You guys bore me to death.

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by jennaT on Saturday, August 26, 2006 and has 15 replies.
Why do we only have sex in common? Why do you intellectually make me want to take a nap? If I could get past this, perhaps I would entertain the notion of an aries/scorp relationship.

Seriously though, sometimes with my Scorp friends I feel like I am dealing with an emotional being and not an intellectual one.....WHAT GIVES?
disclaimer- this is NOT intended to be an insult, so please don't take it as one.
Seriously though, sometimes with my Scorp friends I feel like I am dealing with an emotional being and not an intellectual one
It depends what kind you deal with. There are some idiots to every sign.
Jenna, I feel the same way about
i guess what i am trying to say is that i see so much more potential in you guys than you convey.
maybe it's cos ya'll are just not as mentally fast as us. i think that if i give a scorp some time that they can give me a come back.... but by then i am LONG GONE.
do you guys just like to ponder or what?
or perhaps you are just like virgos?
i always kid with my guy that if we were in a life or death split second decision, we would die, cos he just takes too much damn time to formulate some action. lol
Why do we only have sex in common?
How early did you have sex with this guy? How long have you been dating him now?
I do have to disagree with you about the Scorpio's lack of wit and fast thinking. The Scorpio I've been dating is very shart, quick witted and quick on his feet. I think it has to do with age as well as personality. How old is your Scorp?
that would be sharP, not shart.....maybe he shoulnd't be dating a illiterate Taurus like me...LOL
maybe it's cos ya'll are just not as mentally fast as us.
HAHAHAH..thats hillarious..You've defo met the idiotic ones then.
The scorpios I know are very intelligent. Love having in-depth conversations with them. Also good decision makers. Look at all aspects of things. Definitely have to agree with houstonpeach. Probably an age issue too. And if it's a guy say in his 20s, probably definitely an age thing.
Defo the age thing..They are stupid when they are young..but even them some have razor sharp wit..
i am not dating a scorp, but i am dating a virgo. i guess you guys may be right about the age thing. i go to school with a bunch of 23-26 year olds, so maybe that it the case. i know the closer you are to 30, the more wit you aquire.
i just feel like maybe our brains process stuff at different speeds. aries is a very witty, very QUICK thinker, where as scorpio seems like they have much to offer, but just like a virgo, they need to sit on it longer. now don't get me wrong, sitting on it longer is NEVER a bad thing...but if you are at a cocktail party lets say, you can always pick out the quick, on their toes thinkers, the ones who can make fast convo with anyone in the room at lightning speed....ya'll know what i'm getting at?

which i guess is the reason i cannot believe that we could EVER share mars equally.
what exactly do we have in common? and why are we so SEXUALLY drawn to eachother? is it cos we are astrological cousins? ewww.....gross! lol!
chickentail party? uh...that is supposed to be ckock tail party.
I completely understand what you are saying...
Its like I get to the point on things so much quicker than the Scorps. I first noticed this back in Jr high with my best friend. As years went on she has become much quicker with the mind with me. Dont get it twisted, she was always intelligent, Im not saying it in that seance.
Scorps are emotional.Personally I prefer to think things over from every single mentally before saying anything if I do say anything.Socially,sure,I can play with the best of them however "astrology speaking" thats supposedly has to do with the sag planets in my chart in particular sag rising.However I prefer not to socialize most of the time cause I have more fun with myselfsmile
Was this a joke question? I have never been slow to respond to anything. Matter of fact. I am real quick on my toes. Unless a question catches me off guard and it is coming from "left field" other than that. Normally I am not slow to answer something. Unless it doesn't need an answer or it is so stupid. I figure "Why bother"?