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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
He's just horny and drunk.
Don't mistake staring and flirting as genuine interest.
It's just staring. People tend to do that.
He could have been trying to make you jealous.
Although, double water people are extremely sensitive and can sense when someone has the hots for them.
If he were seriously interested in you, he would NEVER have done that in front of you.
For fear of screwing up any chances with you.
Your Sag moon, is magnetically drawn to Cancer moon.
I have a Sag moon and was intensely attracted to a Scorp sun/Can moon.
His girlfriend is a Gem sun/Sag moon.
He has flirted with me in front of her. I was over the moon.
When he ignored me the next time we saw each other, I quickly realized they were quarreling at the time he flirted and was doing all that for her to see.
Cancer moon can take or leave a Sag moon apparently as he has cheated on his Gem/Can girlfriend before.