What makes you wanna go for a girl?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by virgocluster on Friday, June 9, 2017 and has 10 replies.
I've been attracting a lot of scorpios lately can you please help me understand you?

Well my main problem is why you don't initiate contact? I mean some of them showed me clear signs that they like me but then nothing. Are they playing me? Like when I show that I'm interested too do you back off? Or do you test me to see if I chase you or not? I don't usually aproach guys unless I have something particular to talk about.

For example I met a cute scorpio and he was intersted at first, we met and than told me twice that he had a great time together and hope we will see eachother soon and told him I do too but then nothing.

But at the opposite side there's another one who is more open and told me he likes me, initiates contact daily.

And then are a lot others who seem to like me but they dont do anything like they're not that interested.

Here's my thing... How can I make them more interested in me? What makes you wanna go for a girl? thanks
Posted by Capz
put your whole chart


moon saggitarius

rising libra

venus scorpio

mars cancer

mercury libra

jupiter scorio

saturn pisces

uranus capricorn

neptune capricorn

pluto scorpio

lilith taurus

asc node scorpio

Be less Virgo.
Posted by Taniwha
They get all shy and awkward around you because your an absolute smoke show.
Don't talk to them or talk about weather.

Posted by Taniwha
They get all shy and awkward around you because your an absolute smoke show.
aww thanks ?

btw I've got updates, I contacted him to see hows he's doing. we will go to a music festival tonight and told me he can't wait to see me amd dance together. Yeah maybe he's shy or he's got other girls on the line
Posted by Gemitati
Don't talk to them or talk about weather.

I usually talk about deep or interesting subjects. I heard scorpios like taboo subjects or deep things about life

Posted by virgocluster
Posted by Gemitati
Don't talk to them or talk about weather.

I usually talk about deep or interesting subjects. I heard scorpios like taboo subjects or deep things about life

click to expand
Not when you not in relashionships. Taboo subject would be considered tacky! They are rather shy behind this tough exterior.

Try weather and weather related theme.

Not literally but I hope you got it.

And don't bore them with deep things about life. Until when you've been spoken to. Good luck!
Don't do it Virgo D O N T
"What makes you wanna go for a girl?"

A short bout of insanity.