I met this girl and she is great! Never dated a Taurus woman before, so I am embracing the new experience. The only issue I have is that we haven't been dating long and she is already starting to reveal some things and it brings me cause for concern. She is a jealous/possessive woman and she is super spoiled.
We went out to dinner and I was having a great time with her, I see a female friend of mine and I gave her a hug and talked to her for a little bit, I introduced her to my lady friend and everything as to not be rude. After that she started to become passive aggressive and making jokes about how I have all these women. Then next thing I noticed was we were talking one night while I was reading and she said she feels a man should do anything to make his woman happy and it should be her way most of the time. So what I took from that statement is she is not willing to compromise much, I just wanted to know is this typical Taurus woman behavior? She's very beautiful and has a strong work ethic which I adore and we laugh at everything together but I don't want her to think she can just run over me. I'm a Virgo by the way so it says she's my soulmate lol
Thank you very much
I talked with her about some of the things and she apologized, I will admit that I do have a lot of female friends but It's strictly platonic with me I can't speak for those other signs?
I like things to move slow too so we will probably be like two turtles when it comes to being intimate lol
Surprisingly she tried to kiss me after the first date and I told her it was too soon but don't think I didn't want too. But she's a sweetheart, I'll be patient I feel she's worth it none of us are perfect ?