I've been attracting a lot of scorpios lately can you please help me understand you?
Well my main problem is why you don't initiate contact? I mean some of them showed me clear signs that they like me but then nothing. Are they playing me? Like when I show that I'm interested too do you back off? Or do you test me to see if I chase you or not? I don't usually aproach guys unless I have something particular to talk about.
For example I met a cute scorpio and he was intersted at first, we met and than told me twice that he had a great time together and hope we will see eachother soon and told him I do too but then nothing.
But at the opposite side there's another one who is more open and told me he likes me, initiates contact daily.
And then are a lot others who seem to like me but they dont do anything like they're not that interested.
Here's my thing... How can I make them more interested in me? What makes you wanna go for a girl? thanks
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Aug 04, 2015Comments: 2057 · Posts: 38091 · Topics: 1026
Don't talk to them or talk about weather.
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Jun 04, 2016Comments: 1035 · Posts: 5643 · Topics: 48
Don't do it Virgo D O N T
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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 62 · Posts: 5860 · Topics: 191
"What makes you wanna go for a girl?"
A short bout of insanity.