What, is with this Scorpio guy!!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Waterworks24_ on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 and has 21 replies.
I'm a pisces..

I met a Scorpio man online.

He was seemingly "taken", with me, the minute that we started to message.

He went on and on, about how he thinks we're meant to be, that I'm so gorgeous, that I have his head in the clouds, and he can't wait to meet me, etc..

He hopped on a train, the very next day, and came to see me.

He took me to a movie, and he was very attentive- practically wrapped around my torso, all night.

I live at a shelter...he knew this..He then purposefully missed his train, home, and slept outside, so that he could see me the next morning. I was unsure, of how to feel, about it all., But, I eventually elected, to find it endearing, and, I brought him breakfast.

He kept pressuring me, to kiss him, and be more physical. I explained that I really like him, but, that, for now, I want to keep it where it's at (cuddling, and kissing on the cheek) and that it's nothing to do with him- that I have been very hurt, by men, in the past, and that being physical, too soon, has proved to bring nothing but heart ache, because, I end up attached, and they don't.

He continued to try and kiss me on the lips, and told me that I "don't like him", when I stood my ground.

He went home, and, I noticed him coming off- he no longer complimented me, we no longer talked about any of the deeper things, that we were, before, and, when I would compliment him, or tell him, how great I think he is, he would retort, with, "yeah, but, not enough to provide me with a release". I would reiterate, why, that is. I finally told him, that I was hoping to break the sexual barrier, on Halloween night, because I thought that it would be romantic, and it gave us a few weeks, to get to know each other, better. He said that it hurts his ego, but, that he'll wait.

He got even colder, and would blatantly ignore me.. I pointed out, that he seemed distant. He would say everything is good, and continue to pull away. We barely talked. Fast forward, to about a week later, and I finally lost my cool, and flat out told him, that I didn't appreciate the games, and he ignored all of my attempts to conversate with him for about 4 days. The other night, I messaged him, apologizing, as if I had fucked up, and telling him, that I really do care for him, and that I don't want to miss out, on having something with him (I've never dated a Scorpio, and we really did click) and he finally answered my text. His response was hostile, and he was bashing my decision to take things slow, physically, saying that I'm "so fucking dramatic", that I should chill the fuck out, and all of this other stuff. I finally caved, and said, " Okay... I'm sorry, that I didn't want to have sex right away, and get attached... Jesus. I'll fuck you. I just have a lot of respect for you, and our relation, I wanted it all to be special, for us both..

Sex is cheap these days.".

I reiterated, that I'm trying to protect my heart, because I always end up hurt. He texted back, telling me to "never fucking compare him, to any other dudes, or what happened with them, because no one compares, to him.... I apologized, and continued to plead for his forgiveness.

He continued to bash me, and finally, I told him, that the conversation was becoming counterproductive, and asked him, "do you want to date me, or not?". He said, "maybe".

I asked him, what he wanted (pics? videos?) He said both, so, I gave in, and sent him some. He became pretty excited, and even went so far, as to tell me, to get on a train, and come see him (He knew, that I couldn't) and he said, that our "long distance relationship, wasn't fair", because, he "wanted me, now".

Well, last night, we started talking about having sex, and he mentioned, that everyone he's ever slept with, has said that he's a "beast, in bed". I messaged him, back, and simply said, that I'd rather not hear, about what other girls have said about him, regarding sex. He replied with, "I do, what I do", and, now, he's ignoring me.

I sent him this text, this morning: "I'm sorry, if my request seemed a bit daunting, to you, last night; I suppose, that I thought, that it kind of goes without saying, that ladies don't usually like hearing about other women, when they're with someone...

I told you beforehand, that I have the tendency, to be, at times, possessive; i guess you disbelieved, me.

It's no lie; I want you, all to myself... My bad😏

If you want to call this a relationship (long distance, or otherwise) the respect needs to be mutual.

You have your demands/expectations (such as, you demanding/expecting, that I don't compare you to anyone, else) and I work to correct it. I made no demand, I simply told you, that I didn't like something, and, you basically told me, that "it is, what, it is"; I don't feel it's fair.

Anyways, I really hope, that we can talk about this, like adults, and work this out. No drama, just reaching a mutual understanding.". He's still ignoring me, so, I dropped it.

My question, is, quite literally, what, the hell?!
P.s, I would like to express, that I am aware, that my request could be seen, as a bit petty/insecure, but, I don't think that it was that big of a deal.
I'm a pisces..

I met a Scorpio man online.

He was seemingly "taken", with me, the minute that we started to message.

He went on and on, about how he thinks we're meant to be, that I'm so gorgeous, that I have his head in the clouds, and he can't wait to meet me, etc..

He hopped on a train, the very next day, and came to see me.

He took me to a movie, and he was very attentive- practically wrapped around my torso, all night.

I live at a shelter...he knew this..He then purposefully missed his train, home, and slept outside, so that he could see me the next morning. I was unsure, of how to feel, about it all., But, I eventually elected, to find it endearing, and, I brought him breakfast.

He kept pressuring me, to kiss him, and be more physical. I explained that I really like him, but, that, for now, I want to keep it where it's at (cuddling, and kissing on the cheek) and that it's nothing to do with him- that I have been very hurt, by men, in the past, and that being physical, too soon, has proved to bring nothing but heart ache, because, I end up attached, and they don't.

He continued to try and kiss me on the lips, and told me that I "don't like him", when I stood my ground.

He went home, and, I noticed him coming off- he no longer complimented me, we no longer talked about any of the deeper things, that we were, before, and, when I would compliment him, or tell him, how great I think he is, he would retort, with, "yeah, but, not enough to provide me with a release". I would reiterate, why, that is. I finally told him, that I was hoping to break the sexual barrier, on Halloween night, because I thought that it would be romantic, and it gave us a few weeks, to get to know each other, better. He said that it hurts his ego, but, that he'll wait.

He got even colder, and would blatantly ignore me.. I pointed out, that he seemed distant. He would say everything is good, and continue to pull away. We barely talked. Fast forward, to about a week later, and I finally lost my cool, and flat out told him, that I didn't appreciate the games, and he ignored all of my attempts to conversate with him for about 4 days. The other night, I messaged him, apologizing, as if I had fucked up, and telling him, that I really do care for him, and that I don't want to miss out, on having something with him (I've never dated a Scorpio, and we really did click) and he finally answered my text. His response was hostile, and he was bashing my decision to take things slow, physically, saying that I'm "so fucking dramatic", that I should chill the fuck out, and all of this other stuff. I finally caved, and said, " Okay... I'm sorry, that I didn't want to have sex right away, and get attached... Jesus. I'll fuck you. I just have a lot of respect for you, and our relation, I wanted it all to be special, for us both..

Sex is cheap these days.".

I reiterated, that I'm trying to protect my heart, because I always end up hurt. He texted back, telling me to "never fucking compare him, to any other dudes, or what happened with them, because no one compares, to him.... I apologized, and continued to plead for his forgiveness.

He continued to bash me, and finally, I told him, that the conversation was becoming counterproductive, and asked him, "do you want to date me, or not?". He said, "maybe".

I asked him, what he wanted (pics? videos?) He said both, so, I gave in, and sent him some. He became pretty excited, and even went so far, as to tell me, to get on a train, and come see him (He knew, that I couldn't) and he said, that our "long distance relationship, wasn't fair", because, he "wanted me, now".

Well, last night, we started talking about having sex, and he mentioned, that everyone he's ever slept with, has said that he's a "beast, in bed". I messaged him, back, and simply said, that I'd rather not hear, about what other girls have said about him, regarding sex. He replied with, "I do, what I do", and, now, he's ignoring me.

I sent him this text, this morning: "I'm sorry, if my request seemed a bit daunting, to you, last night; I suppose, that I thought, that it kind of goes without saying, that ladies don't usually like hearing about other women, when they're with someone...

I told you beforehand, that I have the tendency, to be, at times, possessive; i guess you disbelieved, me.

It's no lie; I want you, all to myself... My bad😏

If you want to call this a relationship (long distance, or otherwise) the respect needs to be mutual.

You have your demands/expectations (such as, you demanding/expecting, that I don't compare you to anyone, else) and I work to correct it. I made no demand, I simply told you, that I didn't like something, and, you basically told me, that "it is, what, it is"; I don't feel it's fair.

Anyways, I really hope, that we can talk about this, like adults, and work this out. No drama, just reaching a mutual understanding.". He's still ignoring me, so, I dropped it.

My question, is, quite literally, what, the hell?!
I'm a pisces..

I met a Scorpio man online.

He was seemingly "taken", with me, the minute that we started to message.

He went on and on, about how he thinks we're meant to be, that I'm so gorgeous, that I have his head in the clouds, and he can't wait to meet me, etc..

He hopped on a train, the very next day, and came to see me.

He took me to a movie, and he was very attentive- practically wrapped around my torso, all night.

I live at a shelter...he knew this..He then purposefully missed his train, home, and slept outside, so that he could see me the next morning. I was unsure, of how to feel, about it all., But, I eventually elected, to find it endearing, and, I brought him breakfast.

He kept pressuring me, to kiss him, and be more physical. I explained that I really like him, but, that, for now, I want to keep it where it's at (cuddling, and kissing on the cheek) and that it's nothing to do with him- that I have been very hurt, by men, in the past, and that being physical, too soon, has proved to bring nothing but heart ache, because, I end up attached, and they don't.

He continued to try and kiss me on the lips, and told me that I "don't like him", when I stood my ground.

He went home, and, I noticed him coming off- he no longer complimented me, we no longer talked about any of the deeper things, that we were, before, and, when I would compliment him, or tell him, how great I think he is, he would retort, with, "yeah, but, not enough to provide me with a release". I would reiterate, why, that is. I finally told him, that I was hoping to break the sexual barrier, on Halloween night, because I thought that it would be romantic, and it gave us a few weeks, to get to know each other, better. He said that it hurts his ego, but, that he'll wait.

He got even colder, and would blatantly ignore me.. I pointed out, that he seemed distant. He would say everything is good, and continue to pull away. We barely talked. Fast forward, to about a week later, and I finally lost my cool, and flat out told him, that I didn't appreciate the games, and he ignored all of my attempts to conversate with him for about 4 days. The other night, I messaged him, apologizing, as if I had fucked up, and telling him, that I really do care for him, and that I don't want to miss out, on having something with him (I've never dated a Scorpio, and we really did click) and he finally answered my text. His response was hostile, and he was bashing my decision to take things slow, physically, saying that I'm "so fucking dramatic", that I should chill the fuck out, and all of this other stuff. I finally caved, and said, " Okay... I'm sorry, that I didn't want to have sex right away, and get attached... Jesus. I'll fuck you. I just have a lot of respect for you, and our relation, I wanted it all to be special, for us both..

Sex is cheap these days.".

I reiterated, that I'm trying to protect my heart, because I always end up hurt. He texted back, telling me to "never fucking compare him, to any other dudes, or what happened with them, because no one compares, to him.... I apologized, and continued to plead for his forgiveness.

He continued to bash me, and finally, I told him, that the conversation was becoming counterproductive, and asked him, "do you want to date me, or not?". He said, "maybe".

I asked him, what he wanted (pics? videos?) He said both, so, I gave in, and sent him some. He became pretty excited, and even went so far, as to tell me, to get on a train, and come see him (He knew, that I couldn't) and he said, that our "long distance relationship, wasn't fair", because, he "wanted me, now".

Well, last night, we started talking about having sex, and he mentioned, that everyone he's ever slept with, has said that he's a "beast, in bed". I messaged him, back, and simply said, that I'd rather not hear, about what other girls have said about him, regarding sex. He replied with, "I do, what I do", and, now, he's ignoring me.

I sent him this text, this morning: "I'm sorry, if my request seemed a bit daunting, to you, last night; I suppose, that I thought, that it kind of goes without saying, that ladies don't usually like hearing about other women, when they're with someone...

I told you beforehand, that I have the tendency, to be, at times, possessive; i guess you disbelieved, me.

It's no lie; I want you, all to myself... My bad😏

If you want to call this a relationship (long distance, or otherwise) the respect needs to be mutual.

You have your demands/expectations (such as, you demanding/expecting, that I don't compare you to anyone, else) and I work to correct it. I made no demand, I simply told you, that I didn't like something, and, you basically told me, that "it is, what, it is"; I don't feel it's fair.

Anyways, I really hope, that we can talk about this, like adults, and work this out. No drama, just reaching a mutual understanding.". He's still ignoring me, so, I dropped it.

My question, is, quite literally, what, the hell?!

(No disrespect, or you'll be blocked)
Ok darling! I had been a Scorpio flag holder for almost decade.

I would kill anyone who will talk bad about Scorpios. In your case I say - get fk outband forget his ass!!! He is a bad seed!

He is a piece of crap that you don't need and rarely I say that about my favorite sign.

And if i am saying it - trust me! Drop him. Run! No way he is worth anything if yours!

Keep it. Don't even entertain an idea.

Good luck. Hugs and hope for the best! 🙏
Posted by Koniuchaa
I would avoid any guy that moves that quickly in the beginning like the plague
Does he sound like a frigging grey lizzard with cold blood or just outnof ordinary stupid one of the sign?


Some disquisting piece of shit!

Right? I think his mom had no idea about his birth time. Definitely not a Scorpio! Lol
You have to be a troll. Please be one. If not just. Wow.
run fast
Posted by EnochtheWise

total doosh....hopefully some of the other women here can talk some sense into you...you're about to repeat your past....

They always do.

Women with relashionships problems don't know other ways and fall prey again and again!

'He is nice' so was the other one.

It's a epidemic!
some men do not know how to woo women properly because they're used to women throwing themselves at them.
He sounds disgusting to me. Showing zero respect to your past and an experience. Don't talk to him. He sounds awful. Seriously girl don't talk to him anymore. I quit reading somewhere halfway. He's fucking dramatic not you, so selfish, all about himself. Come on now, don't you see that?
Let him be he sounds immature there are better scorps out there.
Posted by Waterworks24_

He kept pressuring me, to kiss him, and be more physical. He continued to try and kiss me on the lips, and told me that I "don't like him", when I stood my ground.

...he would retort, with, "yeah, but, not enough to provide me with a release".

We barely talked.

he ignored all of my attempts to conversate with him for about 4 days.

His response was hostile, and he was bashing my decision to take things slow, physically, saying that I'm "so fucking dramatic", that I should chill the fuck out, and all of this other stuff.

I asked him, "do you want to date me, or not?". He said, "maybe".

Well, last night, we started talking about having sex

now, he's ignoring me.

He's still ignoring me.

Oh hun, how can you be this naive?

He comes on strong at the beginning, red flag.

He disregards your discomfort and pressures you to have sex, red flag.

When you tell him your not ready for sex he goes ghost, red flag.

He only wants to talk about sex, red flag.

You ask him if he wants to date you and he is unsure, red flag.

The writing is there on the wall. He only wants sex from you. And he's being lazy about it, not even putting in the time to woo you...instead trying to berate and pressure you into opening your legs. He would have disappeared completely by now if you hadn't sent vids/pics and started talking sex with him. That made him think he has a chance to hit it. So he may come circling back around to you to try again. If you fuck him he WILL NOT give you the gf crown, believe that. He's not looking for a gf, hes looking to get his dick wet with any woman eager enough to fall for his 'your so gorgeous/I'm a beast in bed" routine.

If your looking for a meaningful relationship its not gonna be with this guy. Find yourself another scorpio.

Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
Let him be he sounds immature there are better scorps out there.
Yeah those good once guard their asses with both hands!!!
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
Let him be he sounds immature there are better scorps out there.
Yeah those good once guard their asses with both hands!!!
click to expand
Posted by Cvurko8
It really is not my place to state anything but it seems that both of you have strong complexes and insecurities. You link the physical act as the thing that got you hurt but i provoke you to investigate the possibility of a deeper reason that might be affecting your choice of men and how you accept being treated.

Sorry if you feel like im crossing a line but hey, thats what this forum is for, isnt it ^^

I suggest you read The Eden Project: In Search For The Magical One by James Hollis and Fromm's The Art of Loving.

Gorgeous queen Victoria agave in your avi! Thats one of my faves. The blue glow agave is also bomb.
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Waterworks24_

He kept pressuring me, to kiss him, and be more physical. He continued to try and kiss me on the lips, and told me that I "don't like him", when I stood my ground.

...he would retort, with, "yeah, but, not enough to provide me with a release".

We barely talked.

he ignored all of my attempts to conversate with him for about 4 days.

His response was hostile, and he was bashing my decision to take things slow, physically, saying that I'm "so fucking dramatic", that I should chill the fuck out, and all of this other stuff.

I asked him, "do you want to date me, or not?". He said, "maybe".

Well, last night, we started talking about having sex

now, he's ignoring me.

He's still ignoring me.

Oh hun, how can you be this naive?

He comes on strong at the beginning, red flag.

He disregards your discomfort and pressures you to have sex, red flag.

When you tell him your not ready for sex he goes ghost, red flag.

He only wants to talk about sex, red flag.

You ask him if he wants to date you and he is unsure, red flag.

this made me laugh bc after I read her post I thought of going to find a red flag gif and just planting it after each statement like this throughout....lol
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Wow. Talk about easy to manipulate.