Do you ever get a Tarot sign that you are over-asking a question?

This topic was created in the Tarot forum by justawhatwhat on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 and has 3 replies.
I noticed that if I get impatient and I over-ask a question (we all know when were doing it) I'll pull a spread that is all or almost all swords, which is rare to begin with, and it is my sign like “stop asking this, take a step back, find clarity” etc.

Does anyone else have some type of sign they will get from tarot for such instances?

Constantly! I get the 4 of swords (take a mental rest), or if I'm really harping, I will get the Fool, because my spirit guide is SALTY. Rofl. She will literally be like, "Stop it, you idiot," and I find it pretty funny.
I stop when I have death




Fool fool death pol