Posted by LibraLovesHimShifting energy? I have a few readings that are different in points that aren't really important but the same in most important core questions. So I am focusing on the
If anyone follows or watches a few readers, do they come up with similar readings ever? Otherwise how can it be seen as accurate?
Posted by DwellingOnMove
I understand that "The Moon Reversed" fits very well to the current Neptune stationing. Cafeastrology says too that one week from yesterday there's a lot of confusion despite increased psychic abilities. I took it for my next week.
It's horrible enough that transit Uranus in Aries got manifestation from NN in Leo, both at 27°.
should I additionally think of these horror stories one site says and the other says my mind/perception will be full of suspicion.
well, yeah, after I read all that, I have now positive bias and will be suspicious and will claim I get signs. or messages. I programmed my brain pretty well.
Posted by ShrewdsharpPosted by DwellingOnMove
I understand that "The Moon Reversed" fits very well to the current Neptune stationing. Cafeastrology says too that one week from yesterday there's a lot of confusion despite increased psychic abilities. I took it for my next week.
It's horrible enough that transit Uranus in Aries got manifestation from NN in Leo, both at 27°.
should I additionally think of these horror stories one site says and the other says my mind/perception will be full of suspicion.
well, yeah, after I read all that, I have now positive bias and will be suspicious and will claim I get signs. or messages. I programmed my brain pretty well.
Readers take the basic interpretation and then develop their own interpretation. Like for many people the moon reverse means your eyes being open to a previous betrayal or your eyes being open to a situation that you were initially blind at 2 but if you go on YouTube for instance everybody reads their cards different lists like they'll take a basic meaning and then put their own twist on it and then the cars will begin to show up in the way that you have delegated the twist.
For instance one chick read strength card reverse as someone being weak in the knees for you somebody else reads it as having pet problems I read it as somebody overcoming a health concern so it depends on you know your interpretation and what you say to the cards once you become Familiar with your deck then they'll start showing up in the way that you interpret them so that you can speak to someone else about what the cards are to expand
Posted by DwellingOnMovePosted by ShrewdsharpPosted by DwellingOnMove
I understand that "The Moon Reversed" fits very well to the current Neptune stationing. Cafeastrology says too that one week from yesterday there's a lot of confusion despite increased psychic abilities. I took it for my next week.
It's horrible enough that transit Uranus in Aries got manifestation from NN in Leo, both at 27°.
should I additionally think of these horror stories one site says and the other says my mind/perception will be full of suspicion.
well, yeah, after I read all that, I have now positive bias and will be suspicious and will claim I get signs. or messages. I programmed my brain pretty well.
Readers take the basic interpretation and then develop their own interpretation. Like for many people the moon reverse means your eyes being open to a previous betrayal or your eyes being open to a situation that you were initially blind at 2 but if you go on YouTube for instance everybody reads their cards different lists like they'll take a basic meaning and then put their own twist on it and then the cars will begin to show up in the way that you have delegated the twist.
For instance one chick read strength card reverse as someone being weak in the knees for you somebody else reads it as having pet problems I read it as somebody overcoming a health concern so it depends on you know your interpretation and what you say to the cards once you become Familiar with your deck then they'll start showing up in the way that you interpret them so that you can speak to someone else about what the cards are saying.
I guess I know what you say.
- in a cooperative role I would say: the querent listens actively + gives signs (e.g. body language) so the interpretation is near to reality of the things.
or also: whatever a reader says: one moment of life has passed. and whatever the querent feels or decide to react is of equal value to the Universe (and thus t- in my challenging role I would say: how is that helpful if I know different readers give different texts? so am I with the right one now? should I go to yet another one?click to expand
Posted by ShrewdsharpPosted by DwellingOnMovePosted by ShrewdsharpPosted by DwellingOnMove
I understand that "The Moon Reversed" fits very well to the current Neptune stationing. Cafeastrology says too that one week from yesterday there's a lot of confusion despite increased psychic abilities. I took it for my next week.
It's horrible enough that transit Uranus in Aries got manifestation from NN in Leo, both at 27°.
should I additionally think of these horror stories one site says and the other says my mind/perception will be full of suspicion.
well, yeah, after I read all that, I have now positive bias and will be suspicious and will claim I get signs. or messages. I programmed my brain pretty well.
Readers take the basic interpretation and then develop their own interpretation. Like for many people the moon reverse means your eyes being open to a previous betrayal or your eyes being open to a situation that you were initially blind at 2 but if you go on YouTube for instance everybody reads their cards different lists like they'll take a basic meaning and then put their own twist on it and then the cars will begin to show up in the way that you have delegated the twist.
For instance one chick read strength card reverse as someone being weak in the knees for you somebody else reads it as having pet problems I read it as somebody overcoming a health concern so it depends on you know your interpretation and what you say to the cards once you become Familiar with your deck then they'll start showing up in the way that you interpret them so that you can speak to someone else about what the cards are saying.
I guess I know what you say.
- in a cooperative role I would say: the querent listens actively + gives signs (e.g. body language) so the interpretation is near to reality of the things.
or also: whatever a reader says: one moment of life has passed. and whatever the querent feels or decide to react is of equal value to the Universe (and thus t- in my challenging role I would say: how is that helpful if I know different readers give different texts? so am I with the right one now? should I go to yet another one?
Did two separate readers predict two separate things?click to expand
Posted by DwellingOnMoveEvery person has their own unique style of reading cards.... I read my cards different ... But the message still applies ... Life is not about following a way of doing things.... Life is about discovering Your Own style of reading your cards... For example most readers read their reversals negatively ... In my reading... They are positive .. It represents the positive aspect of the card not the lower ... Only in the readings I give... It just didn't sit well to me to read them any other way... Now for others their way is right to if it fits them... Tarot is all about intuition ... What do you feel is happening in your spread... You! Not what another reader said the queen of swords in reversal means... How do you see the story in your spread ... Every reader is unique... They should be... I tend to turn from the commercial type readers... I like readers that are real.. And cut straight to the heart of the matter... Not someone that is going to pacify the situation just for likes... True readers already know this.. The goal is to save souls and lift the vibration for all... The fake ones will keep stuck in a maze of your own delusions ... Use discernment when seeking guidance on YouTube...
really, how to trust?
I have even noticed in their discussions on the inet that they have different interpretation.
Posted by Rozaeon
I always watched readers randomly and they do come up with similar readings everytime. For example, for the past two months, i watched 4 or 5 different readers and the same themes kept showing up ( and they are similar to mine too )
However, there are some readers that i avoid at all cost because they will not deliver any message, they deliver only what you want to hear