Hi everyone, I'm new here - I've signed up just to post in this section.
Firstly I am a Scorpio (more of the loner type). About 10 years ago I was in a relationship with a Scorpio man (more of the sociable type)
It was a bit of a train wreck of a relationship TBH. The highs where like nothing I have ever experienced before, we connected in a way that I can really explain, but equally the lows were really bad. Mind games / manipulation / withholding sex / jealousy etc.
So we went our separate ways (eventually). Kept in touch on and off. He met someone else, I met someone else. I got married, had a kid, bought a house etc and generally moved on. His relationship didn't work out and he is now single. He was (is) always in my thoughts - everyday I still think about him.
A couple of years ago we started chatting over Facebook quite a bit. We have some honest conversations about what happened in our relationship. Sometimes it would be months with nothing and other times we would chat every night for weeks.
Then out and about one day we run into each other and go for a drink. After a few hours we go back to his place and have amazing sex. I of course feel really guilty afterwards as I am married and don't do cheating - well never up to that point anyway.
We have met again a couple of times. I know I've been confused about everything and said that we can't meet again but then I can't stay away and send him a message. He has been equally as hot and cold with me.
So yeah what to do? I can't cope with cutting him out my life completely but I know he will always be in my head. I find myself now wondering if staying with my husband is the best idea, not that I would leave in the hope of Scorp Man and I getting back together - I'm not that naive. But I can't truly be happy if I could cheat on him with my ex ? It's not fair on him.
So any advice? I don't want to go into another round of Scorpio vs Scorpio mind games again - it was bad enough the first time round. Should I just quit all communication and leave it at that? (Even though his lack of communication will have me desperate to contact him) and hope that 3 months down the line he doesn't start contacting me and we go back to the same old.
What's the sign of your husband??
ScorpLeo - Husband is a Sagittarius.
Rabbit - Well I've never in all my years and relationships so much as kissed anyone else. I know if it was anyone else but this ex I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of going for a drink, let alone have sex with them.
I'm not looking for anyone's approval or disapproval of the cheating thanks. I know what I have done. I am now considering ending my marriage because of it. I know if it was the other way around I would not forgive him.
Ok so should I have posted and left out the cheating part then?
I thought I would get at least a bit if advice on how to stay the hell away from my ex. That's the bit I'm struggling with.
Everybody deserves second chances.... I know cheating is a crime and a Sagittarius will never forgive or forget it... I know nobody can understand what made you do this but now that unfortunately it has happened there's just one thing you can do.... Shut your eyes and think... Think for a while and choose the person you see! If it's your ex... Tell your husband but if you see your husband and family.....lose the ex and never, as in never tell your husband what happened! People are gonna hate my reply but ultimately you know what you're going through and what matters most is your intentions and your heart!
Ok I do get what everyone is saying. I too was in the same camp until all this happened. It's been a long fall off my pedestal believe me.
I'm not making excuses for cheating. I know it is wrong. I know I shouldn't have let it happen.
We only had sex that one time and the other times we have met (before and after) there has been nothing sexual happen (unless a hug counts) but there is sexual chemistry. I have told him it can't happen again and he hasn't pushed the subject. It's not like we are regularly meeting up for sex or anything like that. Emotionally cheating perhaps? I don't know. He knows me so well already. It's not like I'm sharing all this new stuff with him.
Signed Up:
Jan 05, 2014Comments: 23 · Posts: 2298 · Topics: 37
I won't chew you a new asshole. You know what you did and the consequences are yours to pay.
We are all flawed and no one here should judge you. I said 'should' but that's not the way this thread will pan out.
The scenario with the Scorpio ex: At first I thought maybe Twin Flame relationship but if it were and you end the relationship with your husband because of the Scorp then it ceases to be a Twin Flame relationship. Twins will not do this.
There are some Karmic values at play here though.
A- Tell your Husband. If you Love Him, Respect Him, and Cherish Him? Tell him before you end it. Face your consequences and if it survives you will be stronger. If it doesn't you will know you did the right thing after you did the wrong thing by taking the appropriate steps to bring full and complete closure to you current connection.
B- Break up with your Husband... end your marriage for a connection that will untimately be tainted by the fact that you cheated on your husband in the first place. No good karma can come from that.
@FrostAndBite & Stillwaters...That's the best advice I've heard so far...+ 100000000000.
Either way Blankpage, you have a moral decision to make, so make your choice, woman up
and deal with the consequences because every action will have a re-action.
No one's perfect and we all made mistakes that we regret, and no matter how much chemistry
you and this dude have, it's apparent there is no future for either of you as a couple.
If you have a pretty good husband and decent marriage, decide what's most important too you.
Your family or this on and off sexual relationship with this guy.
Good Luck to you though.
Signed Up:
Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
N people say were unfaithful..
Well yes there are some issues with my husband but I don't really want to share them on this thread as I feel it will sound like me making excuses.
I'm not here to blame my husband for what happened. To me that feels like I would be making excuses and blaming him for my actions which is not the case at all. Im should not have let myself get involved with someone else regardless of the issues in my marriage.
I am here because I am confused with my own emotions. How after all this time can I still be thinking about this guy? It's not like he pops into my head just when I'm feeling bad about my current relationship, he's there all the time. I suppose I thought that over time I would start to forget about him, that my memories would fade and it would be like with previous relationships. Maybe I would see something that would remind me of them (like a song or a movie) and then the memory would pass and I don't think about them for ages until something else makes me remember them. Not this guy though I find myself wondering where he is, what he is doing, if he's happy etc. How do you get that out your head? Even before the Facebook contact and not speaking to him for 2/3 years it was still there. And then for a while I would see him everywhere (literally) it was crazy but it passed after about 6 months. Then nothing for another year until we became Facebook friends, in the beginning we didn't even chat that much and even when we did it wasn't in a I miss you type of way. It was in a hows things? How's the job? Etc type of conversation. There was never any type of flirting or sexual undertones to the conversations it was always just a friend type conversation.
As for on the rebound? No. When I first met my husband I made it clear I was only a few months out of a relationship and not ready to get into another one. It was another 4 months before we actually went out as I did feel at that time I was ready to move on. I have never done rebound relationships, I like about a year on my own to get my head together. Ok in this case it was about 8 1/2 months. Maybe that was too soon but I did really like him and he was patient enough to wait around until I felt ready. Our relationship was like nothing I had experienced before. No drama, no games just easy and made perfect sense. Things only really started to fall apart once we had out child. The whole dynamic changed.
Anyway I am thinking of deleting this thread now as I have shared far too much already.
I'm not going to judge you, I'll get into what I think your post was asking. It sounds like this is one of those situations where you settled for the wrong person and ended up marrying them and you let the other one get away from you. Yes? No? If the person got away and came back...and you guys still can't stay away from each other, I would say that this is either a serious case of infatuation or true love at it's best. If it's that true love, that once in a lifetime love, that soul mate/twin flame love...I'd say go for it! Although you would have to deal with the emotional and financial consequences of hurting your wife (or husband? I can't remember if you are male or female) and kids, I think living out your life with the one you truly love is the best option. If not, it will reflect in the way you treat your family and your perspective about a lot of life decisions. It's selfish, yes. But if that's where true happiness lies, then that's where true happiness will be. I think you should take care of your family as best as possible with helping them transition. I just hope you are 1000% sure about this person before you take such a huge leap though.
I don't see me and the other guy working out as a couple to be honest. I can get him out my head but I am not convinced we could work as a couple. I would be too afraid of the past repeating itself.
I think what this had given me is a wake up call. Perhaps I'm not supposed to be with anyone - I have always suspected this but thought I must have been wrong when I met my husband. I guess not.
I have been away trying to figure out the best way to forget about this guy and get him out of my head for good. (Like I should have done years ago)
I know I need to let go and deal with the whole situation.
I have been reading different thing on the internet on the best way to forget someone and let them go - I finally think I've figured it out.
The guy has always be a bit of a narcissist. I never thought he was that bad, sure he had some of the classic signs but I for what ever reason always chose to explain and justify his behaviour to myself. I just put his behaviour down to his being young, I blamed myself for being too into him. Lots of excuses. Looking more into it now he displays quite a few sociopath traits. Actually more than a few - reading the checklists I swear I thought it was written specifically about him. How the hell did I miss that.
So yeah I'm done. He's gone from my phone and my Facebook. I actually feel so foolish that it's taken me all this time to figure him out. I'm normally great at working out what someone is all about but this one has thrown me. I do however feel like a weight has been lifted and I feel better than I have in a long time.
As for my husband and I, I'm really not sure how it will all work out.
How's it a contradiction? You have quoted my posts out of order. I have come to a decision over what to do and I have decided to cut all contact.
I made this decision yesterday and blocked him on Facebook and deleted his number from my phone. I have been looking back over my past relationship with him and the way things have been recently and I can see them in a way I have not been able to before.
The reason I came on here and posted in the first place was that I was finally feeling ready to face up to everything. I haven't spoken to anyone (in RL or online) about what has happened. I don't like to share how I'm feeling with people and I find it particularly difficult to admit when I have messed up. You can think what you like about me. I really don't care.
My child is perfectly happy and very well loved thank you. Her dad might spend a lot of time out if the house but he does love her. He plays with her, reads her stories and gives her plenty of cuddles. He just has a hard time spending a lot of time at home.
And I am not 'stuck' with her. I'm guessing you don't have kids? You don't feel 'stuck' with them. You love them completely and unconditionally in a way that is unexplainable. Yes she has changed my life but I wouldn't swap her for anything. She is the best thing I have ever done in my life. Things with her father and I might not work out but that doesn't mean she will be any less loved or wanted. Broken homes do not always make messed up kids. Plenty of messed up people come from normal 2 parent families.