What would you do...

This topic was created in the Sports forum by Whorpio on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 and has 4 replies.
If someone dented your sports car with their own car door? And drove off without leaving a note? User Submitted Image

You’re also pretty sure you know who the culprite is because they were parked next to you over night and there was a paint smudge the color of their car (smudge gone now).

Do you:

A) Key their car

B) Leave a threatening note on their car

C) Leave a forgiveness note

D) Just get it fixed and let them be ignorant fucks.

E) Report to apartment manager, as if they can do shit

F) Put a flier out with a picture of the guilty car warning people not to park next to it.
Unfortunately, assholes like that, get away with that shit because you don't have "definitive proof"

I would fix it, cause it is cheap, and then "accidentally" open my car door into their car. LMAO
Posted by nikkistar
Unfortunately, assholes like that, get away with that shit because you don't have "definitive proof"
I would fix it, cause it is cheap, and then "accidentally" open my car door into their car. LMAO

If I key their car in the middle of the night when no one is watching, there won’t be definitive proof either, would there be?
Posted by Whorpio
Posted by nikkistar
Unfortunately, assholes like that, get away with that shit because you don't have "definitive proof"

I would fix it, cause it is cheap, and then "accidentally" open my car door into their car. LMAO

If I key their car in the middle of the night when no one is watching, there won’t be definitive proof either, would there be?
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Yea, but I think that's a little overboard for a ding. I would just give them exactly what they gave me.