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Oct 10, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 1159 · Topics: 19
Plus people usually look bigger sitting down.
Wow I had a lot of reading to do this morning... Where do I begin? Some mentioned him being older than me? Yes he is 6 yrs. Older than I am. She would be 10 yrs younger than he is.
The way I see it is. It's obvious to me she came on to him. No doubt about it, I saw it coming (from her) I just thought my husband would be smart enough to not go there. Now that everything has gone down, I am not going to let her ruin everything I've worked on for the last 10 yrs. It's hard, I'm hurt, I'm embarrassed, ashamed of my husband but I have my son to think about, he misses his daddy. I don't feel the need for revenge, life will take of her. She lost way more than I have. My husband still wants me, is willing to do whatever for me & my son, I know he feels stupid about the whole situation, if anything he has me up on a pedistol (we'll see for how long) she lost everything.. My brother, her self dignity, idk if I count but she lost me, my family, her family knows what she did. The only thing I would want to do is send her a picture of myself naked && show her what a sexy naked picture SHOULD look like lol (I'm going get shit for this comment!) BUT she might just use that picture against me so I won't do that! I honestly don't know what to tell her? I feel like my silence might do more damage than saying anything to her, that way she is left messing with her own head.. She has nothing to be proud of!!!
Some of these comments were very useful, thanks to the people who took into consideration that I am in pain. It hurts & I feel too ashamed to reach out to someone I know.
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Dec 07, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 384 · Topics: 17
I do not doubt that you are hurting, and damn you should be were betrayed by not one, but *two* people you trusted. It seems to me though that you are assigning more blame to the girl (and less to your husband) than is deserved.
Put it this way, the girl never made a vow to you, she doesn't co-parent a child with you, she doesn't live with you ...yeah she has acted like she's your friend, but when it comes down to it she doesn't owe you anything. It doesn't mean she isn't a bitch for stabbing you in the back, but she's not your spouse. If you found out she was trying to hook up with your man and he rejected her and told you about it, you would have dumped her as a friend ...but would you REALLY be all that upset over it? My guess is no.
Your husband, on the other hand, is obligated to be faithful to you and not trifle with bitches who flirt with him. He should have shut her down when she came onto him, but he didn't ... he went along with it. HE is the one who committed the much larger betrayal and breach of trust, he is the one who let a third party into the relationship. Put the blame where it belongs, on him. There are tons of women out there who want nothing more than to break up a marriage, but they are entirely powerless unless the husband lets it happen.
If I were you I wouldn't take him back unless he is willing to tell her, himself, that he regrets what he did and your marriage is too important to him to risk losing you, and he never wants to see or hear from her again. I would also let him know that he has forfeited his "right to privacy" for at least the immediate future and he had better be okay with you checking up on him to make sure he is staying honest, since he has proven that he can't be trusted.
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 259 · Topics: 14
I totally agree with you..why do they go out for hamburger when they have steak at home?
I always wondered this too....
Arnold cheated with that ugly maid, but she apparently climbed in his bed and went after him.
Jesse James cheated with that tattoed whats her name woman..the Nazi.and look how attractive Sandra Bullock is...
Half those women Tiger was with were not all that attractive..sort of skanky looking..
John Edwards with the blonde...Raille or something like that...while his wife was overweight her face was lovely but the blonde was not all that great.
I don't think it's personality..put the shoe on the other foot...would you have a pic of an ugly, gross guy on your phone?? Or cheat with a guy not as hot as your husbandI wouldn't...
So yea I don't get it either.
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 259 · Topics: 14
Elle....Oh you took my post the wrong way....yes the cancer issue is true too...but we are trying to make a point about a looks thing I didn't mention that he cheated on his wife who had cancer and so did Gingrich.
Some of you posters are taking this way too seriously...Avii is just wondering why men/her husband seem to do this....she does not think she is superior or whatever else you all think..or shallow...
Usually it is "looks" that FIRST attracts a man or woman to she is wondering (at least I think she is) what could he be "attracted" to here with this pic?
And not to single men out...but they do have a rep for being shallow about a womans looks and bodies..not all of them but the majority. Sorry to say, but it's true....they are "visual"
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Aug 03, 2006Comments: 73 · Posts: 3385 · Topics: 36
The simple fact of the matter is that not everyone has the same taste.
And while the OP may think this girl is utterly disgusting in comparison to her, POSSIBLY the girl isn't that repulsive to the OP's husband.
Supposed "societal norm" for beauty isn't always valid.
It doesn't matter WHY it happened. It matters how you choose to deal with what happened. If you bashed your head into a wall for an hour into a bloody pulped up mess - upon arrival to the emergency room I'm pretty sure the main concern of the medical staff isn't going to be "why were you doing that?"
Yes it sort of matters to HIM why it happened - but that's his issue. Your issue (because I'm getting the feeling you don't feel you have done anything to deserve betrayal - which is fine) is to figure out whether or not it is acceptable to you (i.e. is there any reason he can give that is acceptable to you?), and then work on your marriage from there, or move on from your marriage from there.
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Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
It's the venus in aquarius jk
Why do you think he's cheating issue has anything to do with you?
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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
Maybe he cheated on you because you're an arrogant, conceited gal. Newsflash: nobody likes people who are vain, and your OP justifies the fact that you think you're all that. Secondly, cheating has nothing to do with looks. Tiger woods can explain that to you. Thirdly, it was probably some void in your relationship or himself that led him to cheat. Fourthly, why the hell are you pointing fingers at her by attacking her physical appearance, when you should be attacking/concerned with your man? She's not obligated to you, your man is!!! Get a brain! Maybe the lack of it made him cheat on you :o just a thought.
The heart has no eyes........Plus, Beauty is very man's trash, is another's treasure
BTW, that lady was her brother's Child's Mother (brother's baby mama)...................she loves to keep it in the family, smh ......I bet she always had DADDY issues and loves it when others throw her a pitty party. deep-down inside she really feels empty
Wow ppl have a real problem with someones self confidence.. I bet the people getting offended are most likely fat!! Lmao!! Either way I got what I wanted out this so I'm done. Bye Bitches!
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
I cant imagine why he cheated on you ::rollseyes::