Will a Scorpio man admit fault?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by moonbaby on Thursday, March 9, 2006 and has 27 replies.
Can I get an opinion regarding whether or Scorpio man tends to admit fault or deny to his death?? LOL!
i've been with one for 5 years... deny 'til death... smile
are they always competitive? i won the first game of bowling with my scorp,.so he Thinks i Let him win the second which in fact i did not my arm was actually tired. Was it the fact of loosing to a woman or what because he doesnt believe me. Everythin is always a competition with him
They admit their faults. It doesn't mean they won't go ahead and do the EXACT same thing the moment your head is turned, but they do say they are sorry and mean it at the time.
Ok guys...now..what about with regards to cheating, etc.? What are some Scorpio male's (I know, not all are the same, of course)point of view on that? Admitting that when questioned, etc?
Dancing Bread, I noticed that you have several signs in Scorpio. I love hearing what you have to say. Funny post, too!
Sorry you going through that.
As the girl they are usually trying to cheat with, they will appologize to me. I have no idea what goes on, on the otherside. I don't think they admit it, but I think that is true of all men.
I'm not actually going through that, thank God. We live together and have been together for 4 yrs. Things are good and it took ALOT of patience and me learning how NOT to be the over sensitive Cancer lol!
However, we were talking last night...and I asked if Scorpios EVER admit they are wrong. He said, yes, of course we do...but not totally because we can be proud". We say sorry or admit fault in our own way..but rarely come out and say it!". LOL!
So the conversation got heated (in a good way) and of course, with my over analytical mind, I thought hmmmmmm....is that with everything? Or just everyday stuff. Anyway, I love your answers. Thank you!
KennyG, now I sound dense, but what do you mean? They will not take an apology? Give one? Or admit that they've done it to begin with?
If a scorpio man says he loves his ex but they grew apart after being married for a long time ,they are friends but hes Not "in Love" with her, is there a chance that he could very well go back to the ex? Is their space for another relationship or is his heart always gonna belong to the ex?
Well, from my experience, once they are over someone or something...that is it! Especially if crossed or hurt. I truly do not think that he will go back. They don't find much point in wasting time on a lost cause. I believe there will be space as long as he is not holding on to any fear or negative energy regarding the relationship.
Don't know if that helped...
Yes it did thank you moonbaby; ) My scorp taking me for my first ride on his motorcycle, i tell him i'm putting my life in his hands, he says he'll be safe and not wreckless . I had two high school classmates that died in motorcycle accident. This will be soooooome THRILL!
Moonbaby I wonder the same thing sometimes too. What gets me by is that even though he (my bf) won't verbally admit he is wrong, inside he knows he is. His actions apologize to me. But it sure would be nice to hear once in awhile ; )
Do scorpio men need a lot of attention?
Purrrfect, good point! It just kills me sometimes that he just won't say it. You know how the saying goes, a scorpion would rather kill himself than be killed first. BLAH! I'm super irritated today as it is...so maybe I'm being harsh. You're absolutely right about his actions doing the apologizing. So true!
Pathfinder, I'd say yes, for sure. However, as usual with Scorpios, there is no grey area. It's all or nothing. In other words, give them all the attention THEY need (not all the attention you want to give them), but do not get clingy and know when they need their private time, too.
Scorpios should come with an instruction manual about exactly how to deal these creatures. (and I thought I was the emotionally high maintanence one in the relationship, being a cancer and all....lol) But, what they say is true, they can be the most adorable, loving people in Earth. I just love them!
...I just love them...
me too.
Thanks, moonlady. The all or nothing definitely rings true. So, does this mean that once their mind is made up, it's done, and do they make their minds up quickly?
lol @ Dancing Bread
omg i was just going to post, can scorpios apologize? my whatever he is fucking asked me over friday night, then fell asleep which ok it happens but he didnt apologize for making me drive 20 minutes to see him!!
Will a Scorpio man admit fault?
can scorpios apologize?

DB ~ well, I am taking it seriously, since my best friend of over 30 yrs is scorpio (female, though) and she is a very devoted, sensitive person and friend -- I would trust her with my life. I have two other scorpio males friends and I love them dearly as well. But I will also rely on my own intuition/perception and my personal relationship with my scorpio.
in re:to dancing bread, you are so fucking funny ! seriously right smile
'... will the scorp apologize before taurgal21 runs him over repeatedly???'
probably not before, but after, most certainly smile
"... scorps just can't STAND not knowing something."
It's cool, LZS, I don't mind it -- I'm like that if I'm interested. I don't know why I was thought to be a fire sign, although, with the exception of the cap, and my present scorp, fire signs have always been attracted to me and I have great relationships with them, until they start to get bossy or possessive, then I have to let them know I will be neither bossed nor possessed. I don't know if I will run into this with my scorp, too soon to tell, but he appears to understand, but only time will tell. I don't mind feeling that I "belong" with him, that we "fit", but control is another whole issue.
My other close friends are Aries and Leos. And one Aries and Leo I would also trust with my life.
I honestly do! For me admitting fault isn't admitting defeat but a noble act!

My boyfriend is a Scorpio. We've been together for a year-and-a-half. Last week we were having a conversation about race and he said the n-word. I told him that I thought that he could get his point across without having to say that actual word. As the conversation went on he kept saying it's just a word. But I still stood my ground and explain to him that he still could have gotten his point across without having to say the actual word and that he will never understand the negative connotation behind it. he's white I'm Puerto Rican. He then yelled at me and told me that it was over and that I needed to leave his house. So I left and I told him that he didn't need to disrespect me and it was in front of his friend also. Who happened to be in the car. My question is how can I talk to him about how he hurt me and disrespected me. Because I'm feeling like right now that he is seeing it as my fault that we are not together I'm not ready to break up I love him and I want to be with him.
Posted by jlibra
i've been with one for 5 years... deny 'til death... smile
My Cap husband is like that!

Scorp is not...if I say he is wrong he will admit and apologize...doesn’t mean he won’t do it again...lol...but if I say he was wrong - he own up to it immediately not even trying to make shit up!

Sometimes it drives me crazy like...can’t you make shut up??? Lmao

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