What do your friends do that pisses you off?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by phoenix1rising on Thursday, May 30, 2013 and has 27 replies.
And what is their sign? This can be your best friend, ex-friend, whatever it may be. I find that my very good Cap friend pisses me off through being ditzy (she has lots of air in her) and at the same time being driven by perfectionism. It feels a bit empty to me. I'm a Scorpio, so I'm driven by PASSION, which to me is very real and meaningful. Perfectionism is a buncha CRAP. sorry caps!
Anyway, go at it! What pisses you off (even if you love them dearly), what's their sign, your sign, and what are the dynamics?
Ooh, I love my friends dearly but there is something about each of them that drives me nuts!
My Gemini friend is very critical, cynical, and can be negative.
My Libra friend is never wrong. Never ever.
My Sagittarius friend instigates drama by telling people what other people have said about them.
Hmm, that's funny- my Scorp is cheap and he eats my food (he has a Cappy moon). lol.
Posted by kalin
Posted by capgirl69
Hmm, that's funny- my Scorp is cheap and he eats my food (he has a Cappy moon). lol.

Did you get mad at him? LOL
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I only got mad about it once.
Now I make him buy his own food. lol.
The time it annoyed me I was on a gluten free kick and I bought a bag of gluten free chips which were like $ 3.99 a bag. He was hungry and asked if he could have some chips, then he ate the whole bag! lol. I might've eaten a few chips out of the bag and a bag of chips could last me at least a few days if not a week.
I didn't say anything to him about it, just next time I went to the store, I made him come with me and buy his own snacks and lunch foods. lol. I don't mind buying groceries that we are both gonna eat, and I'm not really territorial about my food, I just want to know that there will be snacks left for me to eat if and when I want them.
Posted by supershiwi
lol, my ex cap was a nasty little food thief too. At dinnerparty's he would also dump the bad food into my plate when no one was watching.

Kalin- maybe the food eating peeve is a Scorp thing though, because when we were dating he would come over and eat stuff and he would say, "You must hate that I come over here and eat all your food." lol.
Well I grew up with Cancer people so I know not to eat anyone's food! My parents used to get pissed if people ate their food.
I'm a Capricorn, I buy on sale and stockpile so it's not the case that he could ever eat all of my food when I wasn't there. Lol.
Ok I'm done derailing! Sorry Phoenix!
One of my very close friends is a Sagittarius. The only real thing that irritates me are her views on what is important in life. She spends about 50 $ every two weeks on getting her nails done at the most expensive salon in town, during conversations about our future goals all she can seem to talk about is how big she hopes her wardrobe will be- and having a rich husband to make her happy.
Also frequently my Sag friends (I have about three close Sagittarius buddies) seem to be extremely self centered and unable to see other opinions, or be open minded. The inability to look outside the box is something that irks me. Other than that, she's quite a fun person to be around. I suppose I just can't stomach those who I'm close to behaving in a way that comes off as vain or superficial.
gemini friend-takes up everyone's workload and then complains about having too much to do ON FACEBOOK.too loud as well.
virgo friend(2 of them)-u dont have to EVER ask for their opinion or help.they just give it to u anyway.and at length too.i stop listenin after some time.they also seem to have themselves up on a pedastal for some reason.also!they LOVE correcting people.love her though
libra-she thinks the world revolves around her.if people arent talking about her,she puts on her ear plugs and starts listening to music.she always says that she doesnt have any money on her(which isnt true.she just wants to save up to by a super expensive laptop) and she expects people to buy food for her all the time and she also cashes in on all the parties that are thrown cuz then she gets free food!!she actually declares herself to be smart,funny and hot.are libras always this vain and ignorant? i'm very close to ruining her happiness.arent leos and libras supposed to get along really well?

friend with pisces sun, gemini moon. love her to death but sometimes want to shake her cause she can be so ditsy, forgetful and slow to catch on. i have that prob with another pisces friend actually, with an aqua moon.
capricorn friend is waaaay to nice to everyone that it seems sort of fake at times.
my sis is a sag with scorp moon and she can be way too loud and bossy.
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
My Leo buddy always leaves those skid marks in the toilet bowl when he comes over.
Just flush again, fool.

Lmao @this....you mean as in mudd slides. Ewwww I hate that nasty ish too.
Yea my leo ex- best friend. where do i start. i am done with her completely. i did learn how to pick out non-toxic girl friends though. that's the good part. Sometimes us Scorpios are loyal to a fault.
Oh and I dont mind feeding people at all. I am not stingy in that way. I WILL feed you, lol... I love itsmile Imma Scorpio
My friends don't really piss me off.
I do wish my Arian BFF were less impulsive at times. Other than that, I sometimes feel disappointed when my Taurean friends, for selfish reasons, show lack of empathy for other people's misfortune (my mom does this too occasionally).
Me- Gemini female
Friend #1- Gemini male. It's hard to explain, but he just does EVERYTHING precisely the way that it would bother me to have it done, and he does it naturally. If there's some tiny, obscure annoying thing that no one else would ever do, he'll be the one to do it. He never listens to a word you say unless it's about him or his interests (YOUR interests are boring). He breaks my things (by not paying attention) and doesn't offer to replace them because he's somehow exempt from responsibilities. He sponges off of people and then looks down on them for having jobs (unless he approves of the job based on what he thinks is cool)...the very jobs that allow him to sponge and break things.

Friend #2- Piscs male. Can he please, just every once in a while, take a vacation to the world the rest of us inhabit? Why does he have to take every word or action the wrong way, put his own strange and incorrect interpretation on it, attack you for what you never said or meant, and then call you messed up for not understanding your own intentions. Hey, guy, does it make more sense that everyone in the world misunderstands their own intentions or does it make more sense that YOU are getting it wrong? Hmmm....
I got a little riled up writing this post...LOL. I wouldn't trade my friends for anything. Well, maybe Friend #1, if the price was right.
Posted by ScorpSuperior
My friends don't really piss me off.
I do wish my Arian BFF were less impulsive at times. Other than that, I sometimes feel disappointed when my Taurean friends, for selfish reasons, show lack of empathy for other people's misfortune (my mom does this too occasionally).

This is so true. I have a Taurus friend who is very apathetic. The day my grandfather passed away, I messaged her asking her to please pray for my family & instead, she went behind my back & started telling people that she didn't give a damn about what had happened to me.
My Pisces friend can be very hypocritical. She is very blunt and carelessly outspoken. She always states her opinion, no matter how rude or mean it makes her look. She always talks trash about people's appearances, and will insult you if she doesn't agree with something you said. But, she is VERY sensitive. You have to watch your mouth when you speak to her, because even though she always says what's on her mind, she EASILY gets bent out of shape & defensive.
One time, she explained to me how she wanted to make a lot of money when she grows up & be very wealthy & successful. Then, she started telling me that she wanted to go to an all-girls college for Black women in Atlanta. I, as a caring friend, did my research & found out that Atlanta isn't an ideal place to live if you'd like to become wealthy. I explained to her several reasons why she shouldn't go to that college & shouldn't move to that city. Then, she said she wanted to move to somewhere in Alabama. Basically, she kept picking these ghetto places that SHE HAS NEVER EVEN BEEN TO, so I felt need to tell her not to move to these areas & not go to these schools. I know how much prosperity means to her, so I advised her to select from a certain group of colleges. She got SO PISSED because she thought I was criticizing her dreams. She told me that I'm so negative & that I wouldn't make a good psychologist (the career I wanted at the time) and that if I continue being that way, nobody is going to like me. I don't know why she got so butthurt, because 1) She's never even been to those places before so she had no reason to be so emotionally attached to them. 2) She always lets the world know what she's thinking, so why am I less of a person for doing what she so proudly & carelessly does? 3) Instead of being practical & logical, she was just fantasizing & day dreaming. I simply tried to knock some sense into her & tell her what she needed to hear. How are you going to move across the country to a place without knowing crap about it? I informed her of the negatives, and that's why she got pissed.
In general, Pisces people are difficult to get along with. In my experiences with them, I've noticed that they like to play the victim, and they could never admit to their wrongdoings. They always have to be correct in every situation, and they have no problem distorting the truth in order to make that happen.
I don't keep close company with people that pisses me off.
My Mother (Cancer) is the only person who got pissing me off on a constant basis and still be around me. She's emotionally dramatic. She takes everything personal to her and talks to no end with no plan to come to an understanding of anything. She loses herself so much in her emotions that she doesn't see the reality of her physical world.
Posted by Rays Heart
I don't keep close company with people that pisses me off.
My Mother (Cancer) is the only person who got pissing me off on a constant basis and still be around me. She's emotionally dramatic. She takes everything personal to her and talks to no end with no plan to come to an understanding of anything. She loses herself so much in her emotions that she doesn't see the reality of her physical world.

OHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDD!!!! It's Ray's Heart! Ray's ACTUAL Heart!!! *claps and jumps up and down* To what do I owe this pleasure? Omg, how are YOUUUUU???
Posted by phoenix1rising

Anyway, go at it! What pisses you off (even if you love them dearly), what's their sign, your sign, and what are the dynamics?

Passive-aggressive bullsh*t, even after I asked you directly if you're upset: F. Pisces, F. Taurus
Selfish, self centered attitude: F. Taurus, F. Leo
Talk a lot about what you're going to do and don't follow through: F. Taurus, M. Gem
Deceitful, omits the truth or blatantly lies, no matter how small: F. Cancer (ex-friend), M. Cancer
Disloyalty: M. Virgo (ex-friend), M. Sag
Cool screen name

Posted by kalin

4. being cheap/eating my food (cap)

Posted by kalin

6. trying to sleep with my bf and maybe did (taurus)
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You seem quite calm about this possibility.
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by Rays Heart
I don't keep close company with people that pisses me off.
My Mother (Cancer) is the only person who got pissing me off on a constant basis and still be around me. She's emotionally dramatic. She takes everything personal to her and talks to no end with no plan to come to an understanding of anything. She loses herself so much in her emotions that she doesn't see the reality of her physical world.

OHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDD!!!! It's Ray's Heart! Ray's ACTUAL Heart!!! *claps and jumps up and down* To what do I owe this pleasure? Omg, how are YOUUUUU???
click to expand

Hey SS, OMG the energy! Life has been good to me, I can't complain. It's great to hear from you. How are you?
Posted by Rays Heart
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by Rays Heart
I don't keep close company with people that pisses me off.
My Mother (Cancer) is the only person who got pissing me off on a constant basis and still be around me. She's emotionally dramatic. She takes everything personal to her and talks to no end with no plan to come to an understanding of anything. She loses herself so much in her emotions that she doesn't see the reality of her physical world.

OHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDD!!!! It's Ray's Heart! Ray's ACTUAL Heart!!! *claps and jumps up and down* To what do I owe this pleasure? Omg, how are YOUUUUU???

Hey SS, OMG the energy! Life has been good to me, I can't complain. It's great to hear from you. How are you?
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Sorry, for the overwhelming excitement, JD. I just don't get to interact with you that often, plus I think you're awesome. Good to know you're well. I'm great! Life has been treating me well. No complaints here either! smile
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by Rays Heart
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by Rays Heart
I don't keep close company with people that pisses me off.
My Mother (Cancer) is the only person who got pissing me off on a constant basis and still be around me. She's emotionally dramatic. She takes everything personal to her and talks to no end with no plan to come to an understanding of anything. She loses herself so much in her emotions that she doesn't see the reality of her physical world.

OHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDD!!!! It's Ray's Heart! Ray's ACTUAL Heart!!! *claps and jumps up and down* To what do I owe this pleasure? Omg, how are YOUUUUU???

Hey SS, OMG the energy! Life has been good to me, I can't complain. It's great to hear from you. How are you?

Sorry, for the overwhelming excitement, JD. I just don't get to interact with you that often, plus I think you're awesome. Good to know you're well. I'm great! Life has been treating me well. No complaints here either! smile
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I know well this place had become an addiction as I can remember, I've been sober for awhile now. Too bad you were part of the addiction, glad you're doing well. Winking
^ smileWinkingsmile