Love reading

This topic was created in the Tarot forum by dewiklaessen277 on Friday, February 22, 2019 and has 2 replies.
What does it mean when 3 of cups is next to 8 of cups and 2 of swords as outcome

I'm the 3 of cups the other person is the 8 of cups

I'm learning tarot but I bought the Wild unknown deck still figuring out the cards..

Today I got a reading which made me think really hard someone told me I get tested that I need to put myself first and no matter how good and sweet the person might be that I will flourish within my career and money will come in when I stay by myself that a person might come back and it will sabotage things for me that I need to be aware of it and not fall for the trap.... That I need to stay focused that this person might throw me off and I need to say no... I'm having such a hard time right now as I'm missing love I feel lonely and everything is hitting Rock bottom I need to stay strong and grounded but I feel like I'm drowning right now... I'm gonna have to flip the switch again but what I hate about that is that if I do that I will have no emotions whatsoever. Maybe best for now to be a hard bitch
You are the 3rd energy interfering ..... in someone else connection ..... 8 of cups .... you have collected a lot of mess around you as well and your energy is low ...... 2 of swords you refuse to see this and are disconnected in some form spiritually ... You refuse to see this and will remain blocked .... this is actually your own choice which is freewill ..... I also see your surrounded by gossip and you seek outside of yourself for answers .... through social media .... youtube .... social apps etc ..... 8 of cups tells me you refuse to own up to your own mistakes and seek sympathy but that not working for you ..... which in fact repels people from you ...... Best advice ... take a look in the mirror and face your demons ..... your 8 th house is affected (inheritances *soul dna* 2nd house not attractive ... in a spiritual sense ..... 3 house mercury ... how you communicate to others socially ... social apps communication etc ..... people see through the mask in other words regardless if you admit who you truly are or not .... I see disconnection .... refusing to move on ....