3rd Decan Taurus

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Zimtaurus on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 and has 27 replies.
Hie there. I am a third decan taurus and im reading a lot of negative things about us being in this decan. Anyone else know any third decan tauruses that can tell me how their lives are or how to cope being in that decanete. That might help out, any stories good or bad would help
Hie there. I am a third decan taurus and im reading a lot of negative things about us being in this decan. Anyone else know any third decan tauruses that can tell me how their lives are or how to cope being in that decanete. That might help out, any stories good or bad would help
What exactly is bad about it? People really need to remember that everyone is an individual. Don't be hard on yourself over a generalization.
Where'd you hear all the negatives about 3rd decan specifically? I believe someone has already linked this around the boards, have a look:

I find the description highly accurate, for me at least. I don't see much hard to cope about it, if anything we're Taureans most capable of keeping our cool under worst pressure and do whatever we do gracefully. 1st is the most typical, 2nd is more brainy and charming, and 3rd is that nutsy yet grounded bohemian poet character. Life's all good.
Posted by 2N3R
What exactly is bad about it? People really need to remember that everyone is an individual. Don't be hard on yourself over a generalization.

Darkstar astrology wrote on it, i just found it negative, as well as other links online. Some even said we are the most hated by astrologers Sad
Posted by Redbull
3rd decan. Im a worker/business type. Life's great. It can take us a while to come into our own being slow moving Tauruses. But yeah, im preoccupied with business and being creative. An individual

I love business too, 25 and working on my business. But i can relate to what you are sayimg.
Posted by MilkySoft
You mean the awesome Capricorn decant, ruled by Saturn? You might take things too seriously, worry about the future a bit more, or have a harder time relaxing, but all the super successful Taureans I know are from this decan. Definitely the most determined and hard working.

Worry is my biggest issue, hence feeling cursed. But thank you, you described me in your msg perfectly, still working on the successful part but holding my own...trying to anyways
Are you new, Zimtaurus? Chart it up! Tongue
Posted by Theatrum
Are you new, Zimtaurus? Chart it up! Tongue

Yes i am smile joined today
Is the first part of your name inspired by Invader Zim?Laughing
Posted by 2N3R
Is the first part of your name inspired by Invader Zim?Laughing

Lol nah, i am zimbabwean by origin.
Posted by Redbull
Oh youre at that difficult age range. Regardless of sign. Im in my 30s. Personally, smh at some of the things i did in my 20s haha.

Yes, it's so effin hard. Im going insane lol
Posted by MilkySoft
Posted by Zimtaurus
Posted by MilkySoft
You mean the awesome Capricorn decant, ruled by Saturn? You might take things too seriously, worry about the future a bit more, or have a harder time relaxing, but all the super successful Taureans I know are from this decan. Definitely the most determined and hard working.

Worry is my biggest issue, hence feeling cursed. But thank you, you described me in your msg perfectly, still working on the successful part but holding my own...trying to anyways

Saturn feels heavy but its influence can be a blessing.
Maybe you should post the rest of your chart, if you find out the rest of your placements.
click to expand

Planet Aspect Planet Orb/Value
Sun Square Mars 0.11 -155
Moon Conjunction Mercury 8.34 146
Moon Conjunction Venus 1.47 526
Moon Trine Mars 0.50 134
Moon Opposition Saturn 3.08 -254
Moon Opposition Uranus 1.57 -188
Mercury Trine Mars 7.44 7
Venus Trine Mars 2.37 87
Venus Opposition Saturn 1.21 -280
Venus Opposition Uranus 0.10 -196
Mars Sextile Saturn 3.58 2
Mars Sextile Uranus 2.47 54
Jupiter Trine Neptune 6.31 13
Jupiter Opposition Pluto 5.38 -67
Saturn Conjunction Uranus 1.11 370
Saturn Conjunction Neptune 8.23 58
Uranus Conjunction Neptune 9.34 9
Neptune Sextile Pluto 0.53 70
1476 -1140 336
lol does that make any sense, its gibberish to me.
Or this....

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Time unknown
Sun Taurus 27.41
Moon Gemini 28.20
Mercury Gemini 19.46
Venus Cancer 0.07
Mars Aquarius 27.30
Jupiter Taurus 16.21
Saturn Capricorn 1.28 R
Uranus Capricorn 0.17 R
Neptune Capricorn 9.51 R
Pluto Scorpio 10.44 R
Lilith Virgo 0.26
Asc node Pisces 20.57
^ Post the table with planets and signs first lol, what you posted is how good or bad your planets interact with each other.
Oh you did smile
Posted by Theatrum
^ Post the table with planets and signs first lol, what you posted is how good or bad your planets interact with each other.

Chiron Gemini 27.44
Ceres Pisces 20.36
Pallas Aquarius 19.44
Juno Gemini 1.53
Vesta Leo 9.53
Fortune Aries 0.00
South node Aries 0.00
I am quite bafflled, i feel thats not it either lol
Posted by Zimtaurus
Posted by Theatrum
^ Post the table with planets and signs first lol, what you posted is how good or bad your planets interact with each other.

Chiron Gemini 27.44
Ceres Pisces 20.36
Pallas Aquarius 19.44
Juno Gemini 1.53
Vesta Leo 9.53
Fortune Aries 0.00
South node Aries 0.00
I am quite bafflled, i feel thats not it either lol

click to expand

Nono, those are your asteroids. The position of your planets and signs is the second table you posted, though the Moon can sometimes be incorrect if you don't know the birthtime.

Nono, those are your asteroids. The position of your planets and signs is the second table you posted, though the Moon can sometimes be incorrect if you don't know the birthtime.

i see, kinda getting it now. Thanks
Zim: Hie there. I am a third decan taurus and im reading a lot of negative things about us being in this decan. Anyone else know any third decan tauruses that can tell me how their lives are or how to cope being in that decanete.
>>>I'm cynical, depressed and anxious alot....struggle with addiction to everything bad (but getting better with this as I age), and 3 out of 5 days I hate living on this planet basically. Looking forward to death as a liberation from this nonsense (not suicidal though). Super creative - really into my artwork, writing, music, poetry, etc. Biggest source of disappointment/frustration is just trying to balance between a soul-destroying corporate job that sucks me dry (but gets me all of the material things I feel I MUST have in life), and finding the energy to do my artwork freelance (the only thing that makes me feel like life is worth living) after I've given the best part of my day to the office job. Heavy into reading everything, majored in philosophy - constantly obsessing over the meaning of life, investigating every and anything seemingly supernatural/metaphysical. Then on the other hand I'm afflicted with extreme vanity...obsess over my looks, staying in shape, a hair being out of place, waste way too much money on expensive clothing, etc. I cope positively through being creative, exercise, laughing at the absurdity of it all, spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, reading spiritual texts), reading everything I can get my hands on related to peoples' experiences while on their deathbed, or having been revived after being pronounced dead (part of why I look forward to dying), etc. I cope negatively by abusing opiates occasionally, drinking once in a while, eating food that is really bad for me, etc....I'm like alot of other bulls I know, only more bipolar.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Zim: Hie there. I am a third decan taurus and im reading a lot of negative things about us being in this decan. Anyone else know any third decan tauruses that can tell me how their lives are or how to cope being in that decanete.
>>>I'm cynical, depressed and anxious alot....struggle with addiction to everything bad (but getting better with this as I age), and 3 out of 5 days I hate living on this planet basically. Looking forward to death as a liberation from this nonsense (not suicidal though). Super creative - really into my artwork, writing, music, poetry, etc. Biggest source of disappointment/frustration is just trying to balance between a soul-destroying corporate job that sucks me dry (but gets me all of the material things I feel I MUST have in life), and finding the energy to do my artwork freelance (the only thing that makes me feel like life is worth living) after I've given the best part of my day to the office job. Heavy into reading everything, majored in philosophy - constantly obsessing over the meaning of life, investigating every and anything seemingly supernatural/metaphysical. Then on the other hand I'm afflicted with extreme vanity...obsess over my looks, staying in shape, a hair being out of place, waste way too much money on expensive clothing, etc. I cope positively through being creative, exercise, laughing at the absurdity of it all, spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, reading spiritual texts), reading everything I can get my hands on related to peoples' experiences while on their deathbed, or having been revived after being pronounced dead (part of why I look forward to dying), etc. I cope negatively by abusing opiates occasionally, drinking once in a while, eating food that is really bad for me, etc....I'm like alot of other bulls I know, only more bipolar.

Oh my God, you basically said everything I feel on a daily basis and how i feel about life. I wont work for anyone because I hate that, i want to do what I love otherwise I would just be so sad. I also like maryjane, a lot even though I would prefer not to smoke. Today I woke up wanting to be dead, but ofcourse I wouldnt just kill myself, I like research, astrology, numerology, basically anything that would or might help to understand this crap ass life better....you took everything right out of my mouth. So ofcourse I feel cursed, and these astrologe
Posted by Slicks
it's hard being a 3rd decan taurus. I read that description, it was BS man, I swear.

The Darkstar astrology one, right? I just thought well then, no hope for me.
Zim - looks to me like there are just a lot of Capricorn (dark, sad, serious vs. persevering, humorous, classy) traits blended in with Taurus (I'm also Cap rising - woohoo!). There are a lot of positives mentioned even on the Darkstar site - artistic, sophisticated, resilient, alluring:
"Taurus decan 3 are life??s troupers, they get knocked down, but they get up again, and again and again. Irrepressible, irresistible and iridescent, they do have the ability to bewitch. The Bulls sensual energy combined with Algol??s dark edge makes them very alluring. The men can play the dark knight (but in very shiny armour) and the women a smoky-eyed gypsy with wild Medusa hair."
That's not so bad. Not trying to flirt with you here, but looking at your profile pics, you're very beautiful - all of your features really. You can almost see that Saturnian melancholy in your pics - like you don't like to smile fully or do fake smiles in pics. I'm the same way. On the weed, yeah, I hear you. I can't do it regularly, but I actually love it. Enhances creativity, the pleasure of music (majorly for me), and just about everything else. If you're anxious though, and you do it regularly, it probably makes that worse (did for me anyway). Basically, I like anything that engenders escapism. You just have to find healthier ways.
Apparently with Saturn's influence, shit will turn around eventually. I have been SO pessimistic all of my life. You're probably learning the extent to which your perspective colors everything, how necessary it is for you to start focusing on the positives, being grateful for various things that are going right in life, not be so hard on yourself or expect so much from yourself, etc. I consider these all part of the trial of having this disposition. We are such realists that we kinda have to fight to be optimistic. Pessimism may be more accurate but optimists do better in so many areas, because they expect good things to come, and they keep moving forward. Great book called _Learned Optimism_ by Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology. Very helpful...not self-help nonsense, but real research and practical application.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Zim - looks to me like there are just a lot of Capricorn (dark, sad, serious vs. persevering, humorous, classy) traits blended in with Taurus (I'm also Cap rising - woohoo!). There are a lot of positives mentioned even on the Darkstar site - artistic, sophisticated, resilient, alluring:
"Taurus decan 3 are life??s troupers, they get knocked down, but they get up again, and again and again. Irrepressible, irresistible and iridescent, they do have the ability to bewitch. The Bulls sensual energy combined with Algol??s dark edge makes them very alluring. The men can play the dark knight (but in very shiny armour) and the women a smoky-eyed gypsy with wild Medusa hair."
That's not so bad. Not trying to flirt with you here, but looking at your profile pics, you're very beautiful - all of your features really. You can almost see that Saturnian melancholy in your pics - like you don't like to smile fully or do fake smiles in pics. I'm the same way. On the weed, yeah, I hear you. I can't do it regularly, but I actually love it. Enhances creativity, the pleasure of music (majorly for me), and just about everything else. If you're anxious though, and you do it regularly, it probably makes that worse (did for me anyway). Basically, I like anything that engenders escapism. You just have to find healthier ways.
Apparently with Saturn's influence, shit will turn around eventually. I have been SO pessimistic all of my life. You're probably learning the extent to which your perspective colors everything, how necessary it is for you to start focusing on the positives, being grateful for various things that are going right in life, not be so hard on yourself or expect so much from yourself, etc. I consider these all part of the trial of having this disposition. We are such realists that we kinda have to fight to be optimistic. Pessimism may be more accurate but optimists do better in so many areas, because they expect good things to come, and they keep moving forward. Great book called _Learned Optimism_ by Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology. Very helpful...not self-help nonsense, but real research and practical application.

Turns out I can't put my point across tonight lol, does this thing have a chat lol, I completely can relate everything you are saying though. It just makes so much sense, and it's like you know everything

Turns out I can't put my point across tonight lol, does this thing have a chat lol, I completely can relate everything you are saying though. It just makes so much sense, and it's like you know everything going on in my brain lol. I guess being older you would know a bit more and have more experience.
I do get knocked down and get right back up like nothing happened, i've become a pro. And you completely got the whole smiling thing, i cannot pretend anything, I am the worst with that, I dont smile unless I mean it, I dont string along people, and I cant stand fake people. Thats wy i only have a few friends. lol You understand me so well
I'm 3rd decan, some of what you said is true for me as well. I really dislike faking anything don't understand fakers. Do you guys relate to the secret language of birthdays interpretation of the personality born this decan? It really resonates with me especially when I was a child http//:www.thesecretlanguage.com
TLS, I must agree that you got that down amazingly accurate.
Cynical - check. Addiction struggle - check. Creative - check. Obsessing over image - check.
But the optimism itself I'd think has more to do with Jupiter than the Sun. A feminine or badly aspected Jupiter is more likely to be a pessimist at heart, regardless of how optimistic the Sun might be.

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