Any Taurus that dated Cancer? Want your feedback

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by kupochan on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 and has 18 replies.
So for the first time in my life I have fallen for someone. This guy and I have gotten to know each other for about a month and a half. He's been great so far. We started out a little quickly, saying very sweet things to each other for the first two weeks until I smothered him too much and he backed off just a bit. I backed off a bit as well, but is still sometimes dropping a sweet thing here and there. Man this cancer is the answer to everything I've wanted in someone and more!
But I wanted to see if any of you have been or are with cancers on your opinions about them. I'm more particularly interested in what to do when they stop taking initiative, yet are responsive when you reach out to them. Partly to blame is me since from the getgo I've been the leader in conversations (damn taurus in my wanting to dominate everything). Wish me luck with this one because I plan to make us a couple!! Man he's using every inch of my patience and persistence, but it's been a fun ride so far!
Oh and if you're interested in our charts we are:
Sun Taurus
Moon Aries
Mercury Aries
Venus Cancer
Mars Cancer
Sun Cancer
Moon Libra
Mercury Leo
Venus Virgo
Mars Capricorn
If you plug both of these birthdays into cafeastrology's love compatibility calculator, we get 100% ! Holy moly :p
Posted by Kodak375
Cancers do the mirroring trick also, so if he senses you feel pull he will pull. Sometimes cancers pull just to see you come, to make sure they're not looking stupid for always reaching out. You seem like you got lead, just do your thing and things will fall into place.

Thanks for the advice! Yeah I should just keep the optimism going, but with less reassurance being given, even I get a little pessimistic.
I have dated a Cancer.
It's not a bad pairing as long as both signs are evolved.
My advice...
Both signs fear rejection, are very protective of themselves, 'iced' individuals out when they have felt slighted, can be quite passive-aggressive when it comes to expressing themselves emotionally.
I have a preference for Earth Signs, they just 'get' me. No real communication and understanding needed.
With a Cancer, a great deal of communication and understanding will be required.
They can be rather sweet, thoughtful and attentive though...
Enjoy the ride!
Posted by KittyKnitter
O am dating Taurus sun Taurus mars cancer venus cancer moon guy. i am cancer leo cusp with taurus moon. we have a lot of synastry. it's how we think and do things that differ.
his taurus makes him come across as being blunt and very earthy, shooting from the hip, in control kind of a guy but that is how he thinks and what he does, doesn't always reflect his feelings although he shows his love in practical ways. his cancer needs to be nurtured and to nurture but he doesn't open himself up to vulnerability very easily.
i would suggest you also pay close attention to the other aspects like his mars and his mervury to see how he goes after what he wants and how he communicates. you have to have a lot of patience yes. i would say he would want to take his time to be sure before falling and even when he does, he will want to be smart about it. i would say once he learns to let go and enjoy the ride both of you will have lots of fun

I'm starting to see that we agree on something, but for different reasons sort of spiel for many things lol Which is why it's more exciting to me than an earth connection. Taurus and Cancer are on the same physical page, but one's on the front, one on the back lol I've been very vocal with how I feel about him from the getgo. Not to try to win him, because I just couldn't help it! Might've scared him into his shell doing that so I'm trying not to push him out and rather back off so he can poke at least his head back out! lol But I've been using every ounce of my patience to hold out in hopes that we can grow closer and closer. I need ideas on how to close in on him..
@taurusbull77 unfortunately for me I've had no luck dating my own element :/ Capricorns are actually on my shit list because they are extremely unresponsive to the point that they make me crazy! Taurus, I only met one good one out of a bunch but he moved away... the rest I didn't develop any feelings for, and every Virgo man I've tried dating has OCD. Like their critical nature is multiplied by 95435843 because of it ooooh lawd
@hotbeefy Sagittarius are right under Capricorns on my shit list lol They are fun to hang out with and talk to but the moment you both disagree on something, shit hits the fan because they overreact. If you don't agree with them they regard you as stupid! This is my personal experiences though so I'm not referring to all sags lol
Leos are like cancers at first, where you have to show lots of interest at first to gain them, except with leos you have to keep it going and they really don't reciprocate. Eventually I get tired of the imbalance. Cancer has been the closest to a soul mate.
Don't even get me started on Aries oooooh fuck!!
Well I am a Taurus with Cancer rising female and I meet Cancers females alot. But the males are more different cause I have only met one in my entire life. I can't find them really. Lol just like they are closed off in their own space; just like Taurus in their own space. And once in awhile the peek out. That's when you find a cancer or Taurus once in blue moon..
So if cancer females and Taurus female make good friends, then the males should be good too. Were similar but I am an earth sign and I need water to help grow. I don't need to much air or fire but will tolerate it..
@hotbeefy i would say the order of what I consider good for me from my dating experiences follows:
@firstdecantauretc... Yeah I decided to put my cancer on the back burner for now. Hasn't initiated anything in a while and it's made me lose feeling special like he first did. I'm just going to focus on my life for now. Keep positive thoughts for me!
I will keep positive thoughts for you...I guess love will find you not the other way around..
@firstdecan thank you so much sweetie!! Light and love to you!
Thank you so much for the insight!! Yeah I can't undo all the things that I said. He was the one that actually asked the relationship questions from the getgo as far as wanting children, if down the line if I wouldn't mind if we were to be serious, if him being older wasn't an issue etc. so I'm trying to backtrack if I did or said anything wrong. I'm pretty sure he backed off once I really opened up to him and texted him on our 2nd week that I'd want for him to eventually be mine.
All I can do is just back off in hopes that he reaches out to me otherwise I'll continue feeling that I'm bothering him now. He already knows how I feel. I've reinforced it over and over again... Which probably played against me. I've thought of dating other people haha but I'd definitely only want a Cancer again. Such a magical connection!!
I'm so happy for you! I never dated a Cancer before, but my mother is a cancer, and we get along so smoothly, we're like best friends. I've had cancers who have had crushes on me, but I never pursued them, but the connection was intense, they just always understood me and i always felt so comfortable around. One thing i know about cancers is that they are very sensitive, and sometimes shy, they are reserved because they are so afraid of getting hurt. When they feel like theyre risking their feelings too much, they hide back in their shell, but remember Taurus, patience is EVERYTHING, give them time and they will come out. But dont back off too much, for they will feel unloved. Cancers are complicated, but a very good fit for taurus.
I second the patience thought. That and complete honesty are the KEY to winning a good Cancer man's heart. smile
Thank you all for your input and support. Unfortunately I haven't heard from him in close to 4 days when we'd have contact everyday! But the last two weeks I've had to absolutely initiate everything so I've just given him space so that he could reach out to me. Guess I wasn't all that special. I bactracked and not a single thing I said was malicious or could be interpreted as so. I'm a little hurt but I'm surprised I'm not depressed like I have been with past dates! The universe gave me such a fun weekend to where I had not a chance to mope, but instead appreciate the people in my life smile If anything I'm really happy that for the first time in my life I was falling in love. I thought it would never happen to me. I still wish him the best, but it's not 100% over. Just left at a cliffhanger.
You gals are fuckin' awesome!! I would instantly foster y'all into my protective circle smile
Taurus/Cancer. Blargen de bleh! ~throws cow poop~
Hi there, I'm sorry I'm confused whether you're a guy or a girl?! excuse me! Big Grin
I'm a Taurus and I've been dating a cancer, but things didn't go the way I thought, even though Taurus and Cancer are very compatible signs, match made in heaven as I read! so good luck, and maybe you learn something from my story here:
Posted by Libralicious72
Posted by kupochan
Thank you all for your input and support. Unfortunately I haven't heard from him in close to 4 days when we'd have contact everyday! But the last two weeks I've had to absolutely initiate everything so I've just given him space so that he could reach out to me. Guess I wasn't all that special. I bactracked and not a single thing I said was malicious or could be interpreted as so. I'm a little hurt but I'm surprised I'm not depressed like I have been with past dates! The universe gave me such a fun weekend to where I had not a chance to mope, but instead appreciate the people in my life smile If anything I'm really happy that for the first time in my life I was falling in love. I thought it would never happen to me. I still wish him the best, but it's not 100% over. Just left at a cliffhanger.
You gals are fuckin' awesome!! I would instantly foster y'all into my protective circle smile

Hey Jesse... Don't worry, he may just be 'processing'... This can sometimes take up to 3 weeks though!...
Hang in there honey... In the meantime, get on with your life and if he does get back in contact, be welcoming and tell him how happy you are to hear from him again x
click to expand

Omg I came back to update and this is literally what happened! He texted me after two weeks of silence lol He wants to hang out. Needless to say all the feelings came back for him as I was still keeping my options open forgetting about him. Give me your knowledge libralicious cause obviously you know what you're talking about!! Lol