Would You Sleep With Your Lover's Exes?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by MrFirebird on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and has 14 replies.
No? Don't like that idea?
That's what you're doin' when your with somone who's been around.

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Or you could just say fuck dating all together.

Problem solved. Why do so many think they need love and commitment in life to be happy???

I get many complaments from men and woman for my beard, my wallet is always loaded with cash, I get to hang with the boys all I want, enjoy all my hobbies all i want, play video games, drink mountain dew, and give no shits about that young summer dick.

Give all that up for a pussy that's been used by other men and will eventually cheat since all woman do?

We get it Soul you're a damaged hipster lemon.
No. Would you, Firefighter?
Posted by Koniucha
I certainly don't want a second hand dick.

are you a virgin?
Posted by Magenta_Azure
No. Would you, Firefighter?

Posted by Koniucha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Koniucha
I certainly don't want a second hand dick.

are you a virgin?

No, are you?
click to expand

No, but then, one such mistake that haunts one, for life, is enough. Sure don't need a used car lot, let alone, a wrecking yard.
So, what you're saying, it is fair to say, that in as much as you wouldn't want second-hands, none of your prospects should consider you, seeing that you're second hand.

So you know, I am not targeting you specifically, but just making the case as to the how and whys relationships don't work out.
Some dumb broad want to highlight her exploits, thinking it makes her desirable, is one who is sure to attract the wrong audience.

Persisting in that lifestyle, they'll never find what they are looking for. Instead, what they'll find is a port-a-pottie of the shell of their once pure former selves,
overflowing with filth.

It's sad, it really is.

Posted by Koniucha
You know, I was being sarcastic. Most adults have used equipment.

The other issue I see with your question is that I am a heterosexual female, and the lovers of my exes have been women. So then the answer to your question would be no, I would not sleep with my lover's exes.

Actually, you might step back and re-think what it is that I am actually saying, at the beginning.
that is, consider reading between the lines. What's being said that flies under the radar?

Posted by WhiteChocolate
It's been shown scientificaly that women retain DNA in their bodies from prior sexual partners, so you kind of are sleeping with them.

You got proof of that, Rabbit? links?
A hole's a hole in the dark?
Assuming he's not bisexual...I wouldn't want to sleep with my lovers exes, I'm not into women or sleeping with my or their exes period.