Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2015Comments: 2 · Posts: 1193 · Topics: 43
I asked last night do you love me? Are we still ok? Or should I move on? He sent a meme stating some people are meant to fall in love but not be together. I said is this the end? He said it doesn't have to be but you knew I didn't want a relationship. I told him I wished him the best and he hurt me but time heals all. But I got mad after a minute and let him have it. We started off long distance I was ending my marriage and finally moved to the states he was in (was moving here for my music anyway). We had two sexual encounters and talked on the phone or text mostly. I bought him shoes and an iPhone to show him my love. I suspected him fooling around when I moved here originally picked up the Phoenix and found he was in contact with females but it seemed he was more closer to me and didn't show them things we personally shared we talked it through I returned the phone and he said we just have to build a stronger bond. That was a month ago. Fast forward I now have my own place and ready for us to bond and he has became distant so I asked him if we are ok and boom I got this. I am a Taurus sun Virgo moon and he is a cancer sun leo moon. This is the end isn't it? I went off on him and he hasn't responded and I know he won't. I just lost the love of my life and I feel lost. Please help.
Taurus and Cancer are "the best" sun sign pair of all combinations, but you must consider the whole unfortunately. I initially see the Moons are incompatible (I practice a basic element matching system of my own and I offer free relationship consultant services). I am working on the webpage now and on this site, if you would like to give me some basic info, I can put you in my client base. Yet, it's just beginning, so here's part of my secret to you meantime, as it is after all free, so try this: #! BEFORE you get involved next time, contact me and/or get his birth info right away, lol, like before second meeting! Look at these 6 factors/PLANETS together and simply across...1) Your SUN and his SUN; 2) Your MOON and his MOON; 3) Continue comparing like this with the Ascendants, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, that's all. Now look for compatible elements, like Water + Earth or Fire + Air signs in each, very good; then, if not, second best are the same elements, like Fire + Fire, etc.; And lastly, if any of the six combos are incompatible elementally, like Water + Air or Earth + Air...these are no no's, for me. Six out of six is a great soulmate and harder to find (that's when you contact me and I will check every day for you for free). But, if like only one area is not compatible, then just ask yourself if you are willing to compromise this area of planets, and work on it together with astrological info and help. 5 out of 6 ain't bad! That's it! Here's one example of a 6/6 great match man for you = SUN: CANCER / MOON: PISCES / ASCENDANT:N/A VENUS: AQUARIUS / MARS: VIRGO OR CAPPY
Hi junemoonchild69,
I've sent you a message. I hope that it reaches you. I could really use your advice as well.