Your Sign vs God

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Chancellor on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 and has 105 replies.
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I can imagine this will either be distasteful to some, intriguing to others. Hopefully we can have a mature discourse above all.

There is a school of thought that your planetary influences do not necessarily define your character, but rather your tendencies. I believe that if we can overcome these influences with laser-sharp intention and action that we do not have to succumb to anything but our own will. Predestination is not pre-determination, so to speak. Perhaps astrology is a means to set mental expectations and layer people in clouds of delusion too thick to unravel over time, thus distracting us from real life and purpose. Perhaps transcendence is available through a power higher than these. Please share your free-thinking on this matter. No thought is incorrect.
Why would that be distateful?
Because, I believed it could be based on my imagination, didn't you read the first 3 words? Big Grin
Posted by jukey

It's an interesting thought to build on. Keep going.

On a somewhat related note, I like the idea of everyone being "god-like" not so much a servant of "god," but cut from the same cloth. To be on equal footing with such an entity/source/energy, not submissive to it. But I digress.
An off-spring of a cat is a cat, and a dog a dog. If we are crafted in God's image, then we are indeed already godlike. And servant-hood would just be an expression of humility out of love and reverence. Ultimately, it's possible that we were purposed to be a part of creation itself.

I came to this thought because I grew up early on with occult influences. Freemasonry, tarot cards, etc. I also grew up with Christian influences too. So this thought-pattern we're discussing is partially also about what does one do with knowledge s/he wasn't supposed to have in the first place? I cannot un-know what I know. Is it even necessary to un-do knowledge? Productive?
I should also add (pardon the pander) that this discussion could only experience a deep dive on the Scorp forum.
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seen this floating around lately, i think nikkistar posted it too lol

really though it's extremely self-limiting to define ourselves by placements, and make excuses for negative behaviors and patterns based on such. it's also limiting to the people in our lives whose charts we break down trying to understand them. we set ourselves up for failure.

unless we evolve and become super scorp phoenix level? is that enlightenment?
i remember as a preteen i saw a scorpio hoodie at the mall and my dad was like, nope. lmao
@jukey: that's based on rules in the dead sea scrolls, many of which were hidden from us by the Vatican itself. The practice of divination is what would be condemned and would dictate it. I don't view it as a dictation, but rather a guideline set for us to achieve a perfect self-expression - "god-likeness." This is essentially the real goal of Christianity. However, you're right. None of us have a choice in what we know initially. In fact, this is just culture. People born in India do not know what it's like in China. That's just their knowledge base to start with.

@exo very good. We cannot use tendencies to give ourselves generous permissions to do the wrong things.
i think most people get into astrology and other divination initially because they're trying to understand themselves and others, it's like a desperation move lol. i try not to take it so seriously and look at it more as understanding human nature and psychology, but at the same time, we know this shit is accurate af.
Posted by exoskeleton_

i remember as a preteen i saw a scorpio hoodie at the mall and my dad was like, nope. lmao
My dad was the same way. They seemed to have innate wisdom about it.
Posted by exoskeleton_

i think most people get into astrology and other divination initially because they're trying to understand themselves and others, it's like a desperation move lol. i try not to take it so seriously and look at it more as understanding human nature and psychology, but at the same time, we know this shit is accurate af.
And this is where I always had the hardest time understanding why it was considered a form of evil in the ancient scriptures.

We appear to have a tool that seems to show itself as highly accurate. If God made the stars, did He give us this tool? Or has the first heaven been armed by Satan for the sole purpose of setting our expectations to magnetic pulls in the planets as an intricate weapon of mass distraction?
Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Posted by MissKrabs

I thought that was the mainstream idea lol. Just look at twins who have identical charts and becoming diff ppl.
I agree with this. But to play devil's advocate, I would tell you also that a professional astrologer would say that even a few minutes difference can change someone's astrological "DNA."
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?
Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?
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I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign

Well whatever the reason I chose this forum, it's here.

"Besides, all things has names - cat, dog - but it's human invention. How we know, beside the fact they are independent creatures that we aren't one "organism"?"

I want to discuss this further too. You could also pose this another way. For instance, does the color that looks green to me look blue to you? We were taught what the things we see are called. And like you quoted also, they were based on ideas.

Yet our cultures, upbringings, geography, education, and life experience have tremendous influence over our perceptions. And all of the above are also human invention. If we never knew astrology, would it still be at play? If we never learn about God how can we believe in Him?

It's possible that both of the aforementioned ideas are true, and that we must pick a side. Humans are subject to sway one way or the other - good and evil without active choices being made every day. I wouldn't want to be the one who lived all life never picking.
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by exoskeleton_

i think most people get into astrology and other divination initially because they're trying to understand themselves and others, it's like a desperation move lol. i try not to take it so seriously and look at it more as understanding human nature and psychology, but at the same time, we know this shit is accurate af.

And this is where I always had the hardest time understanding why it was considered a form of evil in the ancient scriptures.

We appear to have a tool that seems to show itself as highly accurate. If God made the stars, did He give us this tool? Or has the first heaven been armed by Satan for the sole purpose of setting our expectations to magnetic pulls in the planets as an intricate weapon of mass distraction?
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right. and how many references to using astrology/astronomy are there in the bible? the 3 wise men and king solomon come to mind. is this knowledge a gift or delusion, i wonder.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign

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very curious your input on this stuff, stars smile
Posted by ClassyAquarius

This is very interesting topic. Here are my thoughts

1. Basic but I may be wrong - if sun has impact on life, moon on gravity, why planets can't have impact on other things?

2. We are made from the same matter as the whole Universe, the smallest element is the atom.

3. Every every living life has dna made from 4 same acids.

Besides, all things has names - cat, dog - but it's human invention. How we know, beside the fact they are independent creatures that we aren't one "organism"?

And also I like this quote :

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good points here, i always thought if the moon affects the tides and plant and animal behavior etc then certainly it must have some influence on us as well.
Posted by Chancellor

No thought is incorrect.
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That's my cue.

Well of course it is. It's influences, not fully programmed into you. You CAN resist if you try. But the issue in most people is, it's a lot easier to give into your astral nature and be a bitch or a career loser (plenty of DXP examples to choose from) than to not.

Most people are weak and pathetic, and are content with being so. That's why you still see DXPers that have been here for 5-10 years, and they're in the exact same life spot they were when they first signed up. That's beyond cringe. Evolution has clearly passed them by, and I'm glad they're not spreading their inferior genes around. Last thing we need is people like that to poison the gene pool.

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King Solomon ended up frequently using demonic forces to aid his works toward the end, and was led astray by women of different faiths, which God warned him not to do. In the book of Tobit (a book not even mentioned in today's bibles), he had control over a demon which helped him construct the temple. This is an example of divination being used for what he thought were good intentions but ended up being his downfall.

The 3 wisemen, however, used astronomy more like a map instead of for spiritual guidance. Daniel also put the astrologers to complete shame with King Nebuchadnezzar. Astrologers were the king's advisors at that time.

So in all of these examples except for the wisemen, there appeared to be two forces at work and each person chose which one to utilize.
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by Chancellor

No thought is incorrect.'s my cue.

Well of course it is. It's influences, not fully programmed into you. You CAN resist if you try. But the issue in most people is, it's a lot easier to give into your astral nature and be a bitch or a career loser (plenty of DXP examples to choose from) than to not.

Most people are weak and pathetic, and are content with being so. That's why you still see DXPers that have been here for 5-10 years, and they're in the exact same life spot they were when they first signed up. That's beyond cringe. Evolution has clearly passed them by, and I'm glad they're not spreading their inferior genes around. Last thing we need is people like that to poison the gene pool.

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You're right. However, it's clear that the only difference between the weak and the strong are choices.
Posted by Chancellor


King Solomon ended up frequently using demonic forces to aid his works toward the end, and was led astray by women of different faiths, which God warned him not to do. In the book of Tobit (a book not even mentioned in today's bibles), he had control over a demon which helped him construct the temple. This is an example of divination being used for what he thought were good intentions but ended up being his downfall.

The 3 wisemen, however, used astronomy more like a map instead of for spiritual guidance. Daniel also put the astrologers to complete shame with King Nebuchadnezzar. Astrologers were the king's advisors at that time.

So in all of these examples except for the wisemen, there appeared to be two forces at work and each person chose which one to utilize.

good stuff.

king solomon fucked with the queen of sheba no?

i remember reading somewhere the star of bethlehem is actually a conjunctions of planets.

also to mention the fallen angel who taught humans astrology.
Posted by ClassyAquarius
Posted by Chancellor


"Besides, all things has names - cat, dog - but it's human invention. How we know, beside the fact they are independent creatures that we aren't one "organism"?"

I want to discuss this further too. You could also pose this another way. For instance, does the color that looks green to me look blue to you? We were taught what the things we see are called. And like you quoted also, they were based on ideas.

Yet our cultures, upbringings, geography, education, and life experience have tremendous influence over our perceptions. And all of the above are also human invention. If we never knew astrology, would it still be at play? If we never learn about God how can we believe in Him?

It's possible that both of the aforementioned ideas are true, and that we must pick a side. Humans are subject to sway one way or the other - good and evil without active choices being made every day. I wouldn't want to be the one who lived all life never picking.

From my perspective astrology doesn't necessarily exclude God. Since all is God creation so the planets and Univers too. What if The univers is God, and we are all part of him?
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I am actually 100% certain that what you said regarding creation is true. There's no other being that can create anything. Mankind and its spirit can be creative and put everything in the world to use for expression or function of some kind, but it cannot create matter out of thin air. Therefore, the planets and galaxies and all creatures are in-fact ordained by God's order.

I just wonder sometimes if certain forces of nefarious cunning have corrupted creation as it talked about in the book of Enoch, thus giving us the knowledge to choose between two forces we probably weren't intended to even know about.

See, it is evident that everyone here is either here for fun or because they have a belief in destiny of some sort, and that there are paths laid before us for choice.

Unrelated, I'm going to smoke tobacco out of a corn-cob pipe for a moment because that's the mood I'm in now thanks to your additions to this discourse. Thank you for engaging with sincerity.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign

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Believe it or not I agree with that dude. This subject's too deep for Geminis.
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by Chancellor


King Solomon ended up frequently using demonic forces to aid his works toward the end, and was led astray by women of different faiths, which God warned him not to do. In the book of Tobit (a book not even mentioned in today's bibles), he had control over a demon which helped him construct the temple. This is an example of divination being used for what he thought were good intentions but ended up being his downfall.

The 3 wisemen, however, used astronomy more like a map instead of for spiritual guidance. Daniel also put the astrologers to complete shame with King Nebuchadnezzar. Astrologers were the king's advisors at that time.

So in all of these examples except for the wisemen, there appeared to be two forces at work and each person chose which one to utilize.

good stuff.

king solomon fucked with the queen of sheba no?

i remember reading somewhere the star of bethlehem is actually a conjunctions of planets.

also to mention the fallen angel who taught humans astrology.
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Yes! Enoch is all about fallen angels teaching mankind things and also breeding with mankind. These were the first abominations according to those texts.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


Believe it or not I agree with that dude. This subject's too deep for Geminis.
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This cracked me up.
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


very curious your input on this stuff, stars smile
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Hey miss, how’s it going? 😘

I think the planets affect us deeply, anyone working in a psychiatric ward will know the full Moon is a volatile time for patients.

But i also know we all have the choice to behave as we choose, ie “my fiery Moon, rising etc is gonna lose my rag with this person”, but you don’t because you choose not to.

We can always find something or someone to blame our behaviour on, but at the end of the day its just a cop out to blame astrology on everything we do

Having said that there are certain aspects ie squares that can make it challenging for a person to transmute that inner tension into something healthier?
I'm going to pull back on biblical texts for a moment because I'm not attempting to sway opinions, just peak enough curiosity for further philosophy. Last thing this thread needs is to fall from constructive thought and into an emotional battlefield.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


Believe it or not I agree with that dude. This subject's too deep for Geminis.
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lol i'm interested in everyone's perspective here. most of us grew up with some religious background, so it's interesting to see how we balance it out.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


Believe it or not I agree with that dude. This subject's too deep for Geminis.
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But you don’t represent every Gemini in the world. There are some here that are quite deep.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


very curious your input on this stuff, stars smile

Hey miss, how’s it going? 😘

I think the planets affect us deeply, anyone working in a psychiatric ward will know the full Moon is a volatile time for patients.

But i also know we all have the choice to behave as we choose, ie “my fiery Moon, rising etc is gonna lose my rag with this person”, but you don’t because you choose not to.

We can always find something or someone to blame our behaviour on, but at the end of the day its just a cop out to blame astrology on everything we do

Having said that there are certain aspects ie squares that can make it challenging for a person to transmute that inner tension into something healthier?
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Sure. That's because the moon has a magnetic pull. We get the term "lunatic" from full moons and their affects. Some believe that is affects us because our bodies are made mostly from water and mineral compounds. But this isn't scientific for the other planets, necessarily for the simple fact of their distance from Earth. And even if you did still believe they had even the faintest scientific effect, you might have to explore all the man-made electro-magnetic waves and their effects too. Because by this logic (which I'm not calling right or wrong), you'd easily come to the conclusion that the man-made effects are either diluting or expanding other effects.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


very curious your input on this stuff, stars smile

Hey miss, how’s it going? 😘

I think the planets affect us deeply, anyone working in a psychiatric ward will know the full Moon is a volatile time for patients.

But i also know we all have the choice to behave as we choose, ie “my fiery Moon, rising etc is gonna lose my rag with this person”, but you don’t because you choose not to.

We can always find something or someone to blame our behaviour on, but at the end of the day its just a cop out to blame astrology on everything we do

Having said that there are certain aspects ie squares that can make it challenging for a person to transmute that inner tension into something healthier?
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yes, i like understanding my placements so i can go beyond them. it's just be conscious and wanting to progress and evolve.

no doubt there seems to be planetary influences/aspects at play, both natal and current.
I totally recant my statement about Geminis. They are masters of the mind perfectly capable of this kind of discussion, potentially better than the rest of us. Please join.
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


very curious your input on this stuff, stars smile

Hey miss, how’s it going? 😘

I think the planets affect us deeply, anyone working in a psychiatric ward will know the full Moon is a volatile time for patients.

But i also know we all have the choice to behave as we choose, ie “my fiery Moon, rising etc is gonna lose my rag with this person”, but you don’t because you choose not to.

We can always find something or someone to blame our behaviour on, but at the end of the day its just a cop out to blame astrology on everything we do

Having said that there are certain aspects ie squares that can make it challenging for a person to transmute that inner tension into something healthier?

yes, i like understanding my placements so i can go beyond them. it's just be conscious and wanting to progress and evolve.

no doubt there seems to be planetary influences/aspects at play, both natal and current.
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I think that's interesting. You're basically saying you're attempting to discover these limitations in order to out-perform them.
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


very curious your input on this stuff, stars smile

Hey miss, how’s it going? 😘

I think the planets affect us deeply, anyone working in a psychiatric ward will know the full Moon is a volatile time for patients.

But i also know we all have the choice to behave as we choose, ie “my fiery Moon, rising etc is gonna lose my rag with this person”, but you don’t because you choose not to.

We can always find something or someone to blame our behaviour on, but at the end of the day its just a cop out to blame astrology on everything we do

Having said that there are certain aspects ie squares that can make it challenging for a person to transmute that inner tension into something healthier?

yes, i like understanding my placements so i can go beyond them. it's just be conscious and wanting to progress and evolve.

no doubt there seems to be planetary influences/aspects at play, both natal and current.

I think that's interesting. You're basically saying you're attempting to discover these limitations in order to out-perform them.
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Posted by Chancellor

I totally recant my statement about Geminis. They are masters of the mind perfectly capable of this kind of discussion, potentially better than the rest of us. Please join.
indeed they are.

@LittleStar_II holla smile
The book of Enoch also lists leaders of the 200 fallen angels who married and commenced in unnatural union with human women, and who taught forbidden knowledge. Some are also listed in Book of Raziel (Sefer Raziel HaMalakh), the Zohar, and Jubilees.

Araqiel (also Arakiel, Araqael, Araciel, Arqael, Sarquael, Arkiel, Arkas) taught humans the signs of the earth. However, in the Sibylline Oracles, Araqiel is referred to not as a fallen angel, or watcher, but as one of the five angels who lead the souls of humans to judgment, the other four being Ramiel, Uriel, Samael, and Azazel.

Armaros (also Amaros or Armoniel) in Enoch I taught humanity the resolving of enchantments.

Azazel taught humans to make knives, swords, shields, and how to devise ornaments and cosmetics.

Gadreel (or Gader'el) taught the art of cosmetics, the use of weapons and killing blows.

Baraqel (Baraqiel) taught astrology.

Bezaliel mentioned in Enoch I, left out of most translations because of damaged manuscripts and problematic transmission of the text.

Chazaqiel (sometimes Ezeqeel or Cambriel) taught humans the signs of the clouds (meteorology).

Kokabiel (also Kakabel, Kochbiel, Kokbiel, Kabaiel, and Kochab), In the Book of Raziel he is a high-ranking, holy angel. In Enoch I, he is a fallen watcher, resident of the nether realms, and commands 365,000 surrogate spirits to do his bidding. Among other duties, he instructs his fellows in astrology.

Penemue "taught mankind the art of writing with ink and paper," and taught "the children of men the bitter and the sweet and the secrets of wisdom." (I Enoch 69.8)

Sariel (also Suriel) taught humankind about the courses of the moon (at one time regarded as forbidden knowledge).

Samyaza (also Shemyazaz, Shamazya, Semiaza, Shemhazi, Semyaza and Amezyarak) is one of the leaders of the fall from heaven in Vocabulaire de l' Angelologie.

Shamsiel, once a guardian of Eden as stated in the Zohar, served as one of the two chief aides to the archangel Uriel (the other aide being Hasdiel) when Uriel bore his standard into battle, and is the head of 365 legions of angels and also crowns prayers, accompanying them to the 5th heaven. In Jubilees, he is referred to as one of the Watchers. He is a fallen angel who teaches the signs of the sun.

Yeqon or Jeqon (Hebrew: יָקוּם‎, romanized: Yaqum, lit. 'he shall rise') was the ringleader who first tempted the other Watchers into having sexual relations with humans.[13] His accomplices were Asbeel, Gadreel, Penemue, and Kasdaye (or Kasadya), who were all identified as individual "satans".

from wikipedia of course lol really this blows my mind though, what was once considered evil knowledge is what we all use today.
You just need to observe people who don't believe in astrology.

Are they acting "their type" or not? Because if they do act, they would not do it deliberately.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


Believe it or not I agree with that dude. This subject's too deep for Geminis.

But you don’t represent every Gemini in the world. There are some here that are quite deep.
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Yeah that's true I don't represent every Gemini in the world. Yeah we might have some Geminis here that are deep so quite actually I take back my words. I did say that in an 'all geminis' perspective.

I don't know if we have any Geminis here that really goes above and beyond but I do know one Gemini dude in real life that goes deep into the unknown. He look so much like a Sagittarius rising by how jovial he look. And he may even have some strong scorpio somewhere. He don't come across nothing at all like a Gemini.

But this thread is interesting to say the least. Keeps my mind occupied.
Posted by Chancellor

@jukey: that's based on rules in the dead sea scrolls, many of which were hidden from us by the Vatican itself. The practice of divination is what would be condemned and would dictate it. I don't view it as a dictation, but rather a guideline set for us to achieve a perfect self-expression - "god-likeness." This is essentially the real goal of Christianity. However, you're right. None of us have a choice in what we know initially. In fact, this is just culture. People born in India do not know what it's like in China. That's just their knowledge base to start with.
India knows China more than you think, heavily influencing it from the start.
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by Chancellor


King Solomon ended up frequently using demonic forces to aid his works toward the end, and was led astray by women of different faiths, which God warned him not to do. In the book of Tobit (a book not even mentioned in today's bibles), he had control over a demon which helped him construct the temple. This is an example of divination being used for what he thought were good intentions but ended up being his downfall.

The 3 wisemen, however, used astronomy more like a map instead of for spiritual guidance. Daniel also put the astrologers to complete shame with King Nebuchadnezzar. Astrologers were the king's advisors at that time.

So in all of these examples except for the wisemen, there appeared to be two forces at work and each person chose which one to utilize.

good stuff.

king solomon fucked with the queen of sheba no?

i remember reading somewhere the star of bethlehem is actually a conjunctions of planets.

also to mention the fallen angel who taught humans astrology.
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Astrology, make up, jewelry, swords and cutlery, weapon making, use of fire....the fallen taught mankind alot.
Nurture over nature
Posted by Undine

You just need to observe people who don't believe in astrology.

Are they acting "their type" or not? Because if they do act, they would not do it deliberately.

true, at first thought i'd say they all display their astrology traits perfectly. on the flip side, how often are we looking for confirmation to our conclusions, and finding meaning and correlation where there isn't any?

funny though i remember an ex wasn't into astro at all so i never brought it up, but one time he was reading basic bitch astrology on fb and got all into it and made a reference to me being a scorpio in bed saying like now he understands lmao. guess i unintentionally converted him.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by MyStarsShine

Why on the Scorpio Forum?

Do you trust a bunch of Geminis to discuss matters of the soul?

I don’t judge a person’s depths by their sun sign


Believe it or not I agree with that dude. This subject's too deep for Geminis.

But you don’t represent every Gemini in the world. There are some here that are quite deep.

Yeah that's true I don't represent every Gemini in the world. Yeah we might have some Geminis here that are deep so quite actually I take back my words. I did say that in an 'all geminis' perspective.

I don't know if we have any Geminis here that really goes above and beyond but I do know one Gemini dude in real life that goes deep into the unknown. He look so much like a Sagittarius rising by how jovial he look. And he may even have some strong scorpio somewhere. He don't come across nothing at all like a Gemini.

But this thread is interesting to say the least. Keeps my mind occupied.
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same, i really enjoy mutable energy being able to discuss things from all angles. smile
Posted by WarAngel

After reading 3 pages of this thread, I feel my Phoenix beak poking out of the ash pile. 😁

war angel, whatchu got to share? smile
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by exoskeleton_

i think most people get into astrology and other divination initially because they're trying to understand themselves and others, it's like a desperation move lol. i try not to take it so seriously and look at it more as understanding human nature and psychology, but at the same time, we know this shit is accurate af.

And this is where I always had the hardest time understanding why it was considered a form of evil in the ancient scriptures.

We appear to have a tool that seems to show itself as highly accurate. If God made the stars, did He give us this tool? Or has the first heaven been armed by Satan for the sole purpose of setting our expectations to magnetic pulls in the planets as an intricate weapon of mass distraction?

right. and how many references to using astrology/astronomy are there in the bible? the 3 wise men and king solomon come to mind. is this knowledge a gift or delusion, i wonder.

Astrology and religion are two sides of the same coin.

I’ve come to the conclusion at least for now (because I’m a Gemini 😋) that religion and astrology are human created sources of comfort and control to assert that something in this chaotic random universe has order and meaning.
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i agree with this (sometimes lol) i too have a problem with all organized religion. like how much of these texts were revised and revised over time? how much has been used in the wrong ways for nations to gain power and control?
Posted by OnigenZ
Posted by exoskeleton_
Posted by Chancellor


King Solomon ended up frequently using demonic forces to aid his works toward the end, and was led astray by women of different faiths, which God warned him not to do. In the book of Tobit (a book not even mentioned in today's bibles), he had control over a demon which helped him construct the temple. This is an example of divination being used for what he thought were good intentions but ended up being his downfall.

The 3 wisemen, however, used astronomy more like a map instead of for spiritual guidance. Daniel also put the astrologers to complete shame with King Nebuchadnezzar. Astrologers were the king's advisors at that time.

So in all of these examples except for the wisemen, there appeared to be two forces at work and each person chose which one to utilize.

good stuff.

king solomon fucked with the queen of sheba no?

i remember reading somewhere the star of bethlehem is actually a conjunctions of planets.

also to mention the fallen angel who taught humans astrology.

Astrology, make up, jewelry, swords and cutlery, weapon making, use of fire....the fallen taught mankind alot.
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indeed. i think that's why it's so difficult to determine what knowledge should be forbidden or not, and why.
Posted by LadyNeptune

Nurture over nature
or both? smile