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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I've finally uncovered a secret to the Virgoan personality.....I realized that I often resent the primitive part of my personality, for fear that that part won't be understood by my partner....I personally (a problem: most virgoans don't look at things personally).... am a vehemontly emotional person, and can whip up one hell of a vindictive stance against someone: I just can't let someone who's crossed me think that it'll slide; I'm still learning to just let things go....there is fire in this gut of mine, and I just haven't found a person to express it with yet.
All my actions are used in order to find someone who can satisfy some ideal I have of romance/love.....I have some ugly shit going on in here, so I need someone who is down for the ride: I feel like things are being pulled out of me....stuff like all the agression I've used to control myself..... I have such an idealistic (perhaps too high) view of love and sex that I really don't want any realistic limitations comming into contact with them......they'd 'sully/disillusion' my idea....and I won't let THAT any cost....I don't know why I can't just let it be....
I don't fear emotions, I fear releasing my feelings to someone who is totally outside my range of understanding....Most of the time, I just use my feelings to spur me on to succeed: it works well most times, but I know if I just hide my 'psycho switch' everything will be alright: but that person won't really get to know me and I'll be called aloof, or strange just trying to keep them from seeing the 'dark side'....dammitt this shit suxxx ball!! Was wonderin' if any of you Scorps could help me to understand this on a deeper level.....
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I know that this part is bound to come out.....but how well will they be able to deal with it....I'm not changing for anyone lol that's just not going to happen....could you guys help me learn how to with emotions as opposed to just suppressing them....damn, it's a wonder that I haven't gotten locked up yet....whoo...
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I've never EVER been ashamed of my feelings.....well that's a lie, but I know that they make the difference in living life or just going with the motions and I can't be ashamed of an aspect of myself....damn I'd hate that....not being connected to what I'm doing....I hate that feeling with all I've's fuck, I don't know, I fuckin' loosin' it again! How the hell do you get over some shit like this?! I feel like my blood is boiling all the time, and that I'm one hair away from just going ballistic: I always try to be pleasant, despite the obivious desired reaction....KABOOOOOOM!!!! lol
She came here to ask for assistance with her emotions.
"could you guys help me learn how to with emotions as opposed to just suppressing them...."
I think I can say you expect perfection in the matters of love. You fear to open yourself up to someone because you're unsure of their reaction. A little of the last paragraph is hard to understand, but I think you're saying you don't feel your emotions are turned on toward a task you're doing.
For the emotion part, maybe let them take the driver seat sometimes.
Anyone else want a stab at it? Maybe also answer her request?
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Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
and NO! i have not checked personally
Thanks !
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Sep 07, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2655 · Topics: 81
"Fuck off" read backwards is still fuck off, only with a British(?) accent.
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May 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1078 · Topics: 68
When you say "I have some ugly shit going on in here, so I need someone who is down for the ride: I feel like things are being pulled out of me....stuff like all the agression I've used to control myself" which you refer to as the "dark side" of your emotions, what thoughts or emotions are you referring to? Have you been able to identify specific thoughts or feelings or just a general feeling of uneasiness? The reason I ask is because I know someone who has said something very similar and I'd like to help them with this. Do you think these thoughts/feelings are really different from the norm, b/c I think we all have thoughts that we are occasionally afraid of and that's just our human nature responding the flawed nature of this world.