WTF is wrong with this Scorpio guy?!?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Ariesgal92 on Sunday, January 11, 2015 and has 61 replies.
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Wow someone please shed some light on this situation to me.
I met a Scorpio male just over 2 weeks ago. He would text me everyday without doubt, ask about my day, goals, ambitions, life, opinions etc. We really got along and it was great. I met him once and we just went for a drive and it was great we spoke the whole time (1.5 hours). He had arranged for us to go to the movies last Thursday and i agreed. Then on Thursday he texts me that something has come up and can we go tomorrow? I sort of cracked it and said i'm busy and cant so it will have to be sometime next week. Then he msged back asking if we can go Monday. I just chose to ignore him because he didnt even give me a reason as to why he bailed. He didnt msg me Friday and all day Saturday then saturday night sends a text asking how my weekend is going. I decided to reply and we talked. HE asked if we could go to the movies Sunday, i said sure. He msged me Sunday morning asking if im still keen to go i said yes. I was nervous all day because i was worried he would bail again. I msg him half an hour before im about to leave and he sends a text saying he just got pulled over and got a fine for having no licence or some bullshit. I said oh if your upset we dont have to go...he said yeah can we please go tomorrow night (today now) i promise i wont screw it up this time. I wrote back saying nah dont worry about it. He ignored what i said and said can we go tomorrow or are you busy? then i said dont worry about it and he said so you dont want to see me anymore? i said too much effort then he apologised again and said he didnt mean for it to happen and it really did want to see me. i said it was fine, and he said can we make it another day? i said nah i dont wonna make anymore plans. he wrote back okay.

I don't understand why he is messing with me!! Shows so much interest, is lovely towards me. Then just bails on plans and trys to reschedule all the time. What is the point. I wish i knew what was going through his head Sad
Lol, I'm in a similar situation with a Scorp moon dude, (I'm Aries moon.) IDK either.
OMG so it's not just me - and it's not just him. Are they all crazy like this? lol. I don't understand it. Why show interest then leave me hanging like that :/ if he doesnt want to see me then he can just not make plans? Instead of always rescheduling.
Posted by Ariesgal92
OMG so it's not just me - and it's not just him. Are they all crazy like this? lol. I don't understand it. Why show interest then leave me hanging like that :/ if he doesnt want to see me then he can just not make plans? Instead of always rescheduling.

EXACTLY... I feel like my guy is playing games w/me for NO FUCKING REASON. I don't play games, I am not petty. But it seems like he is.
You two had plans to go hang out, something came up. Now, he could have been an jerk and just stood you up. But no, he told you something came up and choose to reschedule. The reason why he couldn't go is non of your business. You messed up by ignoring him after that. His actions were legitimate, but YOU initiated the game playing by ignoring him. His actions were genuine up until you did that. So the real question is, what's wrong with YOU?
Ummmm no?? Because nothing came up, he was looking for things to do Thursday night on Facebook. He lied to me that something came up. Then bailing on me last night only 30 mins before i was meant to see him. He didn't have to bail, if he couldnt make it the time we arranged he could of post poned it to a later time that night. It wasn't that last screening of the movie or anything. HE is the one playing games here not me.
Yeah sorry I forgot that part I didn't want to include every single detail or the message would of been too long lol so I shortened it down as much as possible. But yes it is sad isn't it.
I understand people like to test others, especially Scorpios to see if they are worthy etc. But the way he is acting, it's just plain rude. You don't show interest in someone and then just bail on them like they are nothing. If you are interested, you go and see me, spend time with them. What is this going to achieve? It's just going to upset me and make me think you don't like me Sad
Okay based off of your first message I definitely would have said "what is wrong with you" since your the one who ignored him and he continued to push to see you again.
But then after you mentioned that he had cancelled, yet jumped on social media looking for something to do to kill his boredom, I'm not really sure where the blame lies. You both seem to be acting immature.
I think you should have pulled him up when he messaged you the Sunday asking if you two were still going to catch up and simply said that you saw that he was actually free the night of your original date, considering he was stupid enough to make it public knowledge on his facebook, and that you can't be bothered with the drama. Thanks for being a part of my life and adios kind of message. If he is playing games then he will get a pretty quick picture that you aren't willing to play along with him.
Just know that I may not be a man but I am a scorpio and sometimes we genuinely just want our alone time. Perhaps he had finished school/work and really just wanted to go home and chill. He could have told you this but we don't really feel like we need to explain ourselves and if he did say he just wanted his alone time then you probably would have probed to see if he was okay or if he had a rough day, we don't like to go into detail and maybe there is nothing wrong, he just wanted to chill on his own so he said something came up, it's just so much easier. I don't know why he posted on social media looking for something to do but that sounds pretty "game playing" to me if he has you as a friend and knows that chances are you will see it.
The fact that you are here writing about this experience with a scorpio tells me that despite you giving him the impression that you are done and no longer interested, is quite the opposite. I suggest that you give him some space for a week and then message him, very casually and just say "any chance you're free Thursday?" or whatever day you are free and would like to catch up with him. If he doesn't write back then move on, plenty more fish in the sea. But maybe the space will give him time to realise that you aren't playing around and he will actually stick to the date for once.
Good Luck
I think he gets the picture now, he hasn't messaged me today yet and after his last message 'okay'. I understand wanting alone time but I've only seen him once in 2 weeks. I don't push to see him everyday nor do I even make the plans, he does. He was the one who wanted to see me and even said so himself. So I am not being clingy or need or any of that. I just don't understand, if that being the reason that he wanted to 'chill on his own', why he would push to see me when I told him I don't want to anymore. Sorry I should of been more clear, he didn't post on Facebook that hes looking for something to do, he just liked other peoples status that said 'who wants to do something tonight?' or 'bored looking for something to do' and it all came up in my newsfeed. He didn't personally post a status though. Your advice is very spot on though so thank you I truly appreciate getting another persons perspective on the situation, especially another Scorp. I don't plan on messaging him again because I know he will message me and if he doesn't then it's his loss. I have been genuine and true the whole time and he has just lied. I posted on here for a fresh perspective because maybe I am missing something and maybe if he msgs me again I do want to give him another chance as foolish as it may appear to some.
Two strikes and he's out. I can go with that theory.
I'm more concerned that he was driving without a licence and got pulled over. He sounds like an idiot.
Yeah I think leave it and if he's keen then he will message again, it's a mans natural instinct to chase what they want.
Men are strange creatures and we live in a generation where people don't feel the need to make the effort anymore. When there's such things as Instagram, facebook, tinder etc people seem to think they have all these options. Show him that you aren't an option!
I've been involved with a Scorpio once before and despite me being one, I'd never do it again. He was very jealous, overbearing, controlling and the biggest one, insecure! I'm not sure if all Scorpio men are like this but maybe you should be thanking your lucky stars you didn't get in any deeper. It's been 2 years since I called it quits and I still hear from him, they are hard to shake.
Good luck with it all, and just remember not to waste your time on people who don't think your worth their time of day smile
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by augustmoon
Posted by Ariesgal92
OMG so it's not just me - and it's not just him. Are they all crazy like this? lol. I don't understand it. Why show interest then leave me hanging like that :/ if he doesnt want to see me then he can just not make plans? Instead of always rescheduling.

EXACTLY... I feel like my guy is playing games w/me for NO FUCKING REASON. I don't play games, I am not petty. But it seems like he is.

This is in response to the Aries moon about the Scorpio moon. Not sure what your situation is with the Scorp moon, but I think those 'games' are tests. It's a self-preservation mode, and we do it if and when we feel unsure about you. I'm a Scorpio moon and I've had several (read: SEVERAL) misunderstandings with a close Aries moon friend, mostly because of my self-preservation mode. She couldn't understand me, so she pushed me for answers.
click to expand

Thank you!! smile that makes a lot of sense.
Yeah that was my theory! But he might be 3rd time lucky hahah we will see. And him driving without a licence would be because he sold his car - I assume he was just dropping it off to the friend. Although yes he is a bit of an idiot but so is every guy sometimes.
I agree scorpvixen - I will leave him be and if he still is keen i'm sure he will try - when you want something, you don't give up. Especially since I think he knows I am interested, I was just just being upset about failed plans. He doesn't usual social media anywhere near as much as the regular person, probably because his iphone is broken and he has some shitty old phone you can only text and call on lol. But even if he's at home, he won't sit on Facebook for hours, just checks it. My dad is Scorpio so I know what they are like very well and yes it is overbearing, most of the Scorpio men are all the same. But in saying that, I would still like to give this guy a chance - maybe I can tame his jealousy, controlling side haha. Thanks again for all the advice smile truly appreciate!!
So he messaged me again being all nice and asking to go to the movies. He said he will definatly come and if he doesn't to never talk to him again and that he deserves a second chance and really wants to see me. So i said yes. We went last night. He stuck to his word this time, i was surprised to say the least. He smiled alot, and i noticed him looking at me while i was watching the movie then when i looked at him he'd quickly look away. When i dropped him home he gave me a peck on the lips. I think he was too scared to go in for a full hook up in case i rejected him haha. Asked me what time i wake up for work, i said 6. He messaged me this morning at 6:10 saying it was good to see me last night. Hmmmm not sure what to make of it all now...looks like hes interested lol but who knows. Damn Scorpios.
Yeah look i realise there could be much more to it than it seems. It's just really hard to know a persons intentions and being an Aries, i am extremely afraid of people taking advantage of my good nature because they tend to do so. I only see the good in people and can be naive - this is why iv'e come here for some advice and a different perspective. I agree with you there, i don't think he is messing with me if he STILL wants to see me - and he did message me last night asking when he can see me next so it does appear to be that he is genuine for now. I think he knows i am interested or else i would not give him all these chances to see me. I would of just given him the flick. Thank you for your point of view too, appreciate it.
Hi there how's it going?
Alot of my past masculine males were; Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, and Aquarius, and they all called last minute with me, Came up with an excuse like: got off work late, have kids to care for, or tired, but they all kept the conversations going through the phone usually via text messages. I would see if they want to set something up again 98% of the time we rescheduled and went out later.
I was only pissed because these signs take a matter of 20 minutes tops to get ready. And 20 seconds to decide they want to go out. Shit just wash the balls and slap some cologne on and off they go... I am the type to plan things and hmm I do take awhile to get ready. I am not mad at them because they seem to have soooo much to do, Gemini, and Sagittarius, for sure but eventually we would go out.. One time I left the house and I texted my gemini and he cancelled on the freeway. i didnt even tell him I left yey, haha.. So don't plan anything cause they are last minute daters.
All this drama for someone you've known 14 days and met once?
What's your age?

Posted by Ariesgal92
I think he was too scared to go in for a full hook up in case i rejected him haha.

"Scared" in Scorpio speak is WISE.
Posted by Ariesgal92

It's just really hard to know a persons intentions and being an Aries, i am extremely afraid of people taking advantage of my good nature because they tend to do so.

Yea...normally, it takes a good solid three months (not two dates) to get to know someone's intentions.
Hence why I say he is WISE not going for that "full hook up" thought process you share. He knows your type based off your behavior described in your first post.
I don't plan anything - he does. He asked me yesterday if i wanted to come over tomorrow (today now). I said yes so we will see if he bails this time haha. I'm not annoyed when he bails because i am clingy and must see him. I am annoyed because i am already so nervous and anxious about seeing him and am the whole time up until i see him. I just kind of want to get it done and over with - not have him bail then make another plan and be so damn nervous all over again!! I'm only THIS nervous because i do not know what his intentions are and it scares me. It's not really drama - i'm just over thinking haha. I'm 22. He is my age. Yes we are young but i am actually mature for my age and so is he. Both work full time, have careers and he even bought a house and is paying it off. So we aren't dumb Gen Y. 3 months? Well if we make it to 3 months then i assume the intentions are pure and he likes me - if we don't then i guess we know what he wanted but it's such a long time to wait haha. And what is my type? Please enlighten me Tongue
Couldn't you just ask him what his intentions are?
This "relationship" you guys have entered into makes ME anxious lol.
i said too much effort

Him: (being a man and apologizing again)
then he apologised again and said he didnt mean for it to happen and it really did want to see me.
You: (closing the deal and letting him know, you will be fine without him and reconfirming)
i said it was fine

Him: (giving it one LAST shot)
he said can we make it another day?
You: (clearly ending things and stating so)
i said nah i dont wonna make anymore plans.

Him: (acknowledging and letting you know he heard you loud and clear)
he wrote back okay.
You (now playing victim in a forum)
I don't understand why he is messing with me!!

Posted by Ariesgal92

I said yes so we will see if he bails this time haha. I'm not annoyed when he bails because i am clingy and must see him.
I am annoyed because i am already so nervous and anxious about seeing him and am the whole time up until i see him. I just kind of want to get it done and over with - not have him bail then make another plan and be so damn nervous all over again!! I'm only THIS nervous because i do not know what his intentions are and it scares me. It's not really drama -

That ^^^ would be bullshit. Your reaction and immature behavior to the first time he had to break the date (and respectively let you know instead of blowing you off completely) is very clear to WHO can't get over herself due to a sense of "how dare you" entitlelment issues. My prediction of anything becoming of the two of you is a bang in the sack...your insecure behavior becoming 10 times worse and him walking.
@happykitsune yes i could ask but i dont want to look crazy i havent known him that long hahaha! Yes it's making me very anxious though Sad
@LetltB thank you for so thoroughly going through each and every action of mine and also adding a couple of insults in there. I do not "play games" - the actions that you did not agree with were because i was upset. It's hard to pretend your ok and just make plans happily for another day when all your feeling is disappointment. You have seemed to paint him as the angel in all of this and me as the devil when in fact you don't know me, him or either of our true intentions yet you seem so sure with what you are saying. Yes i agree, you made some good points and yes i can be immature and insecure but so can everyone going into something new with someone. It doesnt make them a bad person. I realise i am stressing too much so early on but i've been through alot in my life and it is hard for me to trust but i am capable of trust once it is earned.
@champranger Yes i agree with what you are saying and it makes sense. I think because this is a forum i am expressing my thoughts which tend to be different to my actions at times. I know i am immature at times - especially when it comes to feelings/emotions but i just over think. I dont ever mean anyone any harm and i like to think that my intentions towards people are always pure. Thank you for your input though.
Posted by Ariesgal92
@LetltB thank you for so thoroughly going through each and every action of mine and also adding a couple of insults in there. I do not "play games" - the actions that you did not agree with were because i was upset. It's hard to pretend your ok and just make plans happily for another day when all your feeling is disappointment. You have seemed to paint him as the angel in all of this and me as the devil when in fact you don't know me, him or either of our true intentions yet you seem so sure with what you are saying. Yes i agree, you made some good points and yes i can be immature and insecure but so can everyone going into something new with someone. It doesnt make them a bad person. I realise i am stressing too much so early on but i've been through alot in my life and it is hard for me to trust but i am capable of trust once it is earned.

I don't insult, I tell the truth
I did not say you were a bad person
I did not say the man you are putting this through is an Angel
You met this dude two months ago, with a 1.5 hour date.
You act like you've been in a committed relationship for five years. He doesn't owe you anything but respect. According to what you've told us, he's done exactly that. You chose to play games with him.
How's that working for you?
I may "seem so sure" in what I'm saying because people like you are a window pane. I see right through it. I can't help it.
....and I'd bet my house the Scorpio does too.
We went to the movies the other day and i am seeing him tonight so it's not 1.5 hours. I don't like that you keep saying i am playing games because i am not! If it appears to be that way then wow i've learnt something new here and i need to re evaluate my actions because i am not intending on playing games.
Just an update to anyone that cares remotely. He used me. I wasn't even there for half an hour maybe and we kissed and he initiated sex then as soon as the movie finished he said hes tired, started yawning saying wow its late (obviously hinting for me to leave). Not only thought but brought up his ex after. Also didn't even give me a hug or kiss bye,just said bye. AND i walked passed his brother who he did not introduce me to or say hi. Manipulative lying deceptive bastard!
Oh and when i got home he sent me a text message saying 'was i good haha'.
This is Scorpio men for you.
Oh and before you say maybe the guy was tired - it was 9:30 at night and clearly he was awake because he texted me half an hour after i left.
Yeah no shit. Just wanted an ego boost.
Sometimes we just have to listen to our intuition even when it seems that we are being unreasonable or out of line. Many times I have felt "off" about something and questioned if I was sane only to later find I had every reason to feel that way.
This is probably why you felt nervous and something felt "off" about him. Your gut was telling you something's wrong because, as you said, you've been hurt before so you've subconsciously learned to pick up on these situations.
I kissed him because i liked him and i wanted to but he did it because he wanted to use me Sad
Yes i know i really should have listened to my intuition and i get so mad when i dont and ignore it coz i swear its always right!! I regret so badly not listening to it now i feel like my self worth has just dropped dramatically.
I'm confused. So YOUR intention was to have a relationship? Obviously not just sex.
Not sure why you would dive into sex with someone you were so anxious about? And who's intentions weren't made clear.
Not saying sex at the beginning is a bad thing, but if you didn't just want sex then I would have found out his intentions first (not necessarily asking, but getting to know him better through a series of dates).
Oh well...hopefully lesson learned for next time, right?
He knew what he was in for, you showed him very early on your behavior of what life would be like after a 1.5hr date.
He used your paranoia against you knowing you would walk...and you did. Clever Scorp.
I mean...THAT BASTARD! Crying
Posted by Ariesgal92
Wow someone please shed some light on this situation to me.
I met a Scorpio male just over 2 weeks ago. He would text me everyday without doubt, ask about my day, goals, ambitions, life, opinions etc. We really got along and it was great. I met him once and we just went for a drive and it was great we spoke the whole time (1.5 hours). He had arranged for us to go to the movies last Thursday and i agreed. Then on Thursday he texts me that something has come up and can we go tomorrow? I sort of cracked it and said i'm busy and cant so it will have to be sometime next week. Then he msged back asking if we can go Monday. I just chose to ignore him because he didnt even give me a reason as to why he bailed. He didnt msg me Friday and all day Saturday then saturday night sends a text asking how my weekend is going. I decided to reply and we talked. HE asked if we could go to the movies Sunday, i said sure. He msged me Sunday morning asking if im still keen to go i said yes. I was nervous all day because i was worried he would bail again. I msg him half an hour before im about to leave and he sends a text saying he just got pulled over and got a fine for having no licence or some bullshit. I said oh if your upset we dont have to go...he said yeah can we please go tomorrow night (today now) i promise i wont screw it up this time. I wrote back saying nah dont worry about it. He ignored what i said and said can we go tomorrow or are you busy? then i said dont worry about it and he said so you dont want to see me anymore? i said too much effort then he apologised again and said he didnt mean for it to happen and it really did want to see me. i said it was fine, and he said can we make it another day? i said nah i dont wonna make anymore plans. he wrote back okay.

I don't understand why he is messing with me!! Shows so much interest, is lovely towards me. Then just bails on plans and trys to reschedule all the time. What is the point. I wish i knew what was going through his head Sad

to be honest, just from the first post, it sounded like he wasn't really into you much. sorry this happened to you.
Posted by Ariesgal92
Oh and when i got home he sent me a text message saying 'was i good haha'.
This is Scorpio men for you.

That's not a Scorpio man. That's not an any man. That's an asshole.

gurl, you dodged a bullet. now you know where that road leads.
Posted by tiziani
Well at least you dodged a bullet eh.
It takes time to get to know people. Text messages and social media, it's a kind of bs that's not for me.

not for us Tiz, youre right. we earth venus/mars need more than that.
Hahaha he is an absolute joke of a person!!! He messaged me last night at 7:30 pm asking how work was and what i was doing. I stopped replying after 2 texts. He messaged me this morning at 9 am saying "have a good day babe". I'm not gonna reply for hours and when i do im just saying thanks smile
He wants to play games then i'll play games no worries. I hate men like this. He tells me he hates girls who plays games then he does it himself. Time to taste his own medicine.
I am just really repulsed by his "Was I good haha" message. That just screams insecure and immature to me, like he needs you to validate that he was.
Don't even bother with the games, If you truly felt disrespected by him then you owe no explanation so just block his number and have nothing to do with him. On the other hand, if you want to part ways on friendly terms then just message him how he made you feel and that you aren't interested in pursuing this.
Trust me though, you are better off cutting all contact, those scorp men are persistent to the point of stalkerish. "Give them an inch and they will take a mile" I think is the motto they live by.
Yes I totally agree with you! I don't think he is insecure, immature yes - probably just wanted an ego boost. Or maybe i gave off the impression that i wasn't satisfied who knows lol. Yeah i'm not 100% sure how i will play this. He doesn't deserve my time of day i know this and he won't get it. Are they really stalkerish?? Oh crap :/ but if he just used me and i stop showing interest he will surely just forget about me and stop pursuing right?
I only have experience with one from my knowledge, and he was a stage 5 clinger/stalker, but I am sure they are not all like this. I myself am a Scorpio and am very much different. You will have to take into account other aspects of his astrological chart, Like what his moon and venus are.
It has been 2 years since I have seen the Scorp and he still finds ways to contact me. I blocked his number, blocked him on all social media, had most of my friends block him (aside from mutual friends) and he would still call and text of other numbers, comment on pictures that mutual friends put up that I was in (until they blocked him also), there was a stage were I would get at least 5 calls to my work a day where the person wouldn't say anything and then hang up (probably wasn't him but at the time I was scared enough to think it was). When I initially called it off (mind you we were friends before we began seeing each other, and only really saw each other romantically for about 2-3 months, so don't know how he became so attached) he started threatening me with messages like "That's okay, I know where you live". He may have not specifically threatened me, but it was suggestive enough that I called the police. I don't think he would of physically harmed me, though my family and friends all seemed to think otherwise.
So In this case, yeah really stalkerish. He even found out I was seeing someone and threatened to bash them. I think he may have had some mental issues, because this was beyond normal jealousy and possessiveness. So again, I doubt it is all Scorpio men.
As for if he just used you, would he stop showing interest...That is hard to say. Coming from a scorpio woman, I personally do not persue someone I am not interested in, not even for attention or an ego boost. I will however be nice to someone if I classify them as a friend but know they wish for more, but I'll make it obvious I only want friendship by calling them "kiddo" etc. As I said he, sounds insecure and despite you saying he is not, you then contradicted that by saying he wanted an ego boost. So maybe he is pursuing to get that attention from you as men do like to have a harem of women hanging around as back ups. But then on the same token, I can't imagine he would be initiating all the conversations (the message straight after you hung and then the message the next morning after you hadn't replied to his last message) if he wasn't interested.
I don't think he used you, Men do tend to
Continuing** Men do tend to get tired after sex. He may have messaged 30 mins later which showed he didn't fall straight off to sleep, but he was tired enough not to feel like entertaining a guest. If you are interested in him (which I think you are to still be here posting about him) then just try to stop over thinking every thing and take each day as it comes.
Oh wow thats fkd up!!! What a crazy man haha i'm sorry you had to go through all of that :/ i swear majority of Scorpio men are like that though - my dad is and alot of other Scorps i know. You see that's what i thought, i thought he would not pursue me this hard if he just wanted sex. This is why i thought maybe he was interested in me but his actions that night proved otherwise. This guy obviously just needs attention or an ego boost so yeah i guess he is insecure then lol. I think he is still speaking with his ex-girlfriend so maybe i am a rebound or back up. Look i think he is initiating all this conversation because he is sex. Not me. He knows he needs to obviously talk to me to get to see me. I'm not the type of girl he can just message at any time of the day/night and just say 'come over'. Because i won't. I make him work for it. I understand they get tired but it just came across so rude. Like i was planning on leaving anyway 10-15 mins after the movie had finished he really didn't need to hint for me to leave, i had work the next day too so i had to get going anyway. I don't know how i can be still interested after he made me feel so used but i guess you are right. But i don't trust him now and he would have to do something dramatic to gain my trust back.
Posted by Ariesgal92
Oh wow thats fkd up!!! What a crazy man haha i'm sorry you had to go through all of that :/ i swear majority of Scorpio men are like that though - my dad is and alot of other Scorps i know. You see that's what i thought, i thought he would not pursue me this hard if he just wanted sex. This is why i thought maybe he was interested in me but his actions that night proved otherwise. This guy obviously just needs attention or an ego boost so yeah i guess he is insecure then lol. I think he is still speaking with his ex-girlfriend so maybe i am a rebound or back up. Look i think he is initiating all this conversation because he is sex. Not me. He knows he needs to obviously talk to me to get to see me. I'm not the type of girl he can just message at any time of the day/night and just say 'come over'. Because i won't. I make him work for it. I understand they get tired but it just came across so rude. Like i was planning on leaving anyway 10-15 mins after the movie had finished he really didn't need to hint for me to leave, i had work the next day too so i had to get going anyway. I don't know how i can be still interested after he made me feel so used but i guess you are right. But i don't trust him now and he would have to do something dramatic to gain my trust back.

All this emotion for two dates.... you must be exhausted! Good thing you didn't have sex with him eh?
I mean just kissing him is tearing you apart....