Whoz Ur True Love ?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Gaurav_Aries on Sunday, April 1, 2007 and has 73 replies.
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Now I had no role in this and I would have gladly posted it on any board it may have led me to Tongue -

Your True Love Is a Scorpio

Why you'll love a Scorpio:

Strong and sexy, Scorpio will overpower you into falling in love (before you even realize it!).

You'll love being swept away by Scorpio - into a world of insane passion.

Why a Scorpio will love you:

You don't mind letting your Scorpio take the reigns, as long as you know you're truly cared for.

Loyal and devoted, you would never do anything to set off insanely jealous Scorpio.
What Sign Is Your True Love?
***Your True Love Is a Virgo***

Why you'll love a Virgo:
Almost perfect and a total perfectionist, your Virgo will do almost anything to please you.
Low maintenance and loyal, it's almost too easy to love a Virgo!
Why a Virgo will love you:
You're totally dependable and discreet. A Virgo knows that you can be trusted.
Attractive and a high achiever, a Virgo can appreciate your attention to detail.

Crap !!!!! Mother Fucking Crapolla
I must have been like Pontias Pilot in a prior life or some shit.

Your True Love Is a Cancer

Why you'll love a Cancer:

Cancer's loyal and sincere heart makes your own sensitive heart melt.

Caring and devoted, a Cancer will take the lead in pursuing you - and not give up!

Why a Cancer will love you:

You're laid back enough to deal with Cancer's little mood swings and freak-outs.

A fellow homebody, you know how make Cancer comfortable and at home with you.
What Sign Is Your True Love?
muah ha ha ha....i'm pretty sure i already took this test...and got the same thing
Your True Love Is a Capricorn

Why you'll love a Capricorn:
Hard working and driven, a Capricorn will work overtime to win your heart.
Be prepared to get wined and dined, even once you're convince that your Capricorn is the one!
Why a Capricorn will love you:
You don't rush things. You know it will take a while for a Capricorn to trust you, and you can wait.
Social and outgoing, you can introduce normally shy Capricorn to a great circle of friends.

Hmmmm...oh dear...
That test is bollocks!
I got a gemini first time around!..pfffffft
I did this test on the Virgo board quite a while back....ages ago actually and I got an Aries..
So Gaurav...
No I didn't cheat..cos the first time I did it, I got an Aries..this was a while back on the virgo board...Its what bran said..You can't pick one answer its ridiculous!..
I aint scared of them two
LOL....MM even the test understands Ur dilemma.
I WILL have an Aries godamn it!...
Yes he thinks he's out of the Trio...
Says who? Did I give him permission to leave..NO..
If I want something that bad, I will go after its ass with unremitting force
Bling I thought you liked Cancers...
O yeah he was secretly in love.....always.
I can't stand those whiny creatures...
current mood - Evil
Hey Bling...talk to me..
how your mrs? did she come online last night?
(well not literaly)
Yeah I am really bored today..don't feel like working..my boss just wrote me a blinding reference...
::andrex moment::
Aries doesn't get up till 2pm our time!..poo..
Still working with the autistic kids are you?
I want to put some stuff up on ebay actually..but really can't be bothered with all the picture taking and copying and pasting descriptions..waaaaah..I need some money!
Some day in the very near future, you and I bling will be dxping from foreign shores..
Me from the USA and you from Aus...
I am both fed up and bored of this country...
All things go well, then I might give this new job a year and half and transfer to the US..not sure..will see..
LOL..yeah Aries keeps saying let me take you off the island, come join me in the mainland..rrrrrah..
As early as July!..blimey that isn't far off at all...lucky sod...well I guess you have no responsibilities..I am sure you can get a fairly well paid job out there..the world is your Oyster...
Waaaaaaaaaaah..tis not fair..I want to leave this country..I really can't stand it here anymore..tooooo expensive..always in debt..its poo
::god aren't I the ray of sunshine this morning::
LOL!...is it sunny where you are? Its lovely down here..feel like bunking off and heading down to Brighton for the day..Mr Virgo is on a project there all week..damn it!..
Right duty calls...laterzzz
LOL @ Weeeeeeeeeee...
"Give up already, GA. You're never going to snag my twin. "
LOL...Am aware of the perils Notso and hence not really eager to discover n unravel any form of "true" love Tongue
LOL..Archie it can be punishing being with a Cap and maybe U r in one of those moods.
I can have some Cap sent to U in case U need it urgently. Of course thatz no match to the torture which I personally can inflict Winking
Christ I am bored!
U sowing your seed again!...(bloody aries)
Watzup MM ?....missed Ur aftnoon beer or wat ?
No...just Mondays..I feel blue today Sad
Hmmm...but therez this gala weekend just in front !...Watz Ur plan ?...Brighton ?
Some of my friends have been planning to go to York ...maybe....
Oh really?...yeah I am trying to think where to go actually.
What is happening in York?
"What is happening in York?"
Nothing special ....just a break from the routine stuff I guess. Wat else might seem to be a good idea at the moment ?
Hmmm, I will check..I guess all the theme parks are good..Chessington, Alton Towers, Brighton. During this time all the beach resorts are good too
There are many festivals around too...I just hope it is very sunny so I can just do something exciting
My true love is Scorpio or Capricorn...and I didn't need no stinkin' test.
Bling, just to let you know Carpircorn men are downright sexy...had a crush on one once....*sighs*
Uccchhh! I would never date a Cap guy. Total control freaks.
Y'all want a piece of us..
Apparantly I want a piece of another...Pffffffft
LOL..They are your polar opposites Cap...
(don't lie, you secretly want to be with a Scorp)
God I wish I could just smash both your heads together!...
I mean, for fook sakes!!!!
LOL...All sufferers converge here.
Friendship first thing doesn't work with me..I either like you more than a friend, or don't like you at all..
Indeed Bluey...For the times, I have befriended someone first, they have just stayed as friends..if I accept you as a friend..thats all you'll ever be..nothing more, regardless of how much they like me etc...
The thing is if I befriend you first, it feels like incest to me..LOL..I can't sleep with a person I deem a friend..
Bluey...Yes I do believe in instant attraction, and yes I usually hate that person first..its what does it for me first..I feel like bringing them down..then I fall in love with them..lol..that doesn't mean shagging the living daylights out of them in the first go..but yes usually its physical first, emotional later...
::high 5::
Psssst...(its the scorpio mars too)
LOL..Yes you did pluto..I wish I could do this "lets be friends first"..
I actually physically want to harm someone who I deem appropriate for a relationship to suggests being friends first...
Yep and looks like he got what he wanted!..
Nah, just a Mars Scorpio isn't enough...you need to have the whole package..isn't that right bluey
EG..I am having that chocolate mousse again...and Aries isn't around..
But I do.....
***Your True Love Is a Gemini***

Why you'll love a Gemini:
Witty and sharp, a Gemini can keep up with your fast (and ever changing) mind.
You're both fun loving and free spirits. You and a Gemini can enjoy each other without expectations.
Why a Gemini will love you:
Not only can you keep up with a Gemini's sharp tongue, you can introduce a challenge or two...
You're appetite for fun and novelty will keep a Gemini interested - at least for a bit longer than usual!

Anything but a Gem...or a Cap...or a Cancer... The male Gem I know is great as a friend, but boy howdy, I would sooooo have to run him over repeatedly, break his remaining unbroken bones with the nearest long hard object, tie his body to the top of a house, and then let the birds pick the flesh off his bones as he slowly and painfully fades from existence if we ever dated....
Well, I guess that quiz result might bode well for you, though, egem (seeing as your scorp is my astro twin)... Winking