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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
He was testing you. He was taking it slow, yet when you didn't respond to him/or didn't respond in a way that he felt comfortable enough to go forward, he would take two steps back, making you feel as if he was playing games. He wasn't. He was only self-preserving. I did read your other post about him, and the questions he was asking you were definitely testing questions, assessing your responses. Sorry, but that's the way Scorps roll.
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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
In my honest opinion, I would say he gave up. And I'll explain why I am saying that. From reading what you have said, it sounds like when he would 'warm up' to you, you backed off. When he backed off, you warmed up. Like couldbeme said, with a scorp, trust is a big thing. With you running hot and cold, you sent him mixed messages. He backed off. For example, when he asked you if you wanted to catch a movie and you just ignored him, how could he establish trust?? What would of been so wrong with letting him know that you were out of town?
You have to decide whether or not you want a relationship with him. If not, then forget him and move on. If you do, then you can't run hot and cold and expect to establish a loving, trusting relationship with a Scorp. And no I don't think you will hear from him, unless you do the calling. If you decide to do that, no more games.
Signed Up:
Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
He has probably sent mixed messages to you as well. That is the 'one step forward-two steps back' thing about Scorps. It may not be or sound fair, but that's how Scorps roll. It's a self preservation thing. And until Scorps are sure that the object of their affection can be trusted, they can spin indefinitely or until they get tired of spinning!!
I would see if he contacts you in the next few days/week. If not, and you want to post on his FB page, post something light and see how that is taken. If he doesn't respond, then you know. If he does respond, be sincere. If he asks you in the future if you want to meet him or go see a movie(for example)and you can't, let him know. Otherwise, he will think you don't want to be/do things with him(
Good luck in whatever you do....
This is actually really interesting to me becuase I feel like I'm having some of the same confusion only I'm a Scorpio girl with an Aries man. As a Scorpio, I can tell that he definitely really likes you a lot; however, it sounds like you both may be confusing each other. Scorpios prefer that the other person makes the first move and Aries are known to make the first move, but I seem to be having this backward problem wih mine as well where neither one of us is making any real first moves, but we feel a lot more comfortable texting each other about all the things we wanna do. I have a lot of Scorpio guy friends and believe it or not... they're pretty nervous about what to say or do when they like a girl even when they seem so much more sure of themselves. Scorpios and Aries both like independence, but they also love the stability of relationships; therefore, we find ourselves unsure of whether or not we want a serious relationship which can put a strain on what you are trying to achieve with the person you like. Sometimes we want it, sometimes we don't... so both Aries and Scorpios are just putting out very mixed signals.
My advice... do a subtle move... like if you hug him goodbye... give him a little soft kiss on the neck. Something that shows him that you want him without actually having to say it since everyone seems to have such a hard time voicing their feelings nowadays.
Good Luck! is the rest:
but we both like hanging out with one another and that's what makes this situation so tough. i would be fine with being friends with him, but he's so flirty through text message that i'd probably tell him he needs to stop that if we were just going to be friends...
so, i can't do any of these subtle moves you talk about because we aren't really "talking" at the moment and i deleted his number...maybe in a few weeks i should just message him on facebook asking if he wants to go to a hockey game?? as friends?....what do you think?
Check your inbox. I'll write you some more in there in a few minutes.
Signed Up:
Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
When he said...'take care', I sense at that point he felt defeated. He had tried to hook up with you and when you didn't respond, that said to him you just weren't into him. It sounds to me like he has viewed you as someone to hang out with....until recently when something clicked and he decided to take it farther. HOWEVER, for a Scorp, that means slow and steady and the 'one step forward-two steps back' dance begins. Remember Scorps need to trust you and even moreso trust themselves to take another step forward. Scorps have a reputation for being bad boys/girls, but that's a mask only the outside world sees.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You didn't try to kiss him .... so, he probably thinks you aren't that into him.
Signed Up:
Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
I won't try to analyze what 'it' is that clicked for him. It could of been anything. If he didn't have any interest in you, he wouldn't of given you the time of day. Scorps don't waste time playing.
Yes I think you need to keep things light, because if you come on strong, he will start to wonder what kind of game you are playing, especially when you ignored him in the past. And that will backfire, big time. Keep things subtle until you sense that he is warming up. But as I said prior, NO GAMES!!!! Make sure you know for certain you want a relationship, because if you play with his emotions again, he WILL be gone and you won't get another chance!!
Signed Up:
Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
Glad you heard from Scorp, and in such a short amount of time. That tells me he is interested in you.
Commitment? He told you he wants to meet up with you, what more do you want from him at this point? Stop pushing...that will get you nowhere. It seems you both have busy lives, might take a while to pinpoint a day, time, etc. to get together. That isn't him being wishy-washy, but life's ability to get in the way.
By what you have written, per his words, he is questioning your motives, and rightly so. He wants to trust you, but is also cautious because of your past behavior. Be straight up with him, don't just say 'nothing happened', talk to him. Tell him you were unsure of him, you, whatever your reasoning was. And stop thinking he has ulterior motives or that he has 'girls on the side'. As I have said prior, if he wasn't interested in you, you would never have got to the place you are at with him. Scorps don't waste time on those that they have no interest in...not even to play games, unless of course that person has scorned the Scorp.
At this point my advice to you is...
Trust him..
Have Patience..
Be honest with him
Signed Up:
Apr 20, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1109 · Topics: 27
Test, Test, Test...this is what they do. If he likes you, there will be no doubt, but it could take a bit to get there.
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Sep 07, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1201 · Topics: 5
it wasn't supposed to be scary, per se....
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
We haven't even kissed...why keep me around?
Not sure, but, willing to wager he won't have a desire for you much longer ... Scorpios like people with some backbone.
Signed Up:
Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21