I am on here again, a few months back my scorpio boyfriend left me for his ex girlfriend, only to realize a week later he made a huge mistake and wanted me back.... i finally agreed to see him. we were doing great for weeks, spent everyday together.... then a friend of mine sent me a pic of him and his ex, that was recent from what she said, i blew up and called him every name in the book with out even asking him any questions. i guess i dont trust him considering he left me before, but its been over 2 weeks and i have not heard from him. i did apologize for my own actions and the mean and hurtful things i said to him. I am not asking him to get back with me, but i do want him to accept my apology. how long does a scorpio man usaully ice some out??
I know, i sound nuts.... but i dont him back in a relationship because its obvious i dont
trust him, but i feel terrible about the things i said to him. and would like to leave
this with no bad feelings.
I am a Gemini and it is soooo hard not to want to communicate and have a complete understanding, its over? OK... but i hate leaving things un said....
You had every right to blow up, but I definitely would have asked first. Nowadays people posts pictures from months, even years ago, unless you knew for sure the picture was recent, but I completely understand why that was your first reaction. The longest my Scorpio boyfriend went without talking to me was about a week (and I was completely wrong for everything I said) so it was understandable. Honestly, Its really hard to tell how long a scorpio man stays upset, i think it depends on the situation. i think they give others the silent treatment just so you can feel the same pain they are experiencing! Every time my Scorpio bf gets upset, I just go to the beach, get a tan, have a drink or two, and wait for him to get over it lol! I pretty much live my life while he's upset lol!
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
@TheScorpioLady So far, every post of seen of yours, I've loved.
continued, i think my message was cut off.... so much a human being can take. I am just confused, i told him i was scared he would hurt me again, he promissed me that he has so many feelings for me that is the last thing he would do.... and here i am again. why would someone tell u how much they care for you and how much love they have for you, but turn around and do these things, without even an explantaion, or even a simple response. just completely cut me off because the way i responded to an emotion that he created??
Ok, so i am back with a question for all you scorps out there, he still has not spoke to me, i have text him a few times just to get my belongings back that i left at his house,no reponse. But he is telling mutual friends how much he misses me and LOVES me?? he has never told me he loved me, he has always said he has strong feelings but never love. when the mutual friend asked why he cant return my calls then he said that he cant continue to open that door between us? Im very confused. and i guess he has been calling around a few people asking about me, what have i been up to, what im doing? but he cant pick up a phone and ask him self? I dont understand this behavior at all. being the sign of communication, this is all so new to me.
Signed Up:
Jan 23, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 326 · Topics: 12
Unless u need ur belongings asap just leave things alone for a few days or as long as needed, no texts,calls or talking about him to others cause it will get back to him like it got back to u. It's human nature to wonder or become curious when we cant predict the other person's actions. If u stay strong to this he WILL reach out to u...
Signed Up:
Jun 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 846 · Topics: 52
I may not be quite... typical. So I'm going just off of ME here, okay? And not your exact situation, but more a generalization. Maybe it can help.
When I ice someone out, it's because I'm afraid of further confrontation. Yes. Scorpio here. Afraid! Got it? My fear is that as soon as us two hotheads enter a room, we're going to reboil right back to the same stupid place as we left off and I'm going to crumble as a result. Most any time I lash out in anger, I'm really just trying to focus on an emotion stronger than sadness, to avoid crumbling. It's stupid and I try to avoid that; ever since I realized that's what's going on. (Very analytical Scorpio to boot!) I've gotten MUCH better over the years. But crumbling isn't so great, either. There are huge reasons to want to avoid breaking down like that.
Crumbling for me isn't so much a pride thing. It used to be, but it's not any more. It's I know when I'm so 100% emotional, I'm absolutely 0% rational, and anything I say doesn't make sense to the other person, so they just sit there confused as to why I'm wanting to cry. And I can't explain it to them. At all. Since people come to expect my rational side (I tend to sway between one and the other, never settling on a happy gray area), this emotional side doesn't make sense to them, and I can't make it make sense. I feel like we're not getting anywhere and I'm just sitting there hurting and they don't know how to make it any better (and often would rather just leave the room), and I don't know how to make it any better either. The confusion just makes the whole danged thing that much worse.
And of course when it's all over and I look back on it my rational side is right there, picking apart our conversation (sans words), thinking BOY was I weak and BOY that took forever. I could've gotten something practical done. In that sense it may still be something of a pride thing.
I come back when I feel cool enough to handle the situation (which can take so long; me emo-ball). I reject first contacts from the other IF they still seem upset. But if the other comes to me all cool headed and calm, not forgetting the past but also not forcing me to relive it just yet... it works. To shorten the waiting time, anyway. I won't open up yet about 'the incident' because I'm afraid of breaking down, but I'll talk about lighter subjects.
But like you, the unresolved can't stay under the carpet for long, and once I feel up to it I'll dredge it up if they haven't yet.