This is like chart of the elite... the royalty...the don donna... the bomb jefa... the Lady... but you can call me Boss.
Sun: Cap
Moon: Libra
Merc: Aqua
Venus: Aqua
Mars: Sag
Disagree? Fight me.
I have noticed over time that certain signs almost always defeat the self-proclaimed "strongest sign" of the zodiac in power struggles and here they are.
1. Capricorn.
In some ways they have the obsessiveness and hunger for power of a Scorpio but are a
Tne Cappy I’m dating has entered a seasonal affective disorder down wave about two weeks ago.
While I also feel these general energies around this time of the year with less sun and the “dying world” of the lwaves shedding and the end of the Zodiac year
Synastry + Composite.
Man is Cap and woman is Aquarius. I was worried because I didn't see any obvious indications of sexual attraction and
most of the aspects looked like they favored a platonic relationship.
I just don't care anymore. I just completely blew up at my significant other and hea reying to flip the switch onto me not being appreciative. I'm not backing down, I dont care. I called him, lazy, stubborn and unreliable and I meant it.
Since September
I don’t know how much longer I can take this life. No one but my therapist knows how crippling my depression and anxiety is. I just slept for practically 3 days straight. I don’t tell my friends much because I don’t want to dim their light. Especially cau
As a Taurus female all i see is non Taurus talking about their relationship issues with Taurus men (haha).
Can we turn this back into a space were we as Taurus connect with other Taurus’ ??
Sooooooo how are my fellow Taurus’ doing during Venus’ retro
So .. i’m a leo woman 29th/july/1992
i have been in a relationship for 8 years and it was tragic and almost impossible to get over it .. but i did after 2 years .. and i thought its hard because of all those long years we’ve been together..
So i was s