? Hospital records if you have a way to tap it
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
P, I am not sure..I wasn't there..too busy dancing..He might have expressed and interest and then she found out those things..but she came over to me and told me that info, and said "I have found out all this so far, the rest is up to you...go get him..he's your type"..I didn't even know who she was talking about..After that I was huddled together with him. He was very protective which was nice, affectionate..not sleazy..It was quite loud in there so could barely hear him..Sigh...
Truth is, we were meant to go to a different club altogether..all week our plan was an entirely different bar in the city..right the last minute we decided to switch bars..went in..just on a dancing mission..I sooo badly wanted to just let my hair down that week..he wasn't expected at all! was his first time at that club as it was mine..I am just surprised at the turn of events..We turn up at a club that we totally didn't plan, I bump into someone I had this magnetic pull to that i didn't expect..and then suddenly departed without taking any details..and now just feeling these mad feelings that I cannot shake off...weird..
Recently there has been a few turn of events in my life..quite big ones that I guess I wasn't prepared for..I am not sure if something is going on above with all the planets/stars or what but I know something major is about to go down..
Sheer determination are likely to WILL him into existence..I just have this's quite inexplicable..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Vhero...I only have his current town of residence..I can only imagine thats where he was born too...I bet he lives with his parents..(the cultures we come from its not uncommon), not sure if he works in the city so my texts in the paper won't help if he doesn't as only city folk would pick that paper up...the texts aren't in the classified section of dating page or anything, they are in this column where if you've seen someone at some place in London you text in and if that person sees the text in the paper then they call into the paper and the paper does some tests or something and passes on the started off as a silly column called "love on the line"..where if you spotted someone on the train that you liked, you would text in..but it grew in size and now so many people have made it together...but I reckon his friend (that he came to the club with) must work in the city..somebody must know him!
But hospital records..great idea!...thank you..I shall try that..
I think I am losing all dignity and respect doing this but hey..what the only live once..
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
just use a private investigator. they come in handy. 'specially nowadays....
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
i thought she was talking about
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
God, it's so hot I feel suicidal. I can't, I can't, I can't endure this!!! Sweet Jesus, make it winter.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL..Well I didn't think me, the super composed..would ever get like this but I guess it happens to the best of us!..Bloody bulls!!..
I am still getting on with my life..that doesn't get put on hold..but this is an itch that has to be scratched..and life has suddenly taken an interesting turn.
Starfish, I do understand what you mean by standing still and it coming to you if it is your fate...but I am not believer of letting fate do its thing...Never have have to shape your one of my friends once said "God helps those who help themselves"..LMAO!..brilliant..You can't attach logic to just doesn't work..I hear what you are saying, and before this I would've been preaching the same thing..but you don't know till it hits you..and it has done..none of my friends have ever seen me like this..EVER!!..simply because I've never been like this's just plain weird.. me you bulls have me doing backward flips internally at the's crazy..but sooo exciting at the same time..darn him! I will find his ass!
Twin - Trust me I have already considered that..
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
Posted by missmorals
I think I am losing all dignity and respect doing this but hey..what the only live once..
For certain things in life...
Its better to regret something you HAVE done than to regret something you HAVE NOT done.
Fuck the haters. Good luck, MM.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
You know what I have always been told? to lose the black and white approach to love, stubborness, zero tolerance and let love in as love does not operate on a logical plain...a spiritual guy that I happened to meet one day said to me, "You have to let love in, stop resisting it, there is no right and wrong when it comes to love, analysing it isn't going to allow you to have to fall hard"....I guess that is taking place right now..He did say a lot of other things...I am letting him in..big time...Oh man..sigh...
Thanks rock 
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
We have yellow pages but i have tried that..his name is quite common so I will be searching forever, peoplefinder is an american site I think..I did try a couple the other day but it was all very american..althouh i did tick the "pages from the UK" option. I will keep trying of course..won't give up..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Posted by Starfish225
"I would've been preaching the same thing..but you don't know till it hits you"
Oh yes I do, it hit me 5 years ago and my life has never been the same..But I just learned to be still and let him come to me. But yeah handle it as you like..And what I know about Taurus men is when they want a woman and is free to persue her they go about it just as a Scorp would..I had one like that and he still is trying to figure out what can he do to get in..
Was your situation exactly the same as mine where you had no details on him? it's fine if you know someone and have spent time can then back off and let nature do its thing..I would do exactly the same thing..I never chase anyone or ever have..
But not in this situation. Because we met in a club and I am of the belief that anything you meet in a club is no good, I gave him mostly incorrect information about me...he couldn't find me if he tried!..and taurus men..have you not read about them? it's difficult for anyone to get them off their arse to do anything..never mind launch an investigation..hehe...Truth is when I walked out of the club although I felt a pang of loss..I thought i'd be well over it in the morning...and I had it in my head that I didn't want to meet a guy in a club...EVER...but you can't go into things with limitations like this. It could happen anytime anywhere..
What sign are you?Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
Posted by nihilist
can't wait to c how this turns out.
Yea, totally! I'll admit, I'm partially motivated to egg you on just to see how this turns out lolSigned Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
For sure
. I get up to Malibu every now and then. Just a quick 30-45mins on the 405N. Countless restaurants in between.
Signed Up:
Dec 13, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1525 · Topics: 14
"For certain things in life...
Its better to regret something you HAVE done than to regret something you HAVE NOT done."
That's actually very well said and I can somehow agree. So get your stalking going MM, just be careful though.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I will go on craigslist...what have I got to lose?! Fantastic idea guys...thanks
But is Craigslist an american thing? I don't think he would go on there but you never know..anything is possible...we will meet again I know we will!
Watch this space...I shall have him...he is mine..muahahhaha...I have never been obsessed with a human being before so these are new feelings and ones I like....My determination will bring him into existence...It's sooo exciting...
I have listed on my original post what I have already tried...and I have emailed the if he comes looking there they shall pass on the message..I did go back to the club the following week bu the wasn't there..the club wasn't that nice so I don't think he would go be honest, I think his mate dragged him out from what I remember him tellig me..he doesn't look the clubbing sort..very quiet and reserved...
Nihilist..I would never chase anyone..but in this instance..I am the aggressor and I don't care one bit what anyone can't wait to see how it turns out too...
Sagigoat how lovely...such a nice story..More more more!!..I know many scorpio female/taurus male couples and they have all said the was the connection/chemistry...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Fortune favours the bold as they say!
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Posted by XFoosMe
Hey! You have any better ideas?!? 
LMAO...awww....You rock!!
VHero - your sick! dare you get enjoyment out of this
Ahhh it's all good...happy days
I am just glad I finally found out what star sign is of the soulmate materialSigned Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Thanks gorgeous
Ooooh la la..the chemistry!!! sizzzzzzling... Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
MM you are funny, hahahahahah 
Ok you meet the guy at the club, ran out and never got the number.
I would go back to the club, talk to the manager or bouncer at the club and describe to them who this guy is and tell them his name, how he look and any distinguised marks, etc. Then I would find out if there are any other clubs in the area and go to those clubs and do the same thing.
The purpose is to get the word out on the STREET. I think you have a better chance putting it out on the street then running ads and trying to find him on the net.
You can always use the scene from the movie "Desperatly Seeking Susan) 
I don't know the length you are willing to go to find this man. But I think putting the word on the street would be better, or you can find out what are Taurus men interested in, like do the play, basketball, swimming, fishing. You need to think a little more out the box.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Nah he's not the clubbing sort..I think he just got dragged out by his friend (aries)...I have his picture..I could post it on Facebook but not only will my friends think I've lost the plot, I think if I found him, he would have something to say about that!! will find me...I have the feelers out...somebody will know him..
Thinking outside the box....well I could go stand in his hometown...and anyone I think may know him I will call them over pretending to be collecting for charity or running an event...instead I will show them a picture of him and ask them whether they know him...I guarantee someone will..that is by far the easiest..but I run the risk of being beat up!..hahah...imagine I showed a picture and the woman I showed it to was his wife!...good lord..hahahah..oh my..He was single..but then that's what they all would say in a club wouldn't they!..
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
"I showed a picture and the woman I showed it to was his wife!...good lord..hahahah..oh my..He was single..but then that's what they all would say in a club wouldn't they!.."
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99 make me were nearly as obsessed with this scorp as I am with this Taurus....
LOL..bless..well at least you got him in the end..that's all that matters...hopefully we'll compare notes soon! 
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I was telling my Cancer male friend the story of this obsession and he just shakes his head and says: "the lengths women go to"
So I replied to him with "if you want something SAID, ask a man, if you want something DONE ask a woman"
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
Posted by missmorals
Fortune favours the bold as they say!
Fate loves the fearless!
Do it woman! We want a story of some sort!
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
VHero - your sick! dare you get enjoyment out of this
Hahahah the way I look at it is this...
Best Case Scenario: You put it on the line to go for something with no regrets. (Go watch the movie "Love Actually" and be mindful of the little boy putting it on the line for the girl who's leaving. You'll see what I mean)
Worst Case Scenario: You'll have this amazing story to share with your grandkids or some shit.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Must be a scorpio thing know I was just saying and have often said on these posts, I never obsess with anything cos I don't care enough about it....but I guess theres a first time for's actually really exciting...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Fate loves the fearles.....Yay!..I love that 
There is no worst case scenario....I will get him..this is a win win....I will be looking at the grandkids and then adoringly up at their Taurus grandad
heheheh...oh man I am now even scaring myself!..LOL..
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Posted by VirgoHero
Do it woman!
I've always loved it when blokes say this..hehe..makes me to expand
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
^^^ Oooops buggered up that quote..LOL...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Awww how long have you been together?
The dorkiness is very cute...I like that endearing quality in a person. Goofy is good!.. 
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL...get laid woman!!!
HEhe...yeah I love it actually...anyone that calls me woman...Actually my pisces friend always says that to me.."Morning woman...what are you up to"
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I think secretly that's why they do it....I am of the same temperament so that statement makes me feel all rarrrrr!..

I feel so happy today..god knows why...hahha...
We're all going on a spring holiday! Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
Woman! I need my update! lol 
Signed Up:
Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
I hate that term!! I had a scoundrel chasing me around the pryamids in Eygpt yelling woman, woman with his hand out looking for tips for doing NOTHING!!! I felt like punching him! So demeaning!
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
It makes an agressive, domineering and controlling woman feel girly?
:::: scratches head ::::
So, is it safe to conclude then that this dominate posture is a cover up for an insecure woman who really wants to be like a subserviant wench?
Any man who calls me that would get immediately clocked .... of course, I'm thinking it might be a cultural thing ... can't imagine an American woman being so ......
.... beneath a man in status, and that's how I think most American women would view that term, whereas European women are conditioned to be beneath men anyway, so naturally, this term would seem endearing to them.
I remember an English woman in here telling me once that it is expected for a woman who is commited to a man to wait at home for him when he goes out ... and I was like ..
YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME .................. wait ?????????????????
as in a good-wife, and bake brownies while doing laundry ?????
Yeah, right .. and I'm Jesus Christ.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I can't believe any woman would actually ((( like ))) to be devalued in such as a way as to be called a wench, which is how I would interpret the word "woman" used in that context .... equally, I cannot imagine why you, missmorals, would subject yourself proudly, to the self-dishonour of chasing down a man to whom has only brushed past you.
You've really no clue about this man ..... you are using absolutely no sound judgement, and chasing a dream on a whim. I thought you were different from the kind of woman who is at the mercy of her desperate feelings that control her .. I guess not.
This has desperation written all over it .... and if your heart wasn't invested in it, or if it was happening to a friend ... you wouldn't be so blind.
I remember the other thread you wrote about a friend of yours to whom you passed judgement on her man, in which she didn't take your advice and you were ready to write her off as valueless for it .... yet, with her man, at least he was hers and not just some fantasy.
Wake up for Christs sake .. woman !!!!!!!!!
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I love men who like women also 
My perfect man is going to have what I call .. Richard Dawson Syndrome. Do you remember him, Satori ... he's a little old for your generation, but, he was on game shows back in the day. He did Family Fued.
Anyway .. I LOVE that man because he LOVES women .. all women.
He would hug and kiss them all ... even the ones who were ugly. He would hold their hands, he would smile affectionately to them, he would put his arms around them and look into their eyes until they smiled at him ..... and he wanted nothing in return except to let these women know that he loves them all.
My perfect man will be like that .... he will want to hug and kiss and hold and pamper ALL women .. no matter who they are, or what they look like ... just because they are female. Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Awe, a Scorpio
How appropriate for this board .. honouring a Scorpio for how lovely he is. Signed Up:
Feb 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
My Aries calls me woman. Go figure. The first time he did it I analized it to death. Did he mean in in a demeaning way or possessive? Did it piss me off? After going through it over and over I finally decided it was ok
He mostly says it in a joking manner.
"Get me my food woman". Followed by a big cheesy grin and a "Pleeeeease?"
He knows better to say it when I'm in a bad mood though. Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Theres nothing wrong with being called a woman...jeez, grow a sense of humour already!...It depends on how you take it I guess..I really don't care..everything is a joke..even if it isn't meant as a joke I will turn it into one..people just need to unclench round here and the world would be a better place..
I have just returned from my holiday in the south of France..what an amazing relaxing holiday..lovely glowing tan, hair looks amazing, feel great with all the activities I did...Climbed a mountain, explored some caves, did some bike rides and also horse riding and went on a road trip!...fantastic!....
Still missing the bull....The friends got together and hatched a plan on finding him..lool...Awww it's gotta be love...hehe...I love me taurus..

LOL @ VHero...don't worry man!...I will sort it out for ya..I am working on it...give the woman a break 
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL @ Cultural thing...Oh my god...are those comments for real? I am sure MOST american woman have a sense of humour...In fact, yes I think they do...but you always get an exception to the rule who seems to speak for the majority...dear oh dear..
Some things never change...
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
Holy crap. This thread SOOO got hijacked by the "Woman" comment lol. Sorry MM!
Unfortunately text can't reflect my jovial attitude and huge ass smile when I wrote "Woman, give me an update!".
Its sort of how MM responded with... "LOL @ VHero...don't worry man!". There's no disrespect in the manner in which that was presented.
Women are beautiful and I make no apologies for recognizing that.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You are so funny, Missy .... once you actually used to be not so subjective to everything under the sun ... of course that was when you weren't trying to carry around a man's balls you only briefly met in a bar, and are now searching the world wide, in hopes of him wanting you.
Good Luck