What Do You REALLY Know About Love?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by fundamental on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 and has 148 replies.
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love is NEVER the problem, but it's ALWAYS the solution...
for problems use love to solve them
and of your burdens you will receive absolution...

ALL and i dare say ALL known human distress stems from the inability of people to love themselves..
since they love not themselves, they have not the ability to love one another...
love begins from within...
and where true love is concerned, everyone wins...

just a little love free-association for the dxp nation
and my mind is getting bored and growing restless and impatient....
love is not possessive neither obsessive nor aggressive...
when you realize that true love will make you clinically insane
it is only then that you can abandon the mechanical faculties of the brain
and see that everything perceivable to the senses is one in the same
i am in love and i am blind though it may appear i am of a weak mind
those who know not love will say what they will, so everything is fine...
some people think they know love, but then they change on a dime
one minute in love, and the next on the out and about
they knew love in the first instance without a shadow of a doubt....
is it painful to love?
but by love be prepared to be sustained!

for its not the love itself that hurts,
but rather our weak emotions that in us feeble humans are ingrained...
faulty logic also plays a part in this game,
or equation or formula or any other similar label of another name..
its is the FOOL who believes he knows love through the "powers" of the brain...
ohhhh, but the heart?

where does one start?

emotions run deep and wide and we are merely as a vessel sailing on an ocean,
susceptible to being torn asunder and cast apart..
i will call this "The Book of Love"...

if you ever wanted to know anything about it, just reference below and above...
love, although unlike anything else shares a similar trait with everything else..
namely that it cannot be defined without an opposing opposite force...
everything is bound within this perpetual and all invasive dichotomy of opposing opposites..
and of course one cannot speak of love without defining it contrast to hate ALTHOUGH love is beyond mere human definition and exists INDEPENDENTLY from everything, including hate...
but for the purposes of the feeble human mind, love, like everything else must be explained in this elementary manner...
the best thing is go out there and serve love to yourself on the plate of human experience...

write on your slate of human life experience and speak of love....
realize the transcendental, transforming power of it, then you will begin to live it..
like a good reputation it will precede you wherever you go...

I love you F A M...but I can't as I dont love myself enough...
Very interesting concept, I like the way you think and it's ceratinly Food for thought in my personal situation!
i love you too, sweethearts...
well my dear, as long as you love yourself ENOUGH to realize that you don't love yourself enough, you already have the hardest part figured out (which is learning to love yourself in the first place)...
the rest is merely maintenance, darling...

this is a fact...

and even the best among us need regular maintenance, dearest..
you are not alone...
Couldn't agree more...and as for this: "stems from the inability of people to love themselves..since they love not themselves, they have not the ability to love one another..." - I'm always going on about that lol, I must sound like a broken record sometimes!! But it's true...It's such a simple thing as well, yet eludes so many people.
Often times, I've contemplated that if people held love in their heart, and made effot to understand (& accept) one another, the world would be a truly amazing place...
well my dear, as long as you love yourself ENOUGH to realize that you don't love yourself enough, you already have the hardest part figured out (which is learning to love yourself in the first place)...
I'm an awesome person & I do love myself, I know this because people love me and want to be around me & mostly I'm really happy.....
I guess I just don't love myself enough for I know what it took for me to get here & I lost who I was along the way...

the rest is merely maintenance, darling...
HIGH MAINTENANCE at that but I guess that can be said for most women or broads as you like to put it...but I consider myself a lady amd I guess when someone treats me as such then and only then will I open up my heart or allow myself to be loved again!
So why don't you LOVE yourself enough to be loved???
@ oddball:
and i find that the least judgmental and discriminating of persons (often the MOST loving people) are often attacked the most!
somewhere along the line, some idiot came along and classed love as a weakness...
he (it was a man most likely) wrote down the foolish notion that "love is a weakness" or something of similar effect in some book where it was parroted off by subsequent writers, and bought into by the masses over the generations..
if you ask me, it was probably those english romantic writers of the 16th century depressed angel was talking about in another thread!
they are to blame for this grave corruption and misinterpretation of love!
but then again, where you have old, stuffy englishmen with a lot of time on their hands, you have catastrophe!

@ sweethearts:

there is nothing wrong with being high-maintenance, dear..
i actually prefer women that way, as long as they are truly WORTH it...
usually the high-maintenance women are the hardest ones to get close to...and that in itself is always a pretty enticing challenge for me that i just can't resist most of the time...

and i DO love myself, my dear...
my very close, high-maintenance, aquarius lady friends are fond of telling me that i love myself TOO much...i don't think they are lying..
but as much as i love myself, i also have the capacity to love OTHERS just as much if not MORE...

@ virgogotme:
more unsubstantiated cheap shots?

you will REALLY impress me when you stick around for once to defend your careless remarks...
so what? i like sex with random girls...

does that make me any less inclined to love?

so some girls are sluts, some are not..

i am not responsible for how parents choose to raise their children..i just deal with the results and accept them as i find them..
if a girl is a slut, she is a slut...if she is not, she is not...
i just call em like i see em..
am i a slut?

its not like there is anything hypocritical about what i have been saying..
if there is, please advise and show for once that you are not just a cheap shot-taking shit talker...

and p.s.

next time you enter a thread, why don't you try staying on topic for once?
you had time to throw unsubstantiated accusations around, but didn't have the time to answer the question at hand, which is, "What Do YOU Know About Love?"..
obviously, you don't know much otherwise
you would have demonstrated your knowledge of such, which at present, remains a feat yet to be undertaken much less ACCOMPLISHED up to now by you...
usually the high-maintenance women are the hardest ones to get close to...and that in itself is always a pretty enticing challenge for me that i just can't resist most of the time...
And once the challenge is over and you've had your taste of kitty...then what?? You add that to the knotch on your belt? Then, maybe even write a new thread stating how this one was a bit more of a challenge but in the end the kitty came out of the bag.
Well my dear...men like you also make it hard for us to love or be loved because we are all second guessing whether the guy we are with is genuine or an abuser...In my experience the ratio is 1 in 5. And I am guilty of mistaking the ONE for the other unworthy snakes.
So maybe it's not that "I dont love myself enough" but rather have lost the trust in believing that the next person is genuine in what his intentions are!
@ nihilist:
i find her rather funny myself..
she does have entertainment value if nothing else....
i enjoy the challenge, weak as it usually is...
here is an example i am sure greatbull will understand:
virgogotme is like that video game that you have played and mastered 100 times but you STILL continue playing it just because you get a kick out of knowing you are gonna win every time you play..
it hasnt gotten boring just yet, but when it does, i will definitely let her know..

@ sweethearts:

yes, my dear...you are absolutely correct in that once i overcome the particular challenge i become bored and am off to the next new challenge...
this is almost always the case UNLESS the high-maintenance woman in question has that certain unquantifiable, immeasurable quality about her that makes me fall in love with her..
and suffice it to say, at the end of the day, everyone is looking for The One..

now once you have found The One as i have, that does not necessarily mean that i expect The One to fulfill all of my many wants and needs...that would be too much to ask of one person...
so in order to get all of my needs met, i require a lot of different people, usually women...
but make no mistake, both parties receive mutual benefits..

and women do the same so they are not victims by any means..
the whole victim mentality is a sign of weakness to me at any length and people should take responsibility for their own actions while learning at the same time..
no one can be "used" unless that person consents to being used..often people with a victim's mentality who claim they have been subject to abuse usually attract that abuse and abusive people into their lives..
those "abused" persons are usually receiving a benefit from that "abuse", twisted as it may seem..but this is reality...
most people are not unwilling victims..
and if you have "lost the trust in believing that the next person is genuine in what his intentions are" then i would say to you that you can make your life much simpler my TRUSTING IN YOURSELF...
that is all that matters..everything else will take care of itself after that because we only have control over OUR OWN actions, not the actions of any one else..

@ greatbull:
i am not preaching, merely publicly e-xercising my mind...
whenever i make a thread, i am doing it for no other reason than if only to purge myself and my conscience and analyze that which has been purged from within...

writing has proven to be the best tool to achieve this psychological catharsis..
isn't dxp most user's psychological dumping ground?
the difference between myself and most people however, is that pearls of wisdom can be gleaned like diamonds in the ruff in my psychological vomit...
other people vomit PURE vomit on dxp with no pearls of wisdom to be found among their thoroughly vile puke...

and greatbull, show me the woman who is with a man who never showered money on her in some form or fashion and i will show you a living fiction!
men were showering women with money and material goods even before the dowry was invented, and that was a loooong time ago!

if you are a man, when it comes to women, its either pay now or pay later..
take your pick..
but either way, YOU PAY!

@ virgogotme:
running out of steam i see?
right on schedule..you are soo predictable, sour cheeks..
you are never good for more than 2 posts in any of my threads, anyhow...
looks like your time is about up...
see ya in my next episode!

so you managed to eek out a third post, did you?
you must be trying to raise your average...
how much more ya got left in you?

let's see....

*scratches chin*

it sucks to be me sooo much that you are the one who has been following me around since i first logged onto dxp telling me HOW MUCH my life sucks!
i see what you're trying to do!.....you can't fool me!
*wink wink*
you are trying to make "suck" the new word for cool!

we already have the word BAD/BADASS for that...sorry to disappoint you...

(but my life IS badass, i know...and you just make me know HOW badass it really is every time you come around me using your new slang!)

"suck" could NEVER become the new word for cool...

and where would you ever get the impression that i sit around playing video games?


come on...
let's see if you have a 4th post in you and can raise that average like a champion, pedigree bitch in heat!

@ pp:

true indeed...

but once in love, one only becomes "psycho" by the hypocritical and meaningless unbalanced weights and measures of men...
uh ohh...
5.5 posts!
(i'll still give you partial credit even though one of the posts was ONLY a smiley face!)

i think you just broke your own record!

keep it up at this place and everyone will be calling you piscesgotme!

you are sooo hooked on this sucky dude, aren't you?
let's see if you have a 6.5 in you!

now once you have found The One "as i have,"
that does not necessarily mean that i expect The One to fulfill all of my many wants and needs...that would be too much to ask of one person...
so in order to get all of my needs met, i require a lot of different people, usually women...

Reading in between your lines leaves me without a doubt you're a sad lonely person... I ALMOST feel sorry for you. You've put yourself sooo far up on a pedastal that it would be impossible to reach you and then you call that "loving yourself??"
I believe that to be the immaturity level of a young boy which contradicts your intellegence and Philosophy's in life!
Whatever does it for you I guess...
@ gb:
i was talking about love in general until sweethearts got me talking about being in love with a woman...

@ sweethearts:
so let me get this right..
i am a sad, lonely person because i am realistic enough to know that one person cannot possible fulfill my every need?
i am a sad and lonely person because i respect myself enough to put myself on a pedestal, which automatically makes me exclusive to the average woman?
how do you figure?

i find it soooo funny that while people bait me into speaking about myself personally, they are secretly using it as a ruse and waiting for me to divulge something that they can misconstrue as a weakness and later attempt to use against me...

one minute you love me, the next minute you feel sorry for me..

love does not pity...love recognizes strength and adds to it..love is strength, not weakness...

save your pity party for a more deserving soul than myself..

but the more i reveal about myself, the stronger i become...there is no part of me that i don't love, and there is nothing i have done in my past that i regret...

i challenge any one of you who has put on a critic's hat to divulge your sex life in the detail that i have and let people judge you!
i am not afraid of my history, sexual or otherwise, and that would be the case even if i was offline..
but you critics!
my goodness! you are such fearful little beasts that even with your e-masks you still would not divulge half the amount of details as i have (if you have that many details to divulge) for fear of being ridiculed and judged..
you think love is the inability to get over yourself and your own pitiful ego?

you think love is the capacity to pity undeserving people?

now sweethearts, why don't you reveal somethings about yourself and let everyone be the judge and the jury and see how you stack up!

i issue that challenge to anyone else, for that matter!

everyone can tell me what they think I DON'T know about love and criticize me and tell me that i am this and that, but NO ONE can tell me from their own experiences what love is...

why don't one of you critics write a treatise, however small it is, on love...all of you seem pretty wise (when you have something to criticise, that is)...

so, obviously the people who feel like i have got the wrong interpretation of love must have a better fitting interpretation, themselves, no?
enlighten us..

@ sweethearts:
since you know so much about love, why are you a divorcee with 3 kids LOOKING for love?
who should really be feeling sorry for whom?
the 30 year old single guy in my prime with my whole life ahead of me and endless dating options, or someone like YOU?
.... a mid 40's divorcee with three kids who still hasn't found what she wants in a man after all this time..
now are you still gonna sit there and tell me with your divorce and your three kids and all that experience under your belt that ONE PERSON can fulfill your every need?

stop kidding yourself, my dear...

no wonder you are jaded...
you of all people should know better...
i just don't make any bones about it or make excuses for myself, but obviously you do...
and since i am so mature, do "mature people" divorce?
i mean, with two people being so "mature" and all they would surely be able to sit down like adults and reason out their differences, no?
but somehow you couldn't manage to do that with your ex-husband...
is that because you are as immature as you accuse me of being?
or maybe you have a better reason i am not aware of...
slight correction...
i am a 30 year old ENGAGED guy (last time i checked), not a "single guy" although i have enough freedom in my relationship that i act single at times...
i feel sorry for people who are trapped in ball and chain type relationships and have a singular identity as a unit like they are molded together or some shit..
fuck that..
i need my freedom and my space..
more importantly, i need my own individual identity and i am MATURE enough to at least know that!
thank god i have a girl who feels the same way!
holy shit i am good...

*Special Advertisement*
i am also available for personal consultations at a very affordable rate!

(inquire within)
if you are a HOT broad and you need a consultation session with me, i am sure we can work out other payment arrangements if you are strapped for cash at the moment!
....just ask for the Love Doctor.....
Your right, you certainly don't deserve any pity, you have the morals of an alley cat!! I don't love you at all!!!

And I have no qualms about the path I have chosen as I know it was/is the best for me! And why in the world would I divulge my life to you??? Not for fear of critical judgement been through the worst of it but simply your lack of ethical judgement in a true monogamus relationship would carry ZERO weight!!!

now are you still gonna sit there and tell me with your divorce and your three kids and all that experience under your belt that ONE PERSON can fulfill your every need?
No most definetly not but then who in their right mind would expect that of ONE PERSON??
But keep up the good investigative work smile And keep posting, you provide the most entertainment on this board to date! Winking
Oh and thankyou for providing me with something that lacked in my past relationship... a bit of sadistic pleasure!!!
Love the fact that you bite right back when it's you baiting everybody here in the first place!!!
Put your real photo up...I DARE YOU!!
an alleycat?
interesting analogy..
i do fancy myself as a feline, though...a LION to be more exact..
people tell me i look like one too..maybe its my mane...ya think?

and i am not judging you, my dear..
i am merely challenging you to be real with yourself so you can be real with me...
and OF COURSE you have to spread the love around and not depend on one person to fulfill your needs...that is what i have been saying all along only for you to say i have the "morals of an alleycat"...

my moral standards are quite high regardless of what you may think, but i guess morality like everything else is relative, obviously..

and i am not "biting" merely exercising my mind with an open invitation for others to exercise with me...its more fun that way when you have work out buddies!

and that is my "real photo", dear..
i wouldn't expect you to believe me since i think its quite clear the majority opinion on dxp is that i am full of shit!
no worries, though!..
i am sure you aussies understand that at least!
Firstly get it right I'm a KIWI from New Zealand and proud or it residing in Australia!
either way dear, the intended meaning was not lost on you!
2ndly, profile doesn't match the discriptions given in all previous threads.
Where's the buff hunk? And I mean that in as nice a way that I can say it. I dont see this pic attracting all the high society ladies BUT then beauty is in the eye of the beholder and my tastes are definietly with black/brown men and I still dont see it!!! Dare I generalize..
glad you edited that bit of info from you avatar since it was quite misleading as you have just seen!

no worries..i get enough compliments from women of all societal strata in REAL LIFE to sustain me and my ego:-)

and your picture is where, exactly?
as long as we are critiquing and all, its only fair that we all have our cards on the table, don't you think?
but then again, i can't imagine that a mid-late 40's divorcee and mother of three would have all that much to be proud of!
prove me wrong...show all the middle-aged, divorcee's out there in dxp land that you can STILL LOOK GOOD after all that mileage!


or as they say down under,

ahh you scorpio women and your sadistic tendencies..
you broads ALWAYS like to get it rough, don't you?
fortunately for you, i am wise enough to realize as well the blissful pleasure that is received from pain...
Early 40's and I didnt think that I was touchy about my age til you started pushing me over the edge!! Lol! And when my computer isn't on a go slow I will put a pic on my profile page! And NO I'm not the blonde as gorgeous as she is I'm in the middle of asian descent...
Oh and I'm LIBRIAN with Scorp rising is that the way they put it?
pushing you "over the edge" am i?

well allow me to reach my long arm filled with love out to you and pull you back in to where the love is!

and until you get your pc issues straightened out, i will be

although i don't hate blonds, i don't prefer them...i would much rather look at them than be intimate with them...i know this from experience...
now brunettes and raven-haired women on the other hand...they are my weakness...so much nature and warmth is flowing from such women...
and i am partly of asian descent too...
and if you are not partly asian, its a pretty safe bet that over the next generation or so, your grandchildren will be part asian! - especially with guys like me running around loose and unfettered!

but if you are the libra you say you are i think it would be a pretty safe bet that you are easy on the eyes, middle-aged as you may be:-)

why don't you fix your pc and send those pics so i can satisfy my curiosity and stop taking cheap-shots at your age and your excessive mileage already!
i find that middle-aged mom's can be VERY hot, even if they are jaded like you...the hotness factor makes up for a LOT of deficiencies..
show me what a HOT mom you are!

Cant stand that term! Esp in an American accent... Reminds me of the flight attendants when i use to travel with United airlines when the kids were babes.
Cueing??? LOL!
hey don't blame us, blame those blasted brits!
and most likely, the only americans using the word "cueing" are wannabe londoners and anglophiles like madonna and gwyneth paltrow who used contrived, fake sounding, totally off-putting accents in order to show the rest of us "dumb americans" how much more "cultured and sophisticated" they are than us...

the thing that americans who use the word "cueing" don't realize is that they look TOTALLY IDIOTIC when they DO use that word!
if people DO understant what "cueing" even is (the majority does not) they will be left thinking, "i KNOW she didn't just say cueing!"...
most americans just can't say that word in a sentence with a straight face even if they do know what it means...
Actually I meant "Hot MOM"... as it is "Hot MUM" over here but still cant stand being generalize that way as I dont just think of myself as just a "Mum or Mom" pics up
"hot mum"??!?!?


i'm sorry..i don't have big enough balls to go around saying something like that...

my balls are big, but not THAT big!

and by the looks of your pic, if you are the one in the middle i would be inclined to give you a passing mark...
at your age and with your mileage, that is saying a lot!
keep up the good work!
but maybe its more genetica than anything else since asians are known to age quite gracefully and SLOWLY if anything...
and a "passing mark" for lack of a better term would make you eligible to be seen with me in public...
(i don't sound TOO in love with myself, do i?...i just don't want you to remain with that impression of yours that i don't love myself or anything like that..)

but umm yeah...
where was i?

ahh..yes..i remember now...
i was being the narcissistic, pompous ass i have always been!