Worst position in Venus?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by King_with_a_Sting on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 and has 47 replies.
Venus in Gemini
"Gift of the gab", always finds the right expression. A good talker, refined, with a love of the Arts. Two-sided in emotional affairs, flirtatious. Superficial emotions. Countless and inconstant love affairs. Likes to play love games.
Weaknesses: Instability and fickleness in love. Often goes too far in love because of the desire to flirt and play on the other person, who will often suffer - but that is not her problem. Inconstant in love, which is ephemeral: she is unfaithful and can sometimes speak caustically.
My EX had that, And My Venus is Capricorn.
It was a nightmare, I should a been wiser though from the start when I got her drunk and she was talking about how she loved to mind fuck people. She didn't mind fuck me but she certainly ripped me off for my money.
Its all good though cause when I look at her life and from what she has told me happened to her, Its all good cause Karma is a b1tch, two car accidents one that messed her back up for life and has a kid without a father and no one to help support her. And she is only twenties years old. Not to mention you can see her life is already done, the only thing left for her to do is for her to live it out miserably. Feel bad for her son though.
anyways anyone else experienced a lover with that placement? seems highly undesirable to me, Her emotional superficiality i never noticed cause I didn't pay much attention to that, but who would want someone that would have multiple love affairs and use love as a weapon against someone. That just seems sick to me. Of all the things you could use as a weapon against someone why that? that just cowardly..
Posted by Ms.P
I don't know, but the best position of Venus is in Aries, without a doubt smile

says whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?????????????????????????????????????????????????
maybe my mom has venus is aries. Mines in Capricorn and Thats not a bad placement If I say so myself just ays I have a cool calm demeanor and I try to seduce women by proving my worth.
its probably the reason people on the other forums are saying im pretty calm for a Scorpio. That makes me a super sexy Scorpio.
I remember when I first posted my planets and people replied they all said that I had planets in all the perfect spots for a Scorpio, enough to retain my Scorpio sexiness but enough earth to balance out all the crazy emotions. So I
m Happy. Only problem Is I might not have the Scorpio stalker traits or brooding whatever, I just have an Aries temper lol quick to blow up but also quick to be over with.

i have venus in libra its tha best placement i believe in peace and harmony owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lmao
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

i have venus in libra its tha best placement i believe in peace and harmony owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lmao

anything that isn't venus in gemini lol. Or scorpio from what i've heard.
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo

i have venus in libra its tha best placement i believe in peace and harmony owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lmao

anything that isn't venus in gemini lol. Or scorpio from what i've heard.
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wat are u taking about geminis and libras are two different signs same air element but different signs geminis are ruled by mercury so is virgo libra is ruled by venus like Taurus.
I said as long as it isn't a venus in gemini your all good. don't get confused now
Posted by ladybug162
I'm a Scorp with a Venus in Scorp. To me this has to be the worst possible placement, but what do I know?

Nah it's not that bad. You just love with alot of passion. I hate it when people say we tend to stalk though. I have WAY too much pride to stalk.
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
I said as long as it isn't a venus in gemini your all good. don't get confused now

oh okay lmao
Venus is more comfortable in air because air signs believe in harmony and are light hearted especially in libra or gemini
i mean i like to have fun but keep things balance thats a libra saying for u i feel like a libra i think my virgo sun is weak in me having three air signs in personal planets in my chart and a leo moon i dont ever feel like a virgo at all.
Posted by Astrological Aftermath
wow is it really that bad?? i mean big deal the girl was a bit flirty once in a while, it's sexy if u ask me.
legendaty virgo what's up with the mj screamage lol?

u spelled my name wrong man u lose sum cool points dude lmao
and dats my screamage and me other virgo friends i kno do dis its funny lol
Posted by Gingerscorp
Posted by ladybug162
I'm a Scorp with a Venus in Scorp. To me this has to be the worst possible placement, but what do I know?

Nah it's not that bad. You just love with alot of passion. I hate it when people say we tend to stalk though. I have WAY too much pride to stalk.
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My boyfriend is Sun in Scorp and Venus is Scorp... passion is an understatement.... LOL
I have venus in Aries... yum yum. =)
Posted by Astrological Aftermath
wow is it really that bad?? i mean big deal the girl was a bit flirty once in a while, it's sexy if u ask me.
legendaty virgo what's up with the mj screamage lol?

nah she never flirted with anyone while I was around, I squashed that before it even began. Im talking about she will use love as a way to manipulate you. Now if you wanna be told false pretenses and then manipulated on your feelings. She never really did that to me but I watched her do it to her family.
And from what I know of Aries no Aries is gonna wanna have his girl flirting with other guys especially when She is as hot as the one I was dating with that placement. If you do then you obviously have no backbone and wouldn't care if she cheated on you.
Posted by LeGendary ViRGo
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
I said as long as it isn't a venus in gemini your all good. don't get confused now

oh okay lmao
Venus is more comfortable in air because air signs believe in harmony and are light hearted especially in libra or gemini
i mean i like to have fun but keep things balance thats a libra saying for u i feel like a libra i think my virgo sun is weak in me having three air signs in personal planets in my chart and a leo moon i dont ever feel like a virgo at all.
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Well her Sun sign Taurus must have conflicted with that because she was a Drama queen from hell, every day we fought over stupid little shit she was stupid to understand she misconstrued everything and everything was a problem. Towards the end of the relationship instead of fighting it out with her I just left I'd be like "See ya B*tch" that really use to piss her off lol.. and when I dumped her it was even worse.
Sorry pal, I don't believe a single word you wrote Kingwasting. It's like listening to a 13 yo claiming he has a model girlfriend in Canada...
And btw, everyone knows the worst position in Venus is DOGGI style - WHAT UP!!?!! Big Grin
whats wrong with doggie style pal
Sun Taurus
Moon Sagittarius
Mercury Taurus
Venus Gemini
Mars Aquarius
Jupiter Taurus
Saturn Capricorn
Uranus Capricorn
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio
This perfectly describes our relationship:
Here is a couple which will have frequent disputes. Finding it impossible to speak calmly, they will always be aggressive towards each other. Conflict is caused because they both want to dominate the other. They cannot live on the basis of mutual understanding. The man is the type who lays down the law, gives orders, makes decisions and the woman is independent type, who cannot stand being limited, taking orders - the more so from her partner.
Certainly enough conflict to ruin a whole day, if not a whole life. If at first the relationship is charming and agreeable, it will quickly end up disharmonious and life together will become unbearable. If one of the two does not make an effort, or does not find a compromise, it leads irrevocably to a breakup.
Lots of problems can be foreseen for this couple, lacking in understanding, with ideas that are too different - and this leads to disputes. They are not made for each other.
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
Its all good cause Karma is a b1tch, two car accidents one that messed her back up for life and has a kid without a father and no one to help support her. And she is only twenties years old.

omg, that is horrible. Sad

i have venus in gem..........no kids, no fucked up back. no complaints about it at all actually.
Posted by Ms.P
Why'd you hide??

i don't know actually, but i think i kinda like it that way. haha.
bling, it was in reference to ms.pisces calling us sluts (since my venus is gem)
fwiw, i think venus in virgo sounds muy bueno
i'm learning german right now actually. have the spanish down fairly well.
really bling? that's funny.
i live in the.....not sure, over the....something
sb, why was german the first language you learned to read & write in?
Posted by sb_cap
Posted by .trifles light as air.
sb, why was german the first language you learned to read & write in?

Because I went to Kindergarten and attended 1st and 2nd grade/classe in German schools in Germany .

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gotcha. nice.
oh god...my venus is in gem...but my sun is in cancer...would that make me a playfully romantic?
meh...i'm far from superficial, i don't cheat and i believe in having one-on-one relationship...
oh btw, hello all...Winking
hey eden *waves back n hug* good to see you on here Big Grin
er er scorp with venus in gem...darn i can't imagine really...
i have a scorp moon... so what worse it could be? Tongue
how about you eden?
okay i mean *how* not what... shesssh...
oh eden... it's what my friend called me...inner turmoil...
moon in scorp do feel a lot and hide alot... while my venus wants to play around and have fun sometimes...
guess that's what balance me a bit where i feel deep and know when to go out and play...
woot venus in scorp...sexiness!!!
mmmmm... my taurus lover's venus is in aries while mine is in leo. sexy goodness right there. holy crap this guy turns me on!
Posted by deemnsout4ever
I can only remember stupid shit,like
Ich wohne in die Kaseland, um die ecke

you live in an attic lol?
Posted by Domino
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
she loved to mind fuck people.

She sounds hawt.
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she was, but good looks really don't mean shit when they come attached to an ugly personality.
btw the thing about people that like to mind fuck others, when they mind fuck the wrong person that person usually physically fucks them up.
And I don't necessarily mean beating them up.
I really didnt do anything to fuck with her other than using her own games against her, she left some voicemails on my phone of her stupid games so since we live in a small town and I know lots of people I went around and kindly clued everyone in on that girls MO. So everyone who knows me now knows about her scandalous ways and not to mention anyone else she has screwed in the past has done the same so in reality she is only hurting herself. Believe me she doesn't have very many friends as it was but now she has even less because of all the people I know.
Like I said she's already been in two car accidents one that permanently ruined her back for life, she has a kid without any father, she has no future she lives off of welfare, and she has no friends and shes only 21. The girl is a loser plain and simple.
now you're making me feel like im such a slut...for having venus in gem..sheeeshh...
prolly more towards a guy..which couldnt help but to have more than one relationship at a time...
another close friend of mine which a taurus sun guy got this placement as well...yes...*wandering eyes* but another friend which a girl...nope...she's been loyal enough...
hey eden...oh it's better to have feelings rather than not...if i were to keep my feeling at bay..i would definitely end up being numb Straight Face
Ima Cancer with Venus in Gemini too...ARies moon
Venus in Gemini, Venus in Sagittarius, Venus in Aquarius, and Venus in Capricorn.
But it also depends on the natal chart.
Posted by Cusp Of Magic
What's wrong with Venus in Capriorn?

Venus in Capricorn
Venus in Capricorn people will try to win your heart by displaying self-control, presence of mind, and responsible behavior. These lovers want you to know they are goal-oriented, witty, savvy, and controlled. Nobody can get the best of them. They want you to see just how competent they are. They like some measure of predictability in their relationships as they are cautious in love.
Venus in Capricorn men and women project an aura of competency and their loner-like behavior can be attractive, in a cool way. They don't go gaa-gaa over love, or at least they don't express as much. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Capricorns are a little too practical and deliberate. Certainly, they can come across as lacking in warmth and spontaneity. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who yearn for a partner to share their lives with. Others' image of their relationship matters to them. They are conservative and willing to commit. Venus in Capricorn people are attracted to serious, goal-oriented lovers. They are a little shy in matters of the heart, but they don't want you to know it. If you like knowing where your relationship is headed, you'll be mighty pleased with Venus in Capricorn. These people plan ahead in love, and, unlike Venus in Pisces, they will let you know exactly where they (and the relationship) are headed. Pleasing Venus in Capricorn involves showing them you are practical and realistic. They want to impress you with the things they do. Appreciate their "saving for a rainy day" attitude, and be aware that they want to show you off in a quiet way.

In other words we are very serious when it comes to love we don't play around like a Gemini would. We look for a partner who has their own goals and potential to be somebody we don't look for someone that will mooch off of us.
We sometimes come off as emotionally cold because we don't express profound feelings of love through words, we prefer to do it through actions.
Don't listen to that girl nothing is wrong with us she probably doesn't like them cause she is a nobody who will never be anybody. And we don't like that.
A nobody? Suck a big dick piece of shit. After that you can stick your finger in your ass and have a lick.

Venus in Caps are boring hun. Straight up LOL
I got Venus in Taurus and I don't think they compliment my Venus position well.
They are nice people but boring and cold when it comes to romance..
Cusp of magic aren't you a gemini/cancer cusp like me?
What are your positions again?
Venus in Aquarius takes the cake!!! But only those not conjuncting sun.
As well, Venus in Gemini - those are androids.

The best Venuses are Venus in Pisces (unconditional love)
Venus in Libra (beauty plus harmony)
I love Venus in Libra Tongue

Posted by Gemini Godess
I love Venus in Libra Tongue

i have venus in libra yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol
Posted by Gemini Godess
A nobody? Suck a big dick piece of shit. After that you can stick your finger in your ass and have a lick.

Venus in Caps are boring hun. Straight up LOL
I got Venus in Taurus and I don't think they compliment my Venus position well.
They are nice people but boring and cold when it comes to romance..

Why would I want to suck my own dick? It's much more enjoyable to watch someone else do it.
We look at relationships in a practical manner, we don't live in fairyland. That doesn't make us cold and boring, like the other person said we take time to warm up to someone.
By the way I'm a Scorpio/Aries moon, No one's ever called me boring smile
Posted by scorpio rising
well, im over 30, ill be 55 on october 15, and i am always told that i am 'hot'...which pisses me off, since it is impossible to find a decent guy these days, which i would have just stayed married
oh, and maybe venus in scorpio may be the worst, because thats what i have and i just cant settle for whatever loser comes around....i have to totally feel it....oh wel, im screwed with life the way that it is now

that may be true about men, but its also true for women. A few years back they had a survey and found out that women had actually cheated more than men on their relationships. I know you can't ever tell a woman that but its happens quite often, even if men are the pigs that pursue women that already are taken.
Back in the old days it use to be infidelity use to be punishable by law. We need to bring those laws back outlaw rap and all of that garbage that promotes all the immoral behavior that is now becoming commonly widespread and accepted.
The US has lost its values and everyone is to ignorant to see that.
Venus in Gemini is terrrrible in my opinion. All the guys seem to be very prone to straying/cheating. I think they love communication/flirting too much, and get attached to any new person that stimulates their mind (... and nether regions. HA).
Posted by Claro de Luna
Posted by scorpio rising
i dont like being called sexy, hot, gorgeous, and all the other bs...i just want one good man that is honest, faithful, good and all mine

Yep, yep!!
All the fire signs are good for the Venus, as is Libra. (As far as I know, not sure about all the others).
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i read that Venus don't do to well in fire signs or earth signs Virgo and cap and for tha water sign cancer and Scorpio
its best is in venus in Taurus and venus in Libra rulership in venus in pisces is were its exalted
venus in Aries weak cuz Libra is tha opposite sign plus Aries is naturally in impulsive
venus in scopio obsessive and possessive dats y it doesn't do to well dere.
Venus in gems we all kno dat already.

Erm from experience it would have to be Venus in Gem or Sag.
That's guys btw, and guys I know not actually dated. They just come across as total douche-sluts.
Venus in Gemini is a difficult placement for this planet, since Venus rules love emotions and esthetical taste and Gemini is too much of an intellectual to allow Venus experiencing emotions first hand. People with this position tend to make a dissection of their feelings and you know what happens when you make a dissection of something live-it becomes dead. People with Venus in Gemini love with their brains, which is not love at all. They also tend to play games, be superficial and flirtatious in love. This is not difficult for them, because the love affection runs at intellectual level. This is why often they are seen by their partners as shallow and cold.
Venus in Capricorn appears cold too, but in a different way-Capricorn is rather reserved, because the feelings run deep and they fear rejection and hurt. This is why Venus in Capricorn expresses love in a reserved manner and needs time to trust and open up. Venus in Capricorn expresses his/her love for somebody through practical help and being reliable to the loved ones. Good placement for Sun signs in water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) because it has a stabilizing effect on the emotional water signs.