Am I getting somewhere?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by piscesconfusion on Monday, October 21, 2013 and has 3 replies.
I've basically been fwb with a taurus male for about 7 months now. We do act like we're in a relationship though I feel like. For example I try to rarely initiate contact because I don't want to come off clingy but he gets in contact with me daily in some way. He's also introduced me to his friends and brother and sister and their respective families and finally this weekend he asked me to go to his hometown and meet/stay at his mom's house. so I've now met her and a few other family members this weekend as well.
There have also been times when I've said I needed things for example a phone case, and he's surprised me with the exact one I wanted. I met him for lunch one day and said I was going to buy a portable speaker after and he said no take my keys and stop by my house and you can have mine. I complained about losing my watch and he tried to give me his Michael kors one right off his wrist lol (I couldn't accept that too though).
I've asked about a relationship before and he's said he doesn't want one right now so that's made me nervous. Recently though I got fed up because this has gone on for so long and just asked is this worth the time and he said he likes me and it is not a waste of time... but nothing about being exclusive.
This is all a good sign though right? I care about him so much and every second I'm with him can't stop thinking this is who I want to be with forever.
I've read what others have said about once you're a fwb you're stuck there. I realize I did that to myself but I can't help it I enjoy those moments with him too. Plus most times he'll invite me over and just go on about how he just wants to cuddle and that's literally all we'll do.
What is the best way to bring up the exclusive talk or initiate that in a way that won't make him uncomfortable or forced into something?
Thank you @aqua86 18 months in with my taurus and although I would class if us as fwb since the physical benefits just started a month ago, I still feel this talk is needed and these are the perfect set of words " so i know you said you didn't want a relationship, but my feelings for you have grown, and i'm starting to get attached. "