Your Learning Style

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by duchesslibro on Friday, July 10, 2015 and has 5 replies.
How do you learn best? What is your preferred learning environment/energy?

My little guy is Scorpio Sun & Mercury (Rx). I prefer to let him discover and learn at whatever pace he leads with and am not the type of parent to strongly prompt him to do and say things, etc. (He's a toddler, so we're in the learning to talk and identify things stage.) I develop structure and routines based on the cues I observe from him. I help him but I do not force him into things he is not showing signs of readiness for.

Any input from Scorpios would be greatly appreciated. smile
Posted by duchesslibro
How do you learn best? What is your preferred learning environment/energy?

My little guy is Scorpio Sun & Mercury (Rx). I prefer to let him discover and learn at whatever pace he leads with and am not the type of parent to strongly prompt him to do and say things, etc. (He's a toddler, so we're in the learning to talk and identify things stage.) I develop structure and routines based on the cues I observe from him. I help him but I do not force him into things he is not showing signs of readiness for.

Any input from Scorpios would be greatly appreciated. smile

Was raised with a litter of I'm the youngest. According to my older siblings, I did best alone. (as a toddler) If someone cursed, it became my word for the be careful there. Scorp toddlers OBSERVE like sponges.... You might think he's not listening and watching, but just know HE IS.

Throughout the years, I loved to read books...always did and still do (screw kindle)

I studied best in silence and alone for tests/exams. Couldn't concentrate in a library or study hall. Memorization was my specialty.

I'm Scorp sun and Merc too. (both in the 8th)
Also any teacher, sibling or parent who used their imagination and unique teaching techniques had my attention...
Posted by duchesslibro
How do you learn best? What is your preferred learning environment/energy?

My little guy is Scorpio Sun & Mercury (Rx). I prefer to let him discover and learn at whatever pace he leads with and am not the type of parent to strongly prompt him to do and say things, etc. (He's a toddler, so we're in the learning to talk and identify things stage.) I develop structure and routines based on the cues I observe from him. I help him but I do not force him into things he is not showing signs of readiness for.

Any input from Scorpios would be greatly appreciated. smile

Depends on what I am learning about. Overall in school I was an auditory, visual and tactile leaner. I was also very independent. Translation: leave me alone while I poke, prod and explore. I'll call if I need your assistance, which wasn't often. I liked to learn alone only because I didn't want restrictions and would get into things as I please. Usually into things I shouldn't have Devil.

When I was learning something new or in class I required both audio and visual supports. If one is missing it's harder (but not impossible) to retain the information. I would listen to my teachers or professors (or whomsoever was teaching me something) and observe them. If their body language, tone or expression changed I would know this was important, take note and exclude everything else that was said. I catch on quite fast and can get annoyed by slowness in others.

I am the same with people with respect to learning about others. I observe and pick up on tiny changes in tone, expression and the words they choose to use or exclude to determine what it is I need to know from or about them.

Your little one must be so much fun. I like watching little Scorps learn. They take in everything, but play it off like they aren't. When they catch me watching I just smirk and they smile. Yes, I see you....

Sun and Merc in Scorp.
I wasn't much of a reader and couldn't read at the same rate as many of my peers when I was in grade school. I was actually below a few grade levels. I was too busy getting into trouble and cheating. One teacher took an interest in fixing that and although I went through the process kicking and screaming I am very grateful he did. After that, I read books every chance I got and developed a love for reading.

If you see a lack of interest or skill in a particular area, just know it will work itself out with patience and time.