kicking themselves in the head for banning all the cool users (such as myself) and in the process, causing this site to become less and less appealing to the point that no one wants to come here anymore and post messages!
and the topics that HAVE been on here lately absolutely suck!
you all can't say I didn't warn you!
this place is NO FUN without people like me...
and even if you don't like me, hey, i can still teach you something and you WILL learn, goddamnit!
yeah, as i "fell out of fashion" so did dxp obviously...
there is no denying the fact that the traffic on this site dropped off considerably when i
stopped posting here....
and there are NO interesting topics on here to speak of...
and i am so "out of fahion" that idiots are still bumping stillwaters' threads 5 months after stillwaters was banned...
nice try, but i can NEVER go out of style ...but its obvious DXP can....
and as far as the dxp dogs are concerned, here is a message for you...
the only thing that will attract people to your discussion forums and make them grow is INTERESTING USERS who can generate other users' interest in the forums...
new skins and a a new layout on your site won't help your cause if you have banned the interesting users that kept people coming in the first place...
some of you will never learn....
and you really will never learn if you chastise those such as myself with the knowledge and the power to teach you...
it feels so good to have the last laugh and to finally be able to say......
i am literally laughing my fucking ass off at you lamers right now!
Signed Up:
Feb 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
Aaaahhhh!! That baby kitten looks like my little girl Lola! Only Lola has a "frreckle" on her little cute pink nose and a yellow spot on her head. Awwwww... you're killing me!
You're manhood? What about my Scorpy evilhood? That's going down the tubes fast!
I'm tearing up. OMG I'm tearing up.
Signed Up:
Feb 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
Oh it's raining out. No wonder I'm in a wacky mood.
Ohhhh... thunder and lightning. Fun fun.
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
Hahaha apparently were hijacking this thread with fuzzy things. SO BE IT!