Until I leave for my trip to visit le Taurus! We had a very good talk on Monday night, which left me feeling incredibly reassured. It was actually a follow-up conversation to the one the week before where I let him know where I was with this whole trip. I was able to express my concerns in a mature and calm way, and he responded both in the moment as well as in his resulting actions by stepping up for me!
Not only are logistics handled, but I got a tremendous amount of insight into what he's thinking/feeling. It actually left ME with a lot to think about, as I've been careful in keeping my emotions toned way down because at this point it's just been a series of phone calls. Talk is cheap. I'm keeping my heart safe and my options wide open until I'm absolutely convinced otherwise.
While I'm still keeping my grip on that mindset, it became clear to me that he is far more invested than I ever suspected! Not in an extreme or freaky way, it's actually just the right temperature. I was just surprised by his expressions of just how much he cares about me, and even more-so at the level of vulnerability he exhibited. He just made me acutely aware that HE is needing more reassurance from ME. He definitely got my attention, and made me sit up and understand that it is in fact safe (in fact, necessary) for me to drop more of my guard. Still proceeding with caution, but he pried me open quite a bit.
Wow, I just now had a realization...THIS is what it's like to sit back and let a real man lead. *sigh* Sweet relief.
Signed Up:
May 17, 2011Comments: 12 · Posts: 710 · Topics: 39
That's awesome moon. Hope you have a wonderful time. :-)