Uncommon Astrological Opinion: Scorpio Men Love How Cancer Men Live; Powerful Bromance

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Emhendo on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 and has 25 replies.
Just something I noticed over the years... As a disclaimer, this post comes from LOVE AND OBSERVATION. This is merely awareness of Water Sign BROMANCE. So if you hate, you just a hater and you a sorry ass person. Nothin can be done for you.

You won't notice this UNLESS you are a water sign, AND a man/ or living a man's life. In this case, I have these experiences.. Being a water sign and living a man's life - to the outside eyes.

I have had many many Scorpio homies.. We just be two peas in a pod. I love these guys and I feel at home with them like how I feel with Aquarius men (surprisingly even the Aqua women), and Leo men.

One of my favorite rappers is a Scorpio, one of my favorite rappers is a Cancer. It's no coincidence that these two guys have several songs together and one was deeply affected by the other's death. Prodigy and 50 Cent was quite a duo. Look it up. RIP Prodigy.

I wanna start this by saying Prodigy ADMIRED 50 Cent's story.. If you ever watched Get Rich Or Die Tryin', which was Fif's biography - you would see 50 Cent has quite a rap sheet and been through hell. He literally had several near death experiences, opportunities to serve an immense sentence behind bars, losing his mother at a young age etc. etc. The man has been through hell and became the success he is today.

He got famous from dissing a local drug dealer in his neighborhood, and with his cardinal energy - essentially going AWOL on notorious and the infamous Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff. A Virgo kingpin drug dealer back in the 80's, who is currently serving life behind bars..

Prodigy of Mobb Deep (Scorpio) was 50 Cent's (Cancer) savior in the music industry.

50 Cent has paid tribute to Prodigy, recalling the time the late Mobb Deep rapper saved him from alleged police entrapment. "The police tried to get P to set me up," 50 Cent wrote on Instagram in a picture of him alongside Prodigy.

"They asked him if I keep any gun or drugs around. Then wanted him to put a gun in my car."

"He didn't do it. Instead, he told me what they were trying to do. My man P."

(This was a really hot song back in the day. If you get past the first few seconds, the video really captures the Cancer and Scorpio bromance)

Cancer and Scorpio go through similar things in their lifetime.

Cancer is the sign of family. A family could be a mob, a gang, a mafia, etc.

So Cancer is the sign of GANGS.

But Scorpio is the sign of occultism. Occultism could be crime, taboo, supernormal/abnormal/supernatural, etc. etc.

So Scorpio is the of THE GANGSTER.

You got the employment and you got the empolyee.

This is a powerful bromance.

To prove this: Nipsey Hussle, for example - had Cancer Venus before he passed. His Venus attracted him to GANGS and FAMILIES.. Gangs and Families was attracted to Nipsey. Because of his Rahu/South Node/afterlife in Scorpio - he became involved in a gangsta shit. Which was his fate.. He died by a gangster, who happened to be Scorpio. That was just his fate.

Now that we understand the dynamics between these two energies and how they benefit each other, let's move on;

Matthew McConaughey (Scorpio)

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Recently did a film last year about a Cancer boy who sold drugs and was an FBI informant back in the 80s.

He is currently incarcerated until is projected release date.

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It was called White Boy Rick. Pretty good movie if you understand it.. Richie Merritt, the kid who played Rick deserves many more roles.

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For McConaughey to get material for the movie, he visited White Boy Rick himself in prison and got some details about his life that was never in the papers and found online.

To prepare for the film, McConaughey and Demange visited Wershe Jr. (White Boy Rick) in prison, where he has been since 1987 (Wershe Sr. died before McConaughey was involved with the film).

McConaughey’s experience as a father of three kids was crucial for him connecting with Wershe Jr., who is now a grandfather, when they met in a Michigan prison. “Matthew’s a real father,” Demange said. “That was something that I didn’t quite realize until I approached Matthew for the script. So I was like, oh my God, he has three kids. And [McConaughey and Wershe Jr.] talked a lot about family. And I sort of sat back and for about four hours they just talked.”

White Boy Rick started with a Cancer Sun, a boy who just wanted his family to be straight. Being Cancer Sun, he attracted gangs and kingpins. This attracted McConaughey as a Scorpio, cuz he wanted be in a gangster- style type film.

"I sort of sat back and for about four hours they just talked." - The Director of the film, Yann DeMange

So this Cancer man and Scorpio man cliqued immediately, spending hours talking.

Scorpios love the leadership and the power of a mass of people that Cancer has over society. Scorpios can get in on that and make it greater and keep it fixed.

Leonardo DiCaprio (Scorpio)

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Played a Cancer man in the movie Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belford.

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It's not a coincidence to me that a Scorpio found a Cancer's life and past interesting enough to repeat it for the world to see.

Matthew McConaughey was also in this movie.

The cast of Jersey Shore just won't die... But two guys of the cast who very admired and memorable by MTV watchers are DJ Pauly D and Vinny Guadagnino

They happen to be best friends today and will even be having their own spin-off show, so I heard.

Paul D. DelVecchio (Cancer) and Vincent J. Guadagnino (Scorpio) have the most easygoing bromance I've ever witnessed in the media between two guys. Last summer I was renting two different hotels for personal business before returning back to Chicago. I found nothing entertaining but the new season of Jersey Shore, and these two guys are like IN LOVE with each other.. I really admire that.

Vinny has always been under Pauly D's wing..

I always thought Cardinal and Fixed works best.. My best relationships have been with fixed sign women.

But just in friendship with the same element; That's a really dynamic duo.

Even Future (Scorpio) and Partynextdoor (Cancer) could make an album together. They made a theme to a movie that was hit while it lasted... I never got to watch it but the song pointed fingers to this movie, making more sells.

Drake (Scorpio) and Partynextdoor (Cancer) have countless songs and colloraborations together. Drake signed Party, and now Party has written many of his songs or background sang.

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These two guys are best friends of the zodiac, and could even be promised enemies.
Posted by Silverado

*Water Sign Connection*
On the real..

How old are you? You ever watched Drake and Josh.. They ain't ever fight behind the scenes.. They were true natural friends and that's why the show will always be apart of many people's childhood.. They made that show very memorable.
I don't know any Cancer men.
Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
Ya, we kinna hard to find.
Posted by LethalFantasia

What kind of bromance?

What if it's been a while since one or both got laid?

Do they do brojobs to help eachother out?
Don't come in here with all that.......
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

What kind of bromance?

What if it's been a while since one or both got laid?

Do they do brojobs to help eachother out?
Don't come in here with all that.......

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I know you homosexual LGBT, but you don't gotta force that image on everything you touch. That's what's wrong with some gays.. Cuz you ain't even have to ask that.

Like Cancer men and Scorpio men got no problems gettin pussy AHAHAHAA!!
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

What kind of bromance?

What if it's been a while since one or both got laid?

Do they do brojobs to help eachother out?
Don't come in here with all that.......

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I know you homosexual LGBT, but you don't gotta force that image on everything you touch. That's what's wrong with some gays.. Cuz you ain't have to ask that.

That's ironic coming from the stereotypical butch lesbian but okay
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How is that ironic?

Cuz I said the truth? I can be lesbian and say that... STOP HOMOSEXUALIZING EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH.
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

What kind of bromance?

What if it's been a while since one or both got laid?

Do they do brojobs to help eachother out?
Don't come in here with all that.......

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I know you homosexual LGBT, but you don't gotta force that image on everything you touch. That's what's wrong with some gays.. Cuz you ain't have to ask that.

That's ironic coming from the stereotypical butch lesbian but okay
How is that ironic?

Cuz I said the truth? I can be lesbian and say that... STOP HOMOSEXUALIZING EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH.

It's ironic because you claim certain gay people don't have to "force that image" but you're like the stereotypical angry butch lesbian from Love and Hip Hop or something who does nothing BUT force her image on people

But damn, all this Water energy. Calm down, it wasn't meant to be so serious. I posted my original comment because you went onnnn and onn about the "bromance" and closeness so I thought I'd be cheeky and throw a brojob reference in there

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Okay, dude... I ain't about to argue with you.

"Stereotypical angry butch from Love and Hip-Hop"? What??

For one, I'm perfectly calm.. Not angry.

I'm just saying you didn't have to make it a gay thing when I am talking about known straight men. That's disrespectful of their behalf.

And I don't even watch Love and Hip-Hop.. But when I did see butches on the show, they was always chill and drama free.. So what are you talking about?

Don't go off on me cuz I told you to stop that homosexualizing shit.

You WE'RE actually doing that, so STOP.

Why that gotta be an argument and turning the tables on ME? I don't jump on women and homosexualize everything two women do together.. So you lyin on me.
Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
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You not even a Scorpio AHAHAHAA.. Damn, Rabbit...
Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
You not even a Scorpio AHAHAHAA.. Damn, Rabbit...
I'm Not?

Shit. My momma lied. That hoe.
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Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

What kind of bromance?

What if it's been a while since one or both got laid?

Do they do brojobs to help eachother out?
Don't come in here with all that.......

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I know you homosexual LGBT, but you don't gotta force that image on everything you touch. That's what's wrong with some gays.. Cuz you ain't have to ask that.

That's ironic coming from the stereotypical butch lesbian but okay
How is that ironic?

Cuz I said the truth? I can be lesbian and say that... STOP HOMOSEXUALIZING EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH.

It's ironic because you claim certain gay people don't have to "force that image" but you're like the stereotypical angry butch lesbian from Love and Hip Hop or something who does nothing BUT force her image on people

But damn, all this Water energy. Calm down, it wasn't meant to be so serious. I posted my original comment because you went onnnn and onn about the "bromance" and closeness so I thought I'd be cheeky and throw a brojob reference in there

Okay, dude... I ain't about to argue with you.

"Stereotypical angry butch from Love and Hip-Hop"? What??

For one, I'm perfectly calm.. Not angry.

I'm just saying you didn't have to make it a gay thing when I am talking about known straight men. That's disrespectful of their behalf.

And I don't even watch Love and Hip-Hop.. But when I did see butches on the show, they was always chill and drama free.. So what are you talking about?

Don't go off on me cuz I told you to stop that homosexualizing shit.

You WE'RE actually doing, so STOP.

Why that gotta be an argument and turning the tables on ME? What's wrong with you?

Oh my goshhhh please stopppp this moral codeeeeee act because trust me it can't work for you when you read your other posts lol. Just be real!

The disrespect to straight males to post a cheeky comment in a thread, oh lorddddd, the tragedy of it alllll! I do not want to argue so I won't mention your actual like offensive posts that are like legitimately offensive to a certain sex but okay! I shall stop invading your thread and be on my wai xoxox

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Ya, whatever.

I don't homosexualize everything two women do together... Which you were doing with two men.

My posts are irrelevant. You just trynna flip some shit and make it what it's not.. So you lying on me at this point.
Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
You not even a Scorpio AHAHAHAA.. Damn, Rabbit...
I'm Not?

Shit. My momma lied. That hoe.
My progressed chart is Sag Sun Gem Moon.
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You ain't got nothin to prove to me, Rabbit... It ain't all that.. I just said what I said. That's all. Birthdays matter, not progressed charts.
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
You not even a Scorpio AHAHAHAA.. Damn, Rabbit...
I'm Not?

Shit. My momma lied. That hoe.
My progressed chart is Sag Sun Gem Moon.
You ain't nothin to prove to me, Rabbit... It ain't all that.. I just said what I said. That's all. Birthdays matter, not progressed charts.
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He's a Gemini.
Posted by _Dazed

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
You not even a Scorpio AHAHAHAA.. Damn, Rabbit...
I'm Not?

Shit. My momma lied. That hoe.
My progressed chart is Sag Sun Gem Moon.
You ain't nothin to prove to me, Rabbit... It ain't all that.. I just said what I said. That's all. Birthdays matter, not progressed charts.
He's a Gemini.
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I know.

They just stay lyin and trynna win an argument.. He sound ridiculous.
Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
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I have a Cancer Rising, and I am a man. Does this qualify?
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by _Dazed

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
You not even a Scorpio AHAHAHAA.. Damn, Rabbit...
I'm Not?

Shit. My momma lied. That hoe.
My progressed chart is Sag Sun Gem Moon.
You ain't nothin to prove to me, Rabbit... It ain't all that.. I just said what I said. That's all. Birthdays matter, not progressed charts.
He's a Gemini.
I know.

They just stay lyin and trynna win an argument.. He sound ridiculous.
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Yup. Gemini men always lying and trying to push their agenda.
Posted by _Dazed

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
You not even a Scorpio AHAHAHAA.. Damn, Rabbit...
I'm Not?

Shit. My momma lied. That hoe.
My progressed chart is Sag Sun Gem Moon.
You ain't nothin to prove to me, Rabbit... It ain't all that.. I just said what I said. That's all. Birthdays matter, not progressed charts.
He's a Gemini.
click to expand
Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by nikkistar

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
I have a Cancer Rising, and I am a man. Does this qualify?
Doesn't matter if I'm not a Scorpio.
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Fucking Gemini with a Libra moon!
Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by nikkistar

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by nikkistar

Posted by TheRabbit

Posted by _Dazed

I don't know any Cancer men.
I have a Cancer Rising, and I am a man. Does this qualify?
Doesn't matter if I'm not a Scorpio.
Fucking Gemini with a Libra moon!
Gem Sun and Moon with Libra rising.
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We all know Scorpio dudes and Leos make the best bromances.

Look how happy they are =)

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Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

What kind of bromance?

What if it's been a while since one or both got laid?

Do they do brojobs to help eachother out?
Don't come in here with all that.......

User Submitted Image
I know you homosexual LGBT, but you don't gotta force that image on everything you touch. That's what's wrong with some gays.. Cuz you ain't have to ask that.

That's ironic coming from the stereotypical butch lesbian but okay
How is that ironic?

Cuz I said the truth? I can be lesbian and say that... STOP HOMOSEXUALIZING EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH.

It's ironic because you claim certain gay people don't have to "force that image" but you're like the stereotypical angry butch lesbian from Love and Hip Hop or something who does nothing BUT force her image on people

But damn, all this Water energy. Calm down, it wasn't meant to be so serious. I posted my original comment because you went onnnn and onn about the "bromance" and closeness so I thought I'd be cheeky and throw a brojob reference in there

Okay, dude... I ain't about to argue with you.

"Stereotypical angry butch from Love and Hip-Hop"? What??

For one, I'm perfectly calm.. Not angry.

I'm just saying you didn't have to make it a gay thing when I am talking about known straight men. That's disrespectful of their behalf.

And I don't even watch Love and Hip-Hop.. But when I did see butches on the show, they was always chill and drama free.. So what are you talking about?

Don't go off on me cuz I told you to stop that homosexualizing shit.

You WE'RE actually doing, so STOP.

Why that gotta be an argument and turning the tables on ME? What's wrong with you?

Oh my goshhhh please stopppp this moral codeeeeee act because trust me it can't work for you when you read your other posts lol. Just be real!

The disrespect to straight males to post a cheeky comment in a thread, oh lorddddd, the tragedy of it alllll! I do not want to argue so I won't mention your actual like offensive posts that are like legitimately offensive to a certain sex but okay! I shall stop invading your thread and be on my wai xoxox

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Gem sun Vs Gem moon - that's almost incest.

And no homosexualizing here, Hendobaby got a vageenka. Unless you do too.

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PS: Scorps and Cancers leech lifeforce off each other. Suffocating af.
Posted by enfant_terrible

We all know Scorpio dudes and Leos make the best bromances.

Look how happy they are =)

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Nah..... Looks forced. Needs more proof, astrological facts, and similar dynamics.
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

What kind of bromance?

What if it's been a while since one or both got laid?

Do they do brojobs to help eachother out?
Don't come in here with all that.......

User Submitted Image
I know you homosexual LGBT, but you don't gotta force that image on everything you touch. That's what's wrong with some gays.. Cuz you ain't have to ask that.

That's ironic coming from the stereotypical butch lesbian but okay
How is that ironic?

Cuz I said the truth? I can be lesbian and say that... STOP HOMOSEXUALIZING EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH.

It's ironic because you claim certain gay people don't have to "force that image" but you're like the stereotypical angry butch lesbian from Love and Hip Hop or something who does nothing BUT force her image on people

But damn, all this Water energy. Calm down, it wasn't meant to be so serious. I posted my original comment because you went onnnn and onn about the "bromance" and closeness so I thought I'd be cheeky and throw a brojob reference in there

Okay, dude... I ain't about to argue with you.

"Stereotypical angry butch from Love and Hip-Hop"? What??

For one, I'm perfectly calm.. Not angry.

I'm just saying you didn't have to make it a gay thing when I am talking about known straight men. That's disrespectful of their behalf.

And I don't even watch Love and Hip-Hop.. But when I did see butches on the show, they was always chill and drama free.. So what are you talking about?

Don't go off on me cuz I told you to stop that homosexualizing shit.

You WE'RE actually doing, so STOP.

Why that gotta be an argument and turning the tables on ME? What's wrong with you?

Oh my goshhhh please stopppp this moral codeeeeee act because trust me it can't work for you when you read your other posts lol. Just be real!

The disrespect to straight males to post a cheeky comment in a thread, oh lorddddd, the tragedy of it alllll! I do not want to argue so I won't mention your actual like offensive posts that are like legitimately offensive to a certain sex but okay! I shall stop invading your thread and be on my wai xoxox

Gem sun Vs Gem moon - that's almost incest.

And no homosexualizing here, Hendobaby got a vageenka. Unless you do too.

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PS: Scorps and Cancers leech lifeforce off each other. Suffocating af.
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He a man talking about other men that happen to be straight... So he was homosexualizing. You know DAMN WELL that wasn't about me.
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LethalFantasia

What kind of bromance?

What if it's been a while since one or both got laid?

Do they do brojobs to help eachother out?
Don't come in here with all that.......

User Submitted Image
I know you homosexual LGBT, but you don't gotta force that image on everything you touch. That's what's wrong with some gays.. Cuz you ain't have to ask that.

That's ironic coming from the stereotypical butch lesbian but okay
How is that ironic?

Cuz I said the truth? I can be lesbian and say that... STOP HOMOSEXUALIZING EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH.

It's ironic because you claim certain gay people don't have to "force that image" but you're like the stereotypical angry butch lesbian from Love and Hip Hop or something who does nothing BUT force her image on people

But damn, all this Water energy. Calm down, it wasn't meant to be so serious. I posted my original comment because you went onnnn and onn about the "bromance" and closeness so I thought I'd be cheeky and throw a brojob reference in there

Okay, dude... I ain't about to argue with you.

"Stereotypical angry butch from Love and Hip-Hop"? What??

For one, I'm perfectly calm.. Not angry.

I'm just saying you didn't have to make it a gay thing when I am talking about known straight men. That's disrespectful of their behalf.

And I don't even watch Love and Hip-Hop.. But when I did see butches on the show, they was always chill and drama free.. So what are you talking about?

Don't go off on me cuz I told you to stop that homosexualizing shit.

You WE'RE actually doing, so STOP.

Why that gotta be an argument and turning the tables on ME? What's wrong with you?

Oh my goshhhh please stopppp this moral codeeeeee act because trust me it can't work for you when you read your other posts lol. Just be real!

The disrespect to straight males to post a cheeky comment in a thread, oh lorddddd, the tragedy of it alllll! I do not want to argue so I won't mention your actual like offensive posts that are like legitimately offensive to a certain sex but okay! I shall stop invading your thread and be on my wai xoxox

Gem sun Vs Gem moon - that's almost incest.

And no homosexualizing here, Hendobaby got a vageenka. Unless you do too.

User Submitted Image

PS: Scorps and Cancers leech lifeforce off each other. Suffocating af.
He a man talking about other men that happen to be straight... So he was homosexualizing. You know DAMN WELL that wasn't about me.
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I was referring to my own comment lol, no homosexualizing in it. Still, he made your vageenka bristle.

And like I said, too much crazy in Scorp + Cancer. Very suffocating, enabling each other's bullshit, lost in Lalaland.

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Moon and Pluto very different

Feminine and Masculine