Who was latinaindia ?????

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by cappysweetie on Wednesday, July 2, 2008 and has 103 replies.
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Okay, I know of this user, but I don't remember interacting with this person much on dxp.

There seems to be plenty issues surrouding her, even JD's is shaken up and that doesn't normally happen to him!!!
Who was this lady?
a dude pretending to be a chic obsessed with our resident spanish/english ashkenaz lady
Okay, well thats the rumor but how does anyone know its true?????
If that's the case then ... well, I guess its not against the rules or whatever but still!!!!!!!!! Come on, why would you lie about being a man or a woman ???
hmmm, i think she was who she says she was.
The oddest part about latinaindia was that "she" gave me some advice on the job search field. "She" was in contact with me through pm's, doling out advice and strategy. And it was quality info, too. Weird that someone would go to that length to perpetrate a fraud. And I usually have a good nose for that sort of foolishness. Virgo can sniff out lies a minute or two before they're delivered....
Well ... shit! Forget that, I'm a woman. There's no pretending here, LOL Brahn's my witness on this. I have boobs, and hips and a "split", that enough right there to determine my gender.
Well, I don't like rumors, thats why I created this thread because of all the misunderstandings about latinaindia.
I would hate for someone to makeup something about me that wasn't true. Hell, I'd be so pissed.
She left b/c she couldnt deal.

a "split"....??
a "split"....??
Yeah LadyM, get with the problem, its a new way to say a girl .......... you know, our private part-area-thing LOL
I havent heard the split reference before, lol.
Well, from what I'm reading, she seemed pretty cool. Awww Sad Then whats going on, why did she leave ???
I agree sb, she was very knowledgeable about her alleged life.
She's PMed a few times to about a dXP crush she had, which was a GUY...very real and legit.
""a "split"....??"
Camel toe, I think."

She was easily bothered; she took everything to heart so she just couldnt deal.
LOL, I have two DXP crushes Winking She and I could've shared, I wouldn't have felt so bashful
Yeah ferdy. I think she was cool. I talked to her before she left.
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
She was easily bothered; she took everything to heart so she just couldnt deal.
Well, I can understand that, its easier to defend yourself against things like this in real-life, but on a messageboard, its alittle tricky.
There is a local band called Lickety-Split !
I think I might have been her 'e-crush', based on some of the pm's she sent me. Rokzee told me she was sure latinaindia was definitely sniffing me out, but then it was revealed that she was very possibly a fake, sooo.....
Okay, I have a question, for everybody ...
Many are saying how cool she was, why didn't anyone come out to defend her ???
Well it wasnt you when we were PMing tb. She must've had plenty then.
"Many are saying how cool she was, why didn't anyone come out to defend her ???"
ugh, no...she had her moments.
Its kinda odd to have to 'defend' someone on an internet forum, dontcha think? However, there were some people making fun of her looks and calling her a fat ass and putting down her pictures with her girlfriends. I might have spoken up in her defense on those issues, cant seem to recall at the moment.
Its kinda odd to have to 'defend' someone on an internet forum, dontcha think?
Yes Ferdy, thats how I look at it. If somebody needs this Virgo to come to their defense and rescue them, then thats somebody I have no use for on the internet, or IRL.
I've seen many, many people leave and never return over the years. And many of them were way cooler than LI in my opinion. Just don't get attached to people on a message board seems to be the lesson.
This too shall pass... smile
I agree MsP.
I've seen many, many people leave and never return over the years. And many of them were way cooler than LI in my opinion. Just don't get attached to people on a message board seems to be the lesson.
I don't know too much about her at all. But I like making friends *smiles* if I like someone, then thats just it, I like them. However, if they are gone then may the chips fall where they may, nothing lasts forever. People come and go but true friendships last beyond the messageboard Winking
When I first came to dxp, my main buddies (other then the ones who are still here) were:
CallMeAlien (he's name is really long)
Eliza (I miss her Sad)
ABCR (I think that was his name)
AquAqi (when she and Prime weren't fighting LOL those two were terrible)
GemTWO (he was alot of fun)
LOL, I ever liked Juicy Big Grin with her nutty self
When I first came to dxp, my main buddies (other then the ones who are still here) were:
CallMeAlien (he's name is really long)
Eliza (I miss her Sad)
ABCR (I think that was his name)
AquAqi (when she and Prime weren't fighting LOL those two were terrible)
GemTWO (he was alot of fun)
LOL, I ever liked Juicy Big Grin with her nutty self
* I mean I even liked Juicy Winking
Yes B, we were both crazy Tongue Well, I got crazy after I got older, which is strange
I kinda knew what it meant PP (I had a visual,lol), but I had to be sure...Ive never heard that reference before and Ive heard many...

I saw cancerlady not too far back, eliza pops in from time to time, CallMeAlien was cool, GL too, gem*two came and went as well.
Aqi is still here, lol.
Aqi is still here, lol
WHAT!!! LOL! I thought she deleted her acct ??? She was Spahula ... or something right?
The name AquaAqi was cooler Winking
Hi JD!
Are you an October Scorpio or a November Scorpio ??? smile
Yeah, I agree if she were a guy, then that's just bad ethics but you are right, you can be whatever you want to be with a user name, but no I think of this as being like facebook, you can joke around and stuff or you can be private. But it's important to keep certain things honest.
"Splits" ???
hmmm ... ok I'll ask Branh lol

Well don't ask Brahn about the split, he hasn't seen that LOL
She has one of the two longest names on DXP...you'll figure it out.
AHHHHHHHH!!!! Is she that cinnamon girl?
Where did you guys get the notion that she's a man?
Maybe all the girls are really guys...hmmm...interesting
Why didn't I figure that out ... so that was her on the cappy board AHAHAHAHA!!!!
Roxi??? No, not Rox smile I think she and LL had a disagreement and it blow WAY out of portion. I can't really remember to be honest LOL, I think I was going through the first stage of my Virgo issues so I was all screwed up LOL!!!!
She even accused me of being a guy.
Well I know thats a lie LOL!!!!
Maybe all the girls are really guys...hmmm...interesting
That statement is trippy
"Roxi. She said that latinaindia is a man.
She even accused me of being a guy.
Not that the latter is new or anything......."
Ah, so just a run-of-the-mill flamewar, then.
Yeah, I agree! Behave woman LOL *cappy sits in the corner looking at the ceiling*
The same thing could be said about you Newbie Winking
If latinaindia was a guy, he could be michael as well.
"That statement is trippy"
Well....as long as I'm sexaaaay...I dont care whether I'm called a guy...lol
Ah, so just a run-of-the-mill flamewar, then.
Really ???
I think Roxi cool smile Maybe the disagreement went to far. Like I said, I remember hearing about but that Virgo had me in outerspace somewhere. I think before I started posting about him ...

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