water and fire

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by warmwaters on Monday, January 19, 2015 and has 13 replies.
I always feel like these elements have an infinity.
Both are primal chaotic and powerful.
I just feel very energized by fire energy.
I need more of those individuals in my life.
Earth brings stability and but it's repressive..
Hmm, my dominant element is air, but fire i s pretty closed to the same percentage as my air
Posted by Impulsv
only fire I can manage n attracted to is leo. Sag n aries too much for me. But I have no fire in my chart though

i can handle all three fire to a certain degree.
Hubby has leo and sag,
and my ex's had dominant aries, especially in personal planets, but the last ex was the only one who was calm and lovely.
(he had alot of earth virgo)
too much fire with air is terrible imo. they can't handle it themselves, much less people around them. and certainly not in a personal relationship. they're more suited for out- there politics ect.
I believe out of all the water signs, Scorpio are best qualified to handle fire.
My favorite...is Sag. The other two...forget it. Way too predictable.
I've always attracted, and been attracted to fire signs. The bulk of which is made up of Leos, handful of Aries, and occasionally Sags. Though the Sags tend to get bored and wander off. Earth/air guys rarely notice my presence. Water sign guys are like sisters to me. So yep, fire smile
Posted by LetltB
I believe out of all the water signs, Scorpio are best qualified to handle fire.
My favorite...is Sag. The other two...forget it. Way too predictable.

what's makes leo and aries predictable?
I like fire signs also. I attract fire signs and pisces. I don't know why.... A lot of the people that I communicate with are Cancer, Leo, aries, and capricorn.....strange.
Posted by Noreallynow
Posted by LetltB
I believe out of all the water signs, Scorpio are best qualified to handle fire.
My favorite...is Sag. The other two...forget it. Way too predictable.

what's makes leo and aries predictable?
click to expand

The females are...
Leos are needy, entitlement issue and selfish.....lots of DRAMA (Leo mooners are sometimes worse)
Aries don't think before they speak, entitlement issues & selfish...also drown in Drama (Aries mooners sometimes worse)
Don't even have to ask what sign they^^^are...dead giveaway.
Sag's on the other hand are so different, fun, POSITIVE thinking, forgiving creative and did I mention FUN?
Leo interesting.
I have a leo moon so idk if that was the reason why I like them so much.
Leo is interesting.
I think they are the most balanced of the fire signs.
Not as impulsive and immature as aries and not as calm and "holier than u" like sag.
you don't have to like leo moon.
we like ourselves enough for everyone.
Posted by exoskeleton
i love a bit of fire energy. it's passionate, dynamic, and exciting.
too much though gets so ego-driven and overly competitive....

+1. I find too much fire drains me.
LOL pisces moon.
That sounds scary.
My asc is pisces but the fire moon/house placement makes up for it.
I'm a triple scorp and I dated a aries leo mooner. I liked everything about him...., almost...