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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
Would love opinions on this spread as it came back as so interesting with the cards I pulled.
Background; the Querent and this guy have been dating a little but aren't committed to a relationship yet. They had an argument, and the querent refused to speak to him for a few days. The querent feels he slept with someone else during that time (we're not 100% sure of that but she has strong reason to believe). They fixed the argument and have plans to see each other again, but she is not sure whether to keep on dating him because she feels like they were only apart for a few days and he slept with someone else. It reminds me of Ross Gellar and the girl from the copy place..."WE WERE ON A BREAK!!" but ultimately she wants commitment and to be able to trust him and she was asking me what to expect from him, and what she needed to know.
Rider Waite deck...
What are his feelings about the other woman he slept with?
9 of swords (he regrets it? Guilt? Generally wishes he hadn't done it!)
How does this affect his relationship with the querent?
5 of swords (it's a betrayal?)
What does he want to do with this other woman?
5 of cups (I don't read from this card that he wants anything with the other woman?)
What does he want to do with the querent?
Page of Wands (not sure how to read this but I interpreted it as wanting to jump in with her)
How does he feel for the querent?
Queen of Cups (positive, romantic card?)
Does he want to resolve things with the querent?
9 of wands (I read this as a card of not taking "no" for an answer and not wanting to give up?)
What does he want from the relationship with the querent?
10 of cups (welll...warm fuzzies here)
What does he want from the querents actions?
The lovers (this one I don't know...ideas?)
What outcome does he want?
8 of pentacles. (I also didn't know this one)
Thanks all!
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
I’m a little experienced in tarot so give me a sec to write my response.
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
I’ll go from card to card:
9 of swords: This doesn’t necessarily mean that he cheated. It indicates anxiety/sleepless nights/worrying. The surrounding cards are more indicative of what is really happening. He could already be in a relationship with the other person or talking to both. Since they are uncommitted, it’s not actually cheating. While one would hope for transparency, he doesn’t have to tell her anything. He’s a free agent just like she(your friend is). Third party situations are often indicated by the 3 of Cups(celebration over indulgence) or the other 3s( Pentacles, Wands, Swords)More information is needed. He may be feeling guilty or is anxious because of the argument or it’s discovered that the other woman is an ex and he hasn’t let her go.
5 of Swords: This can sometimes indicate betrayal but the cards that best indicate that is the 7 of Swords or the 10 of swords(cycle completion). The 5 of swords usually indicates arguing/conflict/being spiteful/vindictive or wounding each other. So, they’re hurting each other...nobody wins with this card. In the Rider Waite, you see the guy holding the two swords and with a smug look on his face having bested his two opponents; but it’s not a true victory because all have lost.
5 of Cups: This usually is the “crying over spilled milk” card. Instead of focusing on the two cups(2 of Cups indicates a soulmate) and what’s behind him(love, what you have or overlooking) he’s sad over what he’s lost and trying to “fix” it. My guess is he was involved with this other woman and has not emotionally moved on and is still communicating with her in some way or seeing her. Your friend represents what he could have if he turned around...a new start or something better. Hence the 9 of swords...he doesn’t know what to do. The other cards say that and I’ll get to them.
Page of Wands: Is he(or your friend) a fire sign? This cards indicates a young fire sign or the beginning of passion but it is also naive, foolish, and non committal. Usually the start of lust/infactuation. He could want something more but only time will tell. The other cards you pulled are clarifiers. The start of a passionate journey or relationship or wanting one.
Queen of Cups: He longs for her and has developed deep feelings but the Queen of Cups is also melancholy and can be depressed. She’s also emotionally nurturing and supportive. He’s aware of his feelings for your friend. I’d take this as a positive sign. Was it upright or reversed?
9 of Wands: indicates that he’s being defensive...most likely because of them arguing or not wanting to be vulnerable(or caught) and now he has his guard up. He’ll still pursue her but don’t be surprised if he’s emotionally distant/secretive. He won’t give up but at the same time he’s going to be more careful.
10 of Cups: Emotional fulfillment and to be happy. It also means the end of an emotional cycle. Looks like he just wants things to be peaceful with her.
The Lovers: A divine relationship/spiritual connection...but for good or ill. The zodiac sign it’s associated with is Gemini. While generally positive, the “relationship” blows hot and cold. I usually see it between two people that are not committed officially but are lovers and they come and do the feelings. While there is love present, it’s often not stable. He wants to be with your friend, but again it’s not stable. There’s love and passion but it’s not grounded. What pulls him is the spiritual connection and they are probably soul mates.
8 of Pentacles: Repeating a pattern or working towards a goal. This is generally good but depends on the dynamics of the situation. If it is grounded and stable, the relationship will stay that way and will probably grow. If it is toxic or mixed, it will stay that way unless one or both people change to fix it. It’s generally a stable card, but more about stability and less about emotion.
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
My intuition says that he was/is romantically involved with the other woman and he hasn’t let her go. So now he’s torn. He has feelings for both of them and can’t decide. To be honest, it doesn’t look good. Don’t look for him to commit to your friend anytime soon. He needs to let the other woman go and give full disclosure if things are to work between him and your friends. My gut says that he’ll maintain this pattern because it’s his comfort zone...hence the outcome card(8 of Pentacles, repeating pattern).
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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
Hmmm...this is interesting! She had no knowledge of their being any relationship with the other girl and thought it was just sex. That puts a different slant on things...but now you say it I agree!