True kindness or Self-Interest

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by 187 on Monday, February 5, 2007 and has 23 replies.
Do you believe that people do things out of the kindness of their heart or for self-interest.
For example, if you were stranded on a highway and cars were passing you by, do you think the one person that stopped to pick you up did so because he/she would feel bad to pass you by?
I think people are naturally selfish and most acts of kindness are based on self-interest. (Not to say that there aren't people who are truly kind and selfless) I just believe that there are tiny to massive traces of self-interest behind kindness and sometimes we don't realize this. We say things like, "I'm just doing it out of the kindness of my heart," when in reality you're not. You're really just helping your brother with his homework so he could stop bothering you.
What are your thoughts on this?
depends upon the persons nature, and what's really in it for them; people I think in general are selfish, becuase we tend to need something (depending again on the person involved) we'll go to ANY lengths to get it; some people are just bullsh1t kickers and want to impress people ect.....the reasons are endless, but the intentions are limited......catch my drift? So, to navigate thru the waterz of bullsh1tt, you've gotta look at peoples intentions, not just their can do this by getting a feel for them by asking broad questions, and remaing general....people who tend to use 'I' pronouns and speak of themselves tend to be the bullsh1terz .......
i think we've all done something that had a selfish intent to it...i've done it, but i also do things that are genuine and i don't expect anything in return...nor do i do it to make myself feel like a better person.
i know people that've donated money to charities to put themselves on a pedestal and then brag about it to others, it's an ugly thing but...the charity got the benefits so it works out for both parties.
If we help others, we help ourselves. We're all connected. So the line between selfish intentions and selfless self-sacrifice is blurred.
I believe the Mother Theresas or Martin Luther Kings of this world are saints...truly here as the servants of mankind. The rest of us are somewhat beneath them, but any act of kindness helps the whole world.
I think most people are kind because it feels good.
Oh Brother! LOL...
I don't believe myself to be selfish. Only when I feel as though people keep leeching onto me for their own strength and support and drain mine in the process is when I start to pull back.
My OPINION on this subject (LOL) is the upbringing of the person. I live in Las Vegas. It's a big city. If I was stranded on the side of the road it would take a while for someone to stop and help me. I might be carrying a gun and rob the person that stops for hell sakes. I witnessed an accident along with 15 other cars and I was the only one to stop and help and fill out a witness report. BUT, I am also from a small town. If there was a stranded motorist in my small town only 1 out of a 100 passing cars would NOT stop. (Not that 100 cars would pass, that would be the whole town) But this is a town that would come together to help widow so and so weed her vegetable garden. It's just the way of life there. When my mother had an accident and was bed ridden for months, she had so much food she had to throw it away. Because EVERYBODY made "extra" food and brought it by. She did not want for anything. Because it's the way of life there.
It just depends on where your from and your upbringing. Period!
...all of which goes to show that it is in our best interest to help others! No matter what our's good either way!
I do everything from the heart and never expect anything in return...not always a good thing because people can take advantage of you. But you can guarantee if you cross me once you will never do it again
Mixture of act of kindness would be spontaneous..never planned..and yes I mostly expect you to return that kind act or at least remember it..or theres hell to pay..if I care enough..
hey are you?
Hello darling
How are you? I haven't spoken to you in a while
I am good thanks..always..
thats good...any plans for v-day?
To hijack a virgo and give it to him Tongue
"Mixture of act of kindness would be spontaneous.."
Doctor dont U think those acts will actually be good Kodak moments ?
LMAO..Hell yeah..Doesn't happen often does it
me and my cap are having dinner....hopefully he'll have me for dinner...
LOL..yeah I read somewhere that your with a Cap now..(probably on the Cap board) did you manage that one? LOL..must be the evolved type..I am sure he'll have you for dinner if you suggest it..
i met him at the LOVESHACK! hee hee..really great guy...
Aww...hope it works out...
Has he not done the famous "poof" act?
yea but he calls me at least every other thats enough. I see him every weekend because we both work pretty hard during the week. I guess caps are known for their disappearing acts. But you know what Ive learn missy? really have to accept a person for exactly who they are. If he does disappear I dont sit back waiting for the phone to ring...i have enough to do already. Besides I like missing him.
Thats a very good way to be..the best way to be in fact..I don't care if the man doesn't call for a long as I know he's there and we are together etc..can't keep anyone on a tight leash..
Cool..hope it works out for you..sounds grand
This is a good thread, and an important question. Here's my take on it: The soul has come to the body, and the body to life, for the purpose of evolution. You are EVOLVING, you are BECOMING. And you are using your relationship with everything to decide WHAT you are becoming. And since you cannot change what another is doing, you realize (hopefully, by now) that you can only change the way you REACT to what another is doing, saying, being, having..... Now the Master is one who always comes up with the same answer -- the same re-action -- and that answer is always the highest choice. In this the Master is imminently predictable. Conversely, the student is completely unpredictable. One can tell how one is doing by simply noticing how predictably one makes the highest choice in responding to any situation.
Of course, this throws open the question, what choice is highest?
That is a question around which have revolved the philosophies and theologies of man since the beginning of time. If the question engages you, you are already on the road to mastery. There are those who would ask another question altogether. Not, what is the highest choice, but, what is the most profitable? OR, how can I lose the least?
When life is lived from a standpoint of damage control or optimum advantage, the true benefit of life is forfeited. The opportunity lost. The chance is missed. For a life lived thusly is a life lived from fear -- and that life speaks a lie about you. You are not fear, you are love.
I tell you this, at the critical juncture in all human relationships, there is only one question; What would love do now?
No other question is relevant, no other question is meaningful. Now we come upon a delicate point of interpretation. For centuries we have been taught that love-sponsored action arises out of the choice to be, do and have whatever produces the highest good for another. Yet I tell you this; the highest choice is that which produces the highest good for YOU. As with all profound spiritual truth, this statement opens itself to immediate misinterpretation. The mystery clears a bit the moment one decides what is the highest "good" one could do for oneself. And when the absolute highest choice is made, the mystery dissolves, the circle completes itself, and the highest good for you BECOMES the highest good for another.