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Jul 23, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 45
Hello to all-
I am new to DXPnet. I am a cancer female (07/11/78; 29) who recently had the pleasure of meeting a Taurus male (04/26/77; 30) this past weekend. He was very, very polite and respectful, which is the reason why I decided to give him my number when he approached me.
He didn't call the first day but called the next day and we ended up meeting each other on Monday.
When he asked what I was looking for, I made it very clear that I was not looking for a booty call situation. I told him that I am open to friendship and if it leads to something further I am open to that too. I was really blunt about it because I wanted to make sure that if that is what he was going for he wouldn't have to waist his time.
I told him that I am single but I occasionally date and asked his situation. He said that he is single but he sees/dates a few females. He said that sometime really soon, when he is where he wants to be he will be looking to settle down and start a relationship.
We sat and talked in his car for almost 3 hours. I really felt comfortable and the conversation flowed easily. He gave me a hug and walked me to my car and asked that I let him know that I got home safely. I called him when I got home.
We didn't talk on Tuesday, so I called him on late (8pm) Wednesday after I got off work to talk or possibly see each other again since I so enjoyed our time together. He was going over his boys' house but said if it wasn't too, too late we could meet up. He did not call me back that night, and I have not spoken to him since then.
I am not used to or comfortable with pursuing or chasing anyone. I am interested in getting to know him more, but do not want to put myself out there if he is not interested.
I think I may have scared him off with my blunt remarks about not wanting a casual situation or is it just normal for Taurus males to be standoffish? I feel like the ball is in his court now, so I have decided to fall back and not contact him unless he calls me.
This is my very first interaction with a Taurus male. Any thoughs???
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
you did not scare him off by being blunt - we like that. He's probably being cautious - and by the way - MOZELTOV !
taurus - cancer is a very good match.
Signed Up:
Jul 23, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 45
Thanks angelfish.
We haven't spoken since then. Maybe he is being cautious, however, I am just going to leave it alone.
If a man is interested he will contact you, since he has not attempted to contact me, I assume "HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO ME!-Greg Behrendt" (---smiling----)
Oh well, better luck next time!