interpretation of reading.

This topic was created in the Tarot forum by mgmtlove on Friday, July 28, 2017 and has 10 replies.
I recently got a reading about my relationship with a friend that moved away last year. The cards I got were

Past: 4 of cup

Present: 6 of cups

Future: Page of pentacles Any thoughts?

4 of cups ..

It seems to the one person ...things are being taken for granted ..but in reality the other party is simply unhappy with the status quo ..the cup being is offered people say you are not seeing it have no reason to be unhappy ..but the truth is the figure sitting under the tree is dissatisfied's just another cup...

They want a lot more than others around them realize.

6 of cups ...looking back at life ..nostalgia's true there are bad things in the world ..but you cultivate an inner world built from your nostalgic happy feelings and memories...and things or goals that are inspired from THESE feelings whether they be material or emotional ...are what you want now or are getting now ...

Page of pentacles can be good or bad in context ...I have trouble reading pentacle and wand cards as they are not my element ..EARTH ..but it's a young card ..quite immature ..but your reward will be equal to your commitment.
Someone was unwilling to accept an offer in the past... Could be because of some mess may have transpired .... Six of cups past love.. If it's up right ... For me this can be either or... Vice versa ....Someone wants to return from the past .. Past love... ... A page is an offer . Someone wanting to offer a new beginning .... It's just a page though... That ain't offering much imo.... Either you or the other person ... I sense some mess with this situation behind just these three cards though ... Understand right now we are in fated energies ... Fated... So what you have sent out in the past will return to you now ... Good or bad... Lesson will be learned ... Blessings to you... Look at some readers on YouTube... There are some really good ones out there... Get a reading for free
What exactly is your question?

Did you want to know if they were going to contact you again I mean what is your question?

Posted by Shrewdsharp
What exactly is your question?

Did you want to know if they were going to contact you again I mean what is your question?

Hi my question was:What can you tell me about my relationship with this person? (July 9,1994)

She also pulled some clarifying cards: 10 of cups, then the hermit, and then 5 of wands in that order.

Thanks everyone for the replies!
5 of wands tells me flat out mess... And someone is definitely not here for it... I don't blame them... Gossip.. competition ... Jealousy ... Someone wants the 10 of cups but someone has mess attached .... Could be family or friends that keep up mess ...
The four of cups could possibly indicate more than one romantic partner and in one of those romantic Partnerships there had been stability and history. There is a dullness about the four of cups so perhaps although the person was still romantically involved with someone they had reached a place of boredom in their relationship and was perhaps seeking some excitement.

The six of Cups is Venus in Scorpio so it can connote a very strong sexual attraction or a sexual encounter but being that this person was already established by the number four in a union with someone, they could only offer Good Times, friendship, laughter, flirtation, sex. There is definitely a romantic Edge to this card for me.

The Pages are usually Messengers. The Page of Swords has truth to deliver that is completely based on knowledge and he may deliver it without tact since he's still young. The Page of cups usually has a message about love for instance I'll get the page of cups if an ex is sending me a text indicating how much they miss me.

Page of Wands is a message about passion and fire. In a relationship reading it can mean a person is headed toward regular on-going dates and possibly commitment. It's a regular, consistent courtship - and both parties are very passionate about one another and they both are very eager to see where this relationship is going and it is in by no means even almost over! In fact, they're just beginning and if they've been married and I get this card they're still very much on fire for each other with a strong sex life.

The Page of Coins is usually a very positive message about money or anything earth related. It's a positive message about money about school about progression about a new job a new field of study. And these messages are tangible like; texting, emails, Snapchat, Facebook. It's also messages about things that are just happening on an everyday level in the real world.

For instance I get the page of coins when two people are really just good friends and they talk about different parts of their lives.

It's a highly positive card it could also represent that you had this friend who you have the sexual attraction with who had somebody else and you guys didn't take the relationship to a serious level but from time to time you may text and see how the other person is doing or you may like each other's Facebook postings or every now and again you Snapchat or whatever the case there is communication in the future however frequent or infrequent - and the communication is light flirtatious and friendly. ?
The 10 cups with the hermit and the five of Wands in the future.

The Ten of cups in the past can either represent that this person was formerly in a relationship with someone while the two of you were kicking it or just at one time or it could represent the fact that they see this Union as family like friendship or you see this Union as family like and friendship.

The Hermit represents a withdrawal in order to do deep soul-searching so that light could be shed on a situation in order to find a path that is congruent with one's highest values and deepest beliefs. The Hermit can also represent that the two of you are separated at this current time.

With the five of Wands as the clarifying answer for the page of coins it appears that this is a friendship and one party decides to continue to seek others congruent with the truth that they discovered from The Hermit phase of what they're looking for in a mate.

It indicates that either you or him will have stiff competition with winning the heart of someone who you may be romantically attracted.
He us not over someone from his past, but can offer you a new start as a friend.