I did a three card spread asking for relationship advice to help better the issues ongoing with my boyfriend. Long story short, he has a substance abuse problem and it caught up to him, getting him into a bit of trouble last night. I knew he had this problem, it isn’t exactly news to me. Although I mentioned it in passing before, and noted his behavior/relationship with substances, I’ve yet to properly intervene or have a solid discussion, which is my fault.
So after asking for advice, I got The Devil, The Chariot, and as the outcome, Judgement. The way I see it, The Devil addresses his vices and how it landed him in hot water, The Chariot might get him to get on the right track after that, and Judgement says it’s up to him to keep his behavior in check because it can make or break the relationship, and room for rebirth must be made. After being there for him throughout the entirety of the problem he found himself in, I can see how the cards are also saying that I should stop ignoring the elephant in the room and say something. Any other thoughts/interpretations? I’d really appreciate all the insight I could get right now. Thank you guys in advance
So after asking for advice, I got The Devil, The Chariot, and as the outcome, Judgement. The way I see it, The Devil addresses his vices and how it landed him in hot water, The Chariot might get him to get on the right track after that, and Judgement says it’s up to him to keep his behavior in check because it can make or break the relationship, and room for rebirth must be made.
I think your interpretation is flawless. I am not sure what you hope to gain from the conversation. If he wants to take drugs he has that right, he probably won't be honest because of the denial of the addict. But yes I think your interpretation is great.