Wht is he thinking!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by baybeegemini on Monday, December 25, 2006 and has 6 replies.
it took me awhile to meet this scorpio guy at school. finally we got each other's numbers, then started doing some "studying" together.. n started doing some hanging out.
its all gd. he does the sweetest thing ever.. but then there are times he just ignores you for hours on msn or your sms. I dont knw wht he's thinking.
just a few days before xmas, we were hanging out. n he saw something he wanted n told me tht i should get it for him for xmas. honestly we arent really "close" but were not really just hi-bye frds. so i decided to get it for him even though it did cost quite abit.. he knew i was getting it for him, cuz i called him to make sure it was the one he wanted. n still he showed up with no present for me. not like i really want one as costly as the one i got for him, but a litle present would make my xmas happy. haha. anyways, on tht day when i gave him his present, i was plannng to do some shopping with him for two of my guy frds.
n while i was picking presents, which are less costly as his, he noticed n asked " was my present really expensive.. (n he knws how mch it is!)" n then asked something like how come his present is wa expensiver than the ones im planning to give to my two guy frds n stuff like tht.
so wht exactly is this scorpio guy thinking n doing!
"expensiver = more expensive"
That's what you decide to correct?Tongue

Anyway, he sounds like a total asshole, and as to why-I can't say for certain, since I'm not a mind reader, but my guess is that you somehow bruised his ego, probably without even noticing, and that's sort of a payback.
I would suggest not buying any expensive gifts for any guy who you are not either very close to or in a relationship with. I don't know much about scorpio males. As a scorpio female I wouldn't suggest to anyone to buy me anything unless I was in a relationship and we were talking about what we would like for Christmas. It seems as though you were expecting something in return as well. You shouldn't.
this is why gift-giving sucks. i just tell people i don't celebrate.
well he did treat me lunch tht day but yeah, my sister actually had a guy who acted somewht like this scorp guy, n tht guy turned out to be a player, who had a lot of girls running after him in school, n basically ended up having a girlfrd ech week kinda thing. hopefully my scorp guy isnt like him. well at least as far as i knw my scorp guy doesnt have much girl frds around him. thts why i believe hes not a player
Haha yah but then he was kinda sayin it in a jokish way, i took it serious n actually got him one ==" my bad.hah anywys tht day tht i gave him his present, we went shopping n whenever he saw something he really liked, he would joke again like last time n say something like "get this for me!!"
haha thanks for the correction hahaha
"you somehow bruised his ego" wht do you mean?
Haha thanks its just tht on msn n real life.. he's different. man, scorpios are so confusing!! haha n yeah sometimes i think hes a big goof, doing some things n not knwing ... haha well i hope hes not purposely playing wiht my mind.
haha yeah thanks!
well i wont say i wasnt expecting ANYTHING from him in return.. hah all i wanted is something little like something where he can put a little thoughtfulness in. haha well he did ask me wht i wanted, but then first, i didnt have anything in mind, second, all i kinda wanted was something he thought abt getting me himself, not just something i wanted... haha and yeah i guess buying some expensive thing for a normal frd is kinda weird n over haha but then if you liked someone, you would want to get them anything they wanted haha. n it was nice seeing him really happy with the present i got him smile
YES! hes so i dont knw. sometimes hes just like does nothing. plain n boring n acting all "cool" n then sometimes he would ask me to go studying with him , when really hes done all the studying n shows up talking more than studying. n no, dont worry, i didnt act mad in front of him abt the gift thing, cuz really im not tht mad, just abit disappointed, but then later he said something abt giving me something next christmas.. =.=" anyways, haha it is funny sometimes, but at the same time like you said, its driving me crazy not knwing wht hes thinking n doing! grr.
thanks guys for all yur ideas n stuff!