Okay so I am stuck here in a triangle. There are two guys that I like.
The first is a libra. I like him because we seem to think the same way. He values his family. He is passionate about his work. He knows what he wants and he's not afraid to get it and I find it very attractive. But I already feel like he is a lier and I can't trust him.
The other is a Capricorn. He his funny and kind and honest. We go back a long way and again he is passionate about his work and his family. But I feel like he is too shy to express his emotions. I've seen him so many times shut down his feelings for people and decide to do the logical thing ((as far as he is concerned)) and not get involved with people.
I like them both and they have both shown interest in me.
I'm just curious as to experiances other scorpions have had with these two signs?